The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 167 The Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth (please subscribe)

In the more than six months since he devoted himself to cultivating the planetary technique 'Breaking Star Strike', Liang Ji has refined sixteen second-level demon pills. The strength of the spiritual veins in his natal stars has increased to the second level (17%). The Dao Fruit It also increased to 17.1%.

Although this cultivation speed and growth rate are already considered fast among those at the same level, they are still at a low level after all. Even if Liang Ji has mastered the 'Broken Star Blow' and fully masters the power of Dao Fruit, he can The power stirred up in the natal stars is also limited.

Liang Ji withdrew his mind and consciousness from paying attention to his natal stars and dependents, and instead focused on his own Qi refining practice.

Just when he had mastered the star technique 'Shattering Star Strike' and completely mastered his natal stars and mastered the Tao Fruit, he seemed to be stimulated by this. The star power instilled by his natal stars surged in an instant, and even formed a qualitative change, helping him in one fell swoop. He successfully opened up the Dantian Qi sea.

Moreover, the qi sea in Dantian is as vast and vast as the sea, which is obviously better and larger than the various conditions of opening up the qi sea recorded in the inheritance of 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Qi'.

On the one hand, this is the star master's Qi refining practice. With the support of the natal stars, it is stronger than the practice of most Qi refiners. The Dantian Qi sea opened up is generally bigger and better; on the other hand, it is naturally due to his cultivation of Star Technique. "Broken Star Strike" fully controls the influence of Dao Fruit, making the star power instilled more and stronger, and the Dantian opened up is also bigger and better.

Once the sea of ​​qi in Dantian is opened, the next step is to fill it up.

This step is a very time-consuming and energy-consuming practice for many qi-refining monks. Not only is it slow to accumulate, but also if something consumes part of the true qi, it has to be accumulated again.

Unless there are precious elixirs that can increase the process of accumulating true energy.

Liang Ji's mother practices the Qi Refining Master inheritance. One of the reasons why she has stayed at the first level of Qi refining for so many years and cannot carry out subsequent evil refining practices is that she does not have enough spirit stones to buy suitable evil spirits. Another important reason is that accumulating true energy is too slow and difficult.

She does not have precious elixirs to speed up the process of accumulating qi, but she also has to constantly consume qi, cast spells, and cultivate spiritual plants. If she wants to accumulate enough qi to reach the level where she can refine evil spirits, it will naturally be even slower.

Nowadays, his mother has left the front line of spiritual root cultivation and serves as a small leader in the Agricultural Bureau. She does not need to consume Qi frequently. She also has various benefits from the city government and can buy some pills for Qi refining practice.

In this way, I was able to regain my confidence in Qi refining and practice, thinking about taking a further step on the path of practice, or even going all the way.

Of course, this is for monks of the Qi Refiner Tradition.

For Star Masters, although the sea of ​​​​Qi in their Dantian is generally larger, with the support of the natal stars and the continuous infusion of star power to refine the true energy, they will not be able to fully accumulate the sea of ​​​​Qi in their Dantian. Much faster and easier.

Liang Ji can now sense that in the Dantian Qi sea, there are wisps of smoke-like black and yellow aura flowing and gathering.

"The qi sea in Dantian has been opened up, and the practice of qi refining can be considered a complete introduction."

"It's better to refine the natal magic weapon as soon as possible."

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji used his Kunlun Star Palace account to log in to the official intranet of the Star Alliance Weapon Refiner Association again.

He had already read through the various forbidden inheritances of magical weapons recorded in this intranet over the past few months, and he already had a preference in his mind regarding the choice of his natal magical weapon.

He quickly turned the page to the selected side, and what was depicted on it was a black-yellow pagoda-like magic weapon, called: Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth.

There is no doubt that the sacrifice of this magic weapon requires the use of the black and yellow energy of heaven and earth. It is very consistent with the Qi refining technique that Liang Ji is currently practicing and the bloodline of the dependent family in his natal star.

In the official website of the Artifact Refiner Association, the introduction to the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda' is extremely complicated to refine, and it is divided into several levels of choices. The lowest one can be refined into a seven-story pagoda, with nine more levels above it. , 12th floor, 18th floor, 24th floor, 33rd floor, etc.

The materials required for refining are extremely numerous and extremely rare, and it consumes a lot of energy and time. It is usually not recommended for low-level monks to refine and use them.

However, these are all said to other Taoist monks.

For Star Master monks, these are naturally no problem.

Liang Ji directly exchanged the forbidden inheritance of the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda'. Of course, he exchanged it for the highest level thirty-three-story pagoda inheritance.

For this, he spent one hundred and thirty-three points of merit, which was basically the amount of merit that he exchanged for the "Starlight Silk Ribbon" that he harvested from "Black Mercury".

He felt even more deeply that merit was hard to earn, but it was consumed like running water.

Then, he restricted the inheritance of this magic weapon, refined it into the natal star, and spread it to the family members, so that the weapon refiners in the half-dragon family members and the nine son blood family members could learn it.

Finally, Liang Ji purchased the corresponding spiritual roots and spiritual seed resources according to the various weapon refining materials required in the inheritance, and planted them into his natal stars.

When these spiritual materials and spiritual objects mature, his own family's weapon refiner will mine this material and use the strength of the entire clan to refine this destiny magic weapon for him: the thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth.

Star owners just sit back and enjoy their success.

Of course, in order to purchase these precious spiritual seed resources; and in the past six months, as he continued to refine demon elixirs, upgrade stars, and the number of his family members continued to grow, Liang Ji also needed to continue to plant more various spiritual roots and spiritual roots. resources.

On the one hand, it is to balance the five elements and energy foundation in the natal stars, and on the other hand, it is to provide sufficient food resources for the growing family members.

A lot of spiritual stones were spent on this.

Adding the two together, he has almost consumed the millions of spiritual stones he earned from hunting the Void Demon Clan in Black Mercury.

For low-level Star Master monks, merit and spiritual stones are never enough!

Unless he is willing to slow down his cultivation and development, slowly use his time to cultivate resources, earn spiritual stones, and then slowly improve his natal stars, dependents, and his own cultivation. It will take ten years or even decades to improve by one level. level.

This is also a choice, and it is often the way of practice chosen by ordinary Star Lord students in many schools.

But because of this, among the many ordinary Star Lord students, there are always very few who can really persist to the end, advance to the intermediate level, high level Star Lord, or even ascend to sainthood.

As for Star Palace, students are encouraged to complete the cultivation and advancement of the low-level Star Lord stage as soon as possible.

This can be seen from the ‘student loan’ module specially provided on the Star Palace official website.

Star Palace would rather provide 'loans' to students, but also help them complete low-level cultivation and advancement as soon as possible.

Liang Ji naturally made the same choice.

But now, the accumulated merits and spiritual stones have been almost consumed, and even the demon pills have been refined to only two. Liang Ji can't help but think about whether to go to the Yinghai Black Cave again and continue to hunt the second-order void demon clan. , hunting demon pills, earning spiritual stones, and even meritorious deeds?

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