The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 162 Broken Star (please subscribe)

This was the first time Liang Ji saw the demon tide in the void, and he couldn't help but be attracted and shocked by this sight.

Just like Yu Henghai said, the void demon tide is spectacular!

But what was even more spectacular was the battle that followed.

When the Void Monster Wave swept closer, a battlefield had already been set up on Black Mercury. Many star warships, sky islands, and various war magic weapons were waiting in formation, whether they were garrisoned troops or those who came to help in the battle and reap benefits. At this time, they all broke out to attack.

Thunder light, golden light, green light, red light, yellow light, purple light... all kinds of divine light erupted from battleships, sky islands, and war magic weapons, and blasted into those natural disasters and void demon tides.

It's like thousands of cannons firing together, it's extremely spectacular!

Roaring explosions erupted in the void outside the 'Black Mercury', and various divine lights blasted into the demon tide in the void, colliding, exploding, and stirring with various natural disaster storms.

Just like throwing numerous bombs into volcanoes, deep seas, and storms, explosions, collisions, and natural disasters erupted. All kinds of rays of light burst out in an instant, filling this void of stars and black holes. .

Even with Liang Ji's starlight projection body, standing on the Sky Island Battleship at this time, looking at the battlefield, his eyes were instantly filled with endless light explosions. Everything he saw was all kinds of light, and finally turned into A white light, a blazing white light.

It was completely white, nothing could be seen or clearly seen.

My ears were also filled with various roars and explosions, getting louder and louder, until finally it seemed like I couldn't hear anything at all, only the buzzing sound in my ears.

The elephant is invisible, but the sound is loud!

In this collision and battle between starry battleships, powerful ships and cannons, and the tide of void demons and natural disasters, the lowest number of participants were fourth-level star masters and fourth-level void demon beasts. Only fifth-level star masters and void demon beasts participated. It is the main body of the battle, and there are even sixth-order star masters sitting in, fighting and colliding with sixth-order void monsters.

For Liang Ji, who has just entered the second-level star master, it is undoubtedly too big and the level is too high. He often cannot see clearly the battles between these intermediate star masters and void monsters, even if he is a spectator.

However, he had no intention of leaving, but still tried his best to look towards the battlefield.

Even if he couldn't clearly see the battle situation, even if what he saw was blurry and what he heard was ringing in his ears, seeing such a battle scene between an intermediate star master and the void demon tide undoubtedly made him understand the middle-level star master and the intermediate void demon tide. The beast has more and clearer understanding.

It makes him more interested and confident in the next practice of Star Master.

It was like climbing a mountain. He had just climbed to the foot of the mountain, but if he could see a corner of the magnificent scenery on the mountainside in advance, it would undoubtedly give him more courage, strength and persistence.

The surrounding battleships, empty islands, and various battle formation magic weapons are still roaring continuously. Various formations and forbidden auras flow on them, turning into attacks of various attributes, such as fire, ice, floods, mountains, etc. Thunder, storm, divine light...etc.

Completely submerging the battlefield where the void monster tide is located, it continuously turns into light explosions that fill all directions and fill the horizon.

When the white light and light explosions that filled his vision gradually fell and dispersed, revealing the battlefield that Liang Ji could see, the incoming void demon tide had been blasted away by the continuous bombardment of numerous battleships, sky islands and other war weapons.

The battlefield was a mess, with the corpses of many giant beasts lying in the void. Many broken scales, horns and feathers, flesh and blood, and corpses were scattered everywhere, and various energies exploded everywhere on the battlefield.

However, although there were many void monsters killed by the bombardment, the "Black Mercury" that was about to be destroyed and the burst of bright starlight attracted more and larger waves of void monsters.

But in the blink of an eye, more void monsters came, sweeping more and more powerful energy storms and natural disaster storms.

They stepped on the bodies of the void monsters in front of them, walked on the path of flesh and blood opened by the void monsters in front, broke into the void range of 'Black Mercury', and rushed in front of various warships, sky islands and other war magic weapons.

More intense collisions and more brutal battles broke out in an instant.

This time, not only the warships, sky islands and other war magic weapons of the star masters from all sides launched various bombardments and attacks, but the void monsters who rushed nearby also swept up various energy storms, like natural disasters coming to the world, towards everyone. Fang warships, air islands, etc. launched a counterattack.

Various defensive formations, restrictions, and force fields were also raised on the warships and air islands of all parties to resist the natural disaster attacks of these energy storms.

All kinds of energy, divine light, and natural disasters collided and exploded everywhere on the battlefield, and void monsters were constantly being killed.

However, as more and more void monsters came and became stronger, the battlefield began to be shattered. Battleships, air islands and other war weapons from all sides began to fight on their own.

Battleships, empty islands, etc. also began to be broken by the void demon clan's energy storms, natural disaster attacks, and even direct powerful physical collisions to break through the defenses and bombard them to pieces.

Explosion, fall!

On the battlefield, the losses of mid-level star masters' battleships and air islands are also gradually increasing.

Most of the warriors from various clans who were responsible for controlling and controlling the battleships and sky islands also died as the battleships and sky islands exploded and perished.

The casualties on both sides increased in the brutal battle.

However, the deaths and injuries of the Void Demon Clan were still far greater than the losses on the Star Lord's side.

However, under the wave of void monsters, there are too many, too strong, and endless streams of attacking void monsters, and the battle will only become more and more fierce and fierce.

During the battle, there were also many void monsters who were directly attracted to the 'Black Mercury' below, devouring more and more powerful starlight energy and star origins that burst out from the 'Black Mercury'. .

Many of the surrounding star warships, sky islands and other war magic weapons directly bombarded the 'Black Mercury' with various attacks, killing those Void Monsters and also bombarding the 'Black Mercury'.

At this time, Liang Ji's eyes couldn't help but turn to 'Black Mercury'.

It can be seen that the light explosions and flares that were accidentally seen in the depths of the Black Water have almost become normal at this time, as if there is a 'sun' erupting in the depths and core of the 'Black Mercury', impacting. Quartet.

As more and more void monsters rush into the 'Black Mercury', swallowing up more and more starlight energy and star origin, more and more battleships, sky islands and other war magic weapons attack and blast into the 'Black Mercury'. Mercury' in.

The collapse and destruction of this huge 'liquid star' are getting faster and faster.

The 'sun' in the depths of the black water is getting bigger and brighter, while the endless black water in the stars and the entire stars are beginning to collapse, break, and move toward destruction!

Liang Ji looked at the scene of shattered and destroyed stars in front of him, and felt an inexplicable feeling rushing into his heart, which shocked his mind and seemed to be blank, but also seemed to have some realization.

This is the real destruction of stars!

This is the real Broken Star!

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