The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 165: Completing the First Astrology (Please Subscribe)

After opening the information sent by Master Akadema, there was a light curtain made of starlight. There was a star full of green in the light curtain.

Liang Ji cast his gaze into the light curtain and was immediately attracted. His eyes, mind, and consciousness seemed to be drawn into this light curtain. He seemed to have really entered a void universe and was overlooking a green star below. of stars.

He could see that this was a life star, and the greens on it were all kinds of vibrant vegetation and forests.

Above this star, forests occupy more than 70% of the area. It is a veritable ‘Jupiter’.

A large number of vegetation and forests also support various birds and animals, snakes, insects, rats and ants, as well as several indigenous alien races.

Liang Ji didn't know from whose perspective he was observing the star. He seemed to be high up and far away from the star, but he could clearly see the vegetation, insects, rats, and the lives of the indigenous alien races in the star.

He could feel that the entire 'Jupiter', from the inside to the outside, and even the force field of the stars, was full of vitality.

I don’t know how long it took, but there seemed to be something strange in the void in the distance, and a huge black shadow was spreading.

Only when we got closer did we see that it was a huge void monster, like a giant octopus, rushing towards the vibrant 'Jupiter' as if it were preying on prey. In the process of rushing towards it, the huge void monster The size of the octopus continued to grow, and eventually it was almost as big as the 'Jupiter'.

Jumping in front of Jupiter, the octopus stretched out its tentacles, and the top of each tentacle was a huge open mouth, like a bottomless abyss.

In these tentacled mouths, various natural disasters and storms are also sweeping across, and as the abyssal mouths sweep towards and swallow up Jupiter.

This void octopus is not like the void monsters that Liang Ji saw on the Black Mercury, chasing and devouring starlight energy. Instead, it opens its huge mouth to directly swallow the stars.

The vegetation, forests, earth, rivers, birds and animals, indigenous alien races, etc. on 'Jupiter' were all directly devoured by it.

It's like eating a cookie.

Liang Ji didn't know what level of star this 'Jupiter' was, but the indigenous alien races within it had already developed a high level of cultivation civilization.

Among them, the strongest group of indigenous alien races can already fly to the nine heavens, and are only one step away from breaking out of the stars and entering the star sea and universe.

But at this time, faced with the devouring of this void octopus, the indigenous alien races in ‘Jupiter’ were powerless to fight back.

They rushed up to the nine heavens, they set off water, fire, wind and thunder, and they used all kinds of powerful weapons.

However, these attacks and resistance were all swallowed up and annihilated by the huge void octopus, the abyss with its tentacles opening its huge mouth, and the various natural disasters sweeping through it.

This was a crushing devouring and dimensionality-reducing blow. It didn’t take long for a green star that was originally full of vitality, with its magnetic field and force field to be devoured by the Void Octopus Monster Clan. It was full of scars and pitted, like a broken little ball of earth.

Natural disasters, death, and destruction have descended on this star from the void star sea.

The law of the jungle is clearly demonstrated at this moment.

Liang Ji's mind was also deeply shocked.

He has already seen that this 'Jupiter' should be a spiritual star and life star that was born on its own in the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance.

As a result, he met a high-level void demon clan, and now he is facing the fate of destruction.

If it were in the 'Star Alliance', most of the Void Demon Clan would be suppressed and sealed in the black holes in the centers of various star fields. If any Void Demon Clan attacked the living stars, they would have been directly bombarded by the 'Star Alliance'. .

At this time, Liang Ji discovered that there was also a strange movement in the void on the other side. A huge star appeared, rushing towards the void octopus and the swallowed 'Jupiter'.

When you get closer, you can see that this is a huge battleship and fortress, as if it is made of the entire star. Its formations and restrictions are densely covered.

After getting closer, formations and restrictions were activated on the star battleships and fortresses, and spiritual lights gathered together, turning into terrifying divine light and blasting towards the void octopus that was devouring 'Jupiter'.

The Void Octopus also danced its huge tentacles, stirring the void, and fought against the attacks of star battleships and fortresses.

What followed was a quick and fierce battle between the star warships and the void octopus, shaking the void and stirring up the galaxy.

Finally, the riddled 'Jupiter' was hit by a divine light from the Star Battleship and exploded directly, severely injuring the Void Octopus.

The severely injured Void Octopus immediately fled towards the depths of the void, with the Star Battleship chasing after it.

Liang Ji paid no attention to the subsequent battle. He looked at the shattered 'Jupiter' and already understood in his heart that this was the information that Master Akadera wanted him to see.

The process of a spiritual star and life star full of vitality being shattered and destroyed!

The stars he had seen destroyed before were all lifeless Death Stars.

At this time, I saw for the first time that a star full of life and with many lives living on it was destroyed and shattered!

In particular, I don’t know what methods Master Akadama used. His current perspective is as if he is personally present at the scene. The impact of what he sees and feels is almost no less than the destruction process of ‘Black Mercury’ that he witnessed with his own eyes.

Liang Ji once again felt that he had more insights into the practice of the star technique ‘Shattering Star Strike’, and he had a new way to practice and move forward.

Just when he thought he had finished reading the information given by his instructor, he was about to withdraw his consciousness and practice the 'Star-Breaking Strike' while his feelings and insights were strongest now.

However, he saw that the void in front of him changed again and actually entered another scene.

This is a vast void battlefield. In the battlefield, there are Star Lord family members driving many starry sky battleships and even star fortresses, fighting with the enemy.

And this time the enemy is no longer the Void Monster Clan, but a being similar to the Familia. On one side are countless figures that seem to be condensed by blazing white light, and on the other side are countless undead souls.

They surrounded them from two sides and killed the Star Lord Familia in the encirclement. It could be seen that the Star Lord Familia was already in danger.

And above the battlefield, three figures stood tall in the void star sea. One was shrouded in the light of the stars, like a figure like the Emperor of Heaven. That was a Star Lord, but it could be seen that he had been seriously injured.

In front of and behind him stood a sun-like figure shining with countless blazing white rays of light, and an abyss-like black figure swallowing up all light.

At this time, around the surrounded and severely injured Star Lord, a galaxy appeared, with the sun, moon and stars moving around, and the stars of life, which were his natal stars.

Suddenly, the natal stars began to disintegrate, and the sun and moon galaxies began to collapse and then explode.

The endless bright light gathered and exploded, turning into the last and brightest blow in the hands of the Star Master, immediately engulfing the two figures surrounding him.

The scene ended here, and Liang Ji's perspective, mind, and consciousness had all been withdrawn, but the impact and shock he felt could not subside for a long time.

He already understood that the last thing the Star Master used was the Star Technique 'Breaking Star Strike'!

The real Star-Breaking Blow, the Star-Breaking Blow that will kill both of us!

Witnessing a real 'star-shattering strike' with his own eyes, the impact and shock that Liang Ji received was even greater than the shattering and destruction of the 'Black Mercury' he had seen with his own eyes before.

All kinds of feelings and insights came to his mind. Liang Ji gathered his emotions and devoted himself to the practice of the star technique 'Broken Star Strike'.

Time passed and it was another three months.

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