The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 166 The Power of the Emperor of Heaven (please subscribe)

Three months later, Liang Ji was among the natal stars.

In Dragon Soul City, a grand sacrificial ceremony was being held in front of the Tiandi Temple.

The sacrificial leader, 'Xi Thirty-Fifth', is leading the sacrificial leaders in the Dragon Nine Village to dance sacrificial dances on the sacrificial platform and pray to the Emperor of Heaven.

Today's sacrificial rituals are much grander and more elaborate than those at the First Level.

The priests already have special sacrificial dances, and a special high platform has been built at the place of sacrifice, with various precious and symbolic objects placed around it.

In the past, a blazing bonfire would be lit on the ground in the center of the sacrificial site.

Now, in the center of the sacrificial platform is a huge copper tripod. The bonfire has been changed from the ground to burning in the copper tripod. The flames soar into the sky, seemingly reaching the Emperor of Heaven.

Under the bronze tripod, there are ten incense tables with incense burners and offerings on them.

This is another new change. In the past, there was basically only one incense table for sacrifices and offerings, but now it has been changed to ten. The largest one is in front, and the nine behind are arranged in three rows.

They represent Dragon Soul City and Jiuzi Village respectively. The incense case in Dragon Soul City is at the front and is the largest, while the incense case in Jiuzi Village is at the back and is smaller.

On these incense tables, there are also slightly different offerings from the Half-Dragon Family and the Nine Sons of Dragon Bloodline Family.

For example, on the incense table of the Qiuniu Familia clan, the spiritual plants and elixirs harvested by the Qiuniu Village are enshrined; on the incense table of the Yaizhen Familia, the spiritual beasts hunted by the Yaizhen Village are enshrined!

As Liang Ji's natal star has advanced to the second level, not only the various spiritual roots in it have been able to cultivate many first-level spiritual plants and elixirs; similarly, many spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds can also cultivate various first-level spiritual plants and elixirs. Level spiritual beast.

These spiritual beasts are more difficult to hunt than ordinary beasts, but their flesh, muscles, bones, and energy content are undoubtedly far superior to ordinary beasts, and they are now the primary source of meat for the second-level clansmen.

Yaizhen is good at hunting. Yaizhan Village was developed from the original Longmu Village, and now it is even trying to herd spiritual animals.

Naturally, the sacrifices they offered were mainly spiritual beasts.

In addition, there are talismans enshrined by the Chaofeng Familia, elixirs enshrined by the Suan Ni Familia, magic weapons enshrined by the Biuan Familia, spiritual fish enshrined by the Chiki Familia, etc.

The sacrifices offered by the Half-Dragon Familia and the Nine Sons of Dragon Familia are basically related to their respective attributes, characteristics, and development directions.

When the momentum and atmosphere of this grand sacrificial ceremony reached its peak, the sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth' led the sacrificial people in Jiuzi Village and all the family members participating in the sacrificial ceremony, and they all fell to the ground and saluted to the sky. Kowtow, kneel three times and kowtow nine times.

Then, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’ raised his head to the sky and prayed: “The wind will rise!”

The next moment, an east wind blew from the sea to the east, getting stronger and stronger, making the flags placed on the sacrificial ground rustle.

These flags are embroidered with the images of dragons and the Nine Sons of the Dragon respectively. They are not complete yet, but the prototypes and differences can be seen. They have the characteristics of the half-dragon dependents and the Nine Sons of the Dragon bloodline dependents.


The sacrificial leader ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’ continued to pray.

In the sky, large clouds came with the wind. They were continuous and overwhelming, and would soon cover the sky and all directions of Dragon Soul City.

In the city and in all directions, many families participating in the sacrifices, facing the change of the power of heaven and earth, their expressions became more solemn and pious, and the figures who kowtowed became more respectful.

"Here comes the rain!"

When the storm reached its peak, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’ raised his voice to pray again.

Heavy rain fell from the sky, falling inside and outside Dragon Soul City. Many family members cheered and shouted the name of the Emperor in the heavy rain. The solemnity and respect of the family members participating in the sacrifice reached its peak.

On the high platform of the sacrificial ceremony, the sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth' looked at the family members from all walks of life who were bowing respectfully and solemnly below, with a solemn expression and a satisfied heart.

As the natal stars advanced, a large number of dependents advanced to the second level and began to master various powers of water, fire, wind and thunder, becoming more and more powerful.

And strong strength often brings more self-confidence, as well as the impulse to doubt and challenge.

The leader of the sacrifices, ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’, is very clear that in the past few decades, there have even been some undercurrents among the dependents, doubting and challenging the leadership of the sacrifices, and wanting to seize the leadership of the dependent tribes.

This can also be said to be the inevitable result of tens of thousands of years of development of the clan tribe, economic, political, and social development, as well as the continuous improvement of class and class struggle.

From the very beginning, there was a fight for the position of the leaders of various villages, then there was an open and covert fight for the position of the leaders of the entire tribe, and now they even want to challenge the leadership position of the religious priests.

Struggle always progresses from small to large, step by step.

However, with this grand sacrificial ceremony, the sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth' clearly felt that the turbulent undercurrent of respect and submission from all the family members below was suppressed and dispersed before it could rise or expand. .

‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’ was very satisfied with this. Seeing that the time was almost up, he raised his voice again and prayed to the Emperor of Heaven:

"Rain harvest!"

"The clouds disperse!"

"The wind stops!"

"Thank you God for the rain!"

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for your protection!"

"Everything we have belongs to you!"

The sacrificial leader ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’ led the increasingly respectful and surrendered family members to pay homage to the heaven and earth and praise the Emperor of Heaven.

The clouds dispersed and the rain stopped in the sky, and the bright sunshine shone down.

This grand sacrificial ceremony also reached its peak. The sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth' began to announce the purpose of this sacrificial ceremony: "The abdication and handover ceremony of the 'King' of the Thirty-fifth Dragon Soul Tribe begins now. !”

At the solemn sacrificial scene, the aging political leader "Wang Thirty-Four" climbed onto the high platform, kowtowed to heaven and earth, and then gave a speech, praising the Emperor of Heaven, telling his own achievements, and wishing for the future. Down the development of the tribe.

Finally, ‘Wang 34th’ bowed to the sacrificial leader ‘Xi 35th’ and handed over the talisman representing the ‘king’s position’ of the tribe’s political leader.

After handing over the talisman, the abdicated king seemed to have had most of his energy and energy drained out. His already old and frail figure began to decline more and more, and he staggered down the high platform.

"Our new king is invited to come on stage and accept the 'kingship' granted by the Emperor of Heaven!"

The leader of the sacrifices, ‘Xi Thirty-Fifth’, raised his voice again.

On the side, a young, strong and majestic half-dragon climbed onto the high platform. He also bowed to the heaven and earth first, then half-knelt in front of the sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth', and accepted the gift from the other party, representing The 'King's Position' talisman representing the political leader of the Dragon Soul Tribe has become the new political leader of the tribe, 'King Thirty-Fifth'!

Under the high platform, there were tribal historians who wrote hurriedly to record this grand sacrifice and the abdication and handover ceremony of the tribal political leaders in the history books and pass them down to future generations.

And Liang Ji was also paying attention to this sacrifice and handover. He was actually controlling and performing the functions of calling the wind, driving the clouds, and summoning the rain just now.

As he successfully mastered the star technique 'Broken Star Strike', he completely mastered the 'Tao Fruit' contained in the stars, and his control over the various powers in his natal stars suddenly increased greatly and became more detailed.

When the first-level star master reached perfection and completed the tenth marrow cleansing and blood exchange, he was able to directly affect his natal star. But the influence at that time was still very small, basically it could only stir up the breeze and stir the microwaves.

But now, with the advancement of the Star Master, the growth of 'Path Fruit', and the cultivation of the star technique 'Broken Star Strike', he has been able to initially set off a small-scale turmoil and call for rain in his natal star.

As the power of influence among the natal stars has greatly increased, we also take this opportunity to once again strengthen the leadership and control of the religious sacrifices over the dependents.

"Unfortunately, the 'Dao Fruit' is still too low and the power is still too weak. Now we can only summon wind and rain. We tried to use some thunder and lightning to increase its power but failed."

"It is still necessary to continue to develop the natal stars, improve the family members, and increase the Taoist fruits."

Liang Ji thought with some regret in his heart.

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