The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 169 Returning home in glory (please subscribe)

Penglai Star Territory, Penglai City.

This is Liang Ji's second time here. The last time he was on his way to the Kunlun Star Palace, he stopped here. He was so short that he didn't have time to look around.

This time, we were also stopping here, but we didn’t have much time to visit.

They met up with senior Qi Changge in Penglai City, then boarded the starship and headed to the Serpentine Star.

There were not many team members with senior Qi Changge, only a young woman with a petite stature but a rather generous temperament.

"This is our group leader, a student from Creation Star Palace." Qi Changge introduced Liang Ji and said, "Just call him Senior Sister Yang."

The woman on the side also showed a generous smile at this time, nodded to Liang Ji, and said: "Junior, Chang Ge has told me about your situation. My name is Yang Yun. Thank you very much this time."

Liang Ji immediately smiled and said, "It's my honor to be able to help seniors and seniors."

The three of them did not stay in Penglai City longer. Senior Qi Changge had already booked the starship tickets to Serpentis and arranged everything well.

On the starship, the three of them didn't talk much about anything else. Liang Ji was basically introducing them to the Sky Snake Star and some of the scenery and tourist spots around Snake City.

All the behaviors were as if a junior invited his seniors and seniors to visit his hometown to thank his seniors, or to show off his dignity by returning to his hometown in fine clothes.

As for the missions of Qi Changge and the others, they were not mentioned at all.

A few days later, the starship arrived at Serpentis without incident.

Liang Ji and the other two entered the Serpentine Star and took a speed train to Xiu She City.

On the way, he had already informed his parents, and when he arrived at Xiu She City, his family was ready to welcome the visiting seniors and sisters.

After Liang Ji accompanied his seniors and sisters for a while, he began to bring gifts as planned and went to visit his former class teacher and current principal of the No. 2 Middle School, Mr. Du, as well as Director Zhang of the Municipal Education Bureau who had helped him before. He has quite a few people.

These gifts were all purchased by him in the ‘Market Transaction’ module of Star Palace’s official website. Some spiritual objects and materials that are difficult to find on the market may not be very valuable to Teacher Du and Director Zhang.

However, for Liang Ji, these are indispensable.

On the one hand, he is really grateful to Teacher Du, Director Zhang and others for their help before the college entrance examination, and he is also willing to continue to develop this relationship and network.

On the other hand, he visited various places with the gifts he bought and brought back from Kunlun Star Palace. He also showed the attitude and appearance of returning home in fine clothes, and openly told everyone that he was back from Kunlun Star Palace. , and lived very well in Kunlun Star Palace, and even invited two seniors and senior sisters to come and play.

Only by acting openly and openly can they appear more normal and conceal their true purpose.

Sure enough, Teacher Du, Director Zhang and others did not show any doubts about his actions.

In the past ten months, other students who were admitted to the Star Palace have returned home in glorious glory. Liang Ji has only come back now, which is considered too late.

As for inviting seniors and sisters back to play, no one has any doubts.

It's just that Liang Ji came from an ordinary family and lacked self-confidence, so he specially invited his seniors and sisters to come back to save his face.

He smiled and talked with Teacher Du, Director Zhang and others about his study and life in Kunlun Star Palace, and then declined their invitation to treat guests.

Liang Ji visited all parties as planned and then returned home.

Afterwards, a banquet was held at the city’s ‘Shande Building’ to welcome the arrival of seniors Qi Changge and Yang Yun.

The next day, Liang Ji began to lead two seniors and sisters to visit some scenic places near Xiu She City as planned. Everything behaved very normally.

It was not until three days later, after having explored most of the surrounding scenery, that Liang Ji pretended to casually ask his father about the situation of the black market near Snake Repair City.

Ask him if he knows where the black market is and how to get in?

Although his father was a little confused, as Liang Ji expected, he knew all this information.

Liang Ji's father liked to drink and was good at making friends around the drinking table. Before joining the Municipal Inspection Department, he often drank with some people in the Inspection Department and made friends. Now he joins the Inspection Department and becomes a The junior leader is undoubtedly a fish in water. He is very popular in the inspection department and has made many friends at the dinner table.

Therefore, although he has only joined the Municipal Inspection Department for less than a year, he already knows a lot of information about the bright and dark sides of Snake Repair City.

Liang Ji didn't explain much, he just said that he was a little curious about the 'black market', and he went in with his seniors and sisters to take a look.

When my father heard this, he was still a little worried and said: "There are many people and objects of unknown origin in the black market."

"It was only after I entered the Inspection Department that I found out that more than a year ago, six Star Master students in your class died unexpectedly."

"It is said that the reason is that the family of a Star Master student bought something on the black market and refined it into the natal star for that Star Master student. Not only did he suffer a disaster, but he also implicated other people."

As the father spoke, the worry on his face became more and more obvious.

Hearing this, Liang Ji said with a smile: "Don't worry, Dad, I'm just curious and want to follow the seniors and seniors to have a look. What's more, with the seniors and seniors here, their cultivation, strength, and knowledge are not low, so there will be no problem."

Senior Qi Changge is a third-level star master and a seventh-level soul refiner, while his team leader, Senior Sister Yang Yun, is a fourth-level star master and a sixth-level golden elixir realm, and has reached the level of an intermediate star master.

Regardless of his cultivation, strength, and knowledge, he is extraordinary.

What's more, they work in the Star Alliance security department, how can they not have some trump cards?

Seeing what Liang Ji said, his father stopped insisting and said, "Well, wait until I come back to you in the evening with some tokens to enter the black market."

As he said that, he was still a little worried and warned: "But, go in and see if everything is okay, but you must not buy anything inside, and don't refine it into the natal stars if you buy it."

"Thank you dad." Liang Ji said with a smile: "Don't worry, I am a student of Kunlun Star Palace, and I have Star Palace behind me. Even if I really buy something, I will give it to Star Palace for processing first. Absolutely no problem."

After hearing what he said, most of the worry on his father's face disappeared, but he still warned: "Remember what you said."

"Your mother and I only have one son, and we don't want someone with white hair to give away someone with black hair."

Liang Ji couldn't help but made repeated promises, but he had never noticed that his father could be so 'nagging' sometimes.

That night, when his father came back from the city inspection department, he brought back three thumb-sized black jade tokens, and told him the location of the black market, saying: "You take these jade tokens to the place, activate them, and you can It opens the door to the black market."

"By the way, before you go to the black market, you'd better disguise yourself."

As he spoke, he took out three more masks and handed them to him, saying: "These are three disguise masks. I heard that they are very effective, so I bought them specially."

"Bring it with you when you get there."

Liang Ji took the black jade order and mask, but knowing his father's worries, he nodded and assured: "Dad, don't worry, I will follow the senior and senior sister to have a look, everything will be fine."

"Even if it is a black market, it is orderly and has rules. Otherwise, how can it continue to operate?"

The father nodded when he heard this and said: "That's right. I heard that many people in the city have been to the black market, and there seems to be no problem."

"However, you should be careful and don't buy anything randomly."

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