The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 170 Black Market (Please subscribe)

The next day, after bidding farewell to his nagging father, Liang Ji went to the black market with Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang.

On the way, senior Qi Changge couldn't help but said: "Junior, why don't you go? I'll go with the team leader."

"We have entered a lot of black markets everywhere and have a good understanding of them."

"Now that we know the place and have the key to get in, that's all."

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but smile and asked: "Senior, when you go to the black market this time, don't you plan to take action inside and dismantle the black market?"

"Of course not." Qi Changge shook his head and said, "We are just going inside to look for a clue, and we won't do anything."

"That's fine." Liang Ji said, "There won't be any danger if you don't take action. I happen to be quite curious about the black market. Let's go together to learn more."

"Besides, I am also a disciple of Xing Gong. I may have to deal with these black markets in the future. It just so happens that I can learn from my senior's experience this time."

Hearing what he said, Senior Sister Yang Yun said with a smile: "Senior Brother Liang is right. After you advance to the third-level Star Master, if you intend to join the Star Alliance security department, you are welcome to come to my group."

As she spoke, she took out a ring and handed it over, saying, "This little thing is a gift from my senior sister to thank you for your help this time."

Liang Ji looked at the ring handed over by the other party and was a little confused.

Senior Qi Changge on the side immediately smiled and said: "Hurry up and take it with you. This is a rare treasure. It not only has a camouflage effect, but also has a strong self-defense effect. It is also a good thing to save your life."

After hearing what the senior said, Liang Ji took the ring and said to Yang Yun with a smile: "Thank you, senior!"

Senior Sister Yang Yun smiled and shook her head without saying anything else.

At this time, Liang Ji saw that his senior and senior sister also took out the same ring and put it on. Then they turned slightly, and their bodies and faces began to change. In the blink of an eye, they turned into two strangers. appearance.

And the ring also disappeared on their fingers.

"Okay, just put on the disguise mask your father gave you."

Senior Qi Changge said at this time, not only his body shape and face had changed a lot, but his voice was completely different now, like a complete stranger.

Liang Ji was amazed.

Senior Qi Changge put on a camouflage mask while imparting experience to Liang Ji, saying: "The Star Alliance is vast, and each star field, each main star, and even each city on the main star often has some local characteristics."

"We must pay special attention to this when we are making disguises."

"For the same disguise to hide one's identity, a camouflage mask purchased locally is often better than a camouflage mask purchased elsewhere."

"Even if the camouflage masks purchased elsewhere are more effective, if they are not local products, they are likely to expose some problems."

"You can use local camouflage masks, preferably local ones, so you can better disguise yourself as a local and less likely to expose your identity or problems."

Liang Ji couldn't help but nod his head as he listened, and understood why the seniors had rings to disguise their identities, and why they even wore disguise masks bought by their father.

These details are often the key to success or failure.

He is also a senior and other member of the Star Alliance security department, with countless years of accumulated experience.

After thanking his senior, Liang Ji also put on the ring, quickly figured out how to use it, and began to adjust his body shape and appearance.

At this time, Senior Qi Changge taught him his experience again, saying: "When pretending, there are two taboos. One is too distinctive, and the other is too lackluster."

"Needless to say, if it is too distinctive, it will easily attract attention. But if it is too featureless and ordinary, the same will not work. In the eyes of some specialized people, being too ordinary is often the most noteworthy and suspicious object."

Liang Ji completed the adjustment of the disguise according to the guidance of Senior Qi, then put on the disguise mask and made a double disguise.

The three of them were ready and soon arrived at the location of the black market that their father said.

Somewhat to Liang Ji's expectation, the black market was not a grass market set up in a desolate place in the wild, or in a hidden place such as underground or dark place.

It is a specially opened secret space. Although it is a bit troublesome to get in, once you actually enter it, you find that this black market is not black at all. Instead, it looks like an ordinary, even lively town street or market. city.

There is plenty of light inside and order is orderly. Except for the disguise and cover-up of the people coming and going, nothing unusual can be seen.

Can open up a secret realm. Blatantly doing black market business!

Liang Ji realized that the situation behind this black market might be more complicated than he expected.

However, after entering the black market, the three of them stopped talking. He did not ask his seniors or senior sisters for advice, and senior Qi did not continue to provide him with guidance on experience.

Liang Ji just followed the two of them, pretending to be familiar with them, and wandered around the black market, looking at the products sold in various shops.

As expected, you can see a lot of materials and treasures that are hard to find on the market here, such as rune seeds, bloodline seeds, etc. Liang Ji also saw a first-order 'Spiritual Vein Root' in the largest store. But the price is extremely expensive.

In the 'Trading Market' on the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, a first-order 'Spiritual Vein Root' only costs 200,000 low-grade spiritual stones, but it was bought here for more than 600,000, which has more than tripled the price.

Of course there is a black market reason for this, but I am afraid it is also due to internal transactions within Kunlun Star Palace, deliberately lowering some prices to take care of Star Palace students.

Liang Ji walked and looked along the way. Although he saw many good things, he did not find the broken bloodline magical power seeds he needed.

This couldn't help but make him a little disappointed, and in this black market, although he saw a lot of rare resources and treasures on the market, he didn't seem to see anything prohibited!

It seemed a little different from the black market he expected.

However, after Liang Ji followed his senior and senior sister to visit most of the black market, the two of them took him into a very ordinary-looking shop.

Then, I saw senior Qi Changge making a few hand gestures to the shop owner, as if he was getting some kind of secret signal.

Seeing this, the shop owner didn't say anything and took the three of them to the backyard of the shop. They actually opened another portal and entered another market!

There is actually a second level in this black market.

Liang Ji was more and more amazed as he followed the seniors and senior sisters into the second level of the black market.

This time, he finally had the feeling of entering the 'black market'. This place was no longer as bright, orderly, and lively as the first-level black market outside. The light was much dimmer, and there were no shops. Most of them were simple stalls, like They were ready to roll up and leave at any time, and there were far fewer people coming and going. Most of them were hiding in shadows and whispering secretly, making it obvious at a glance that this place did not look like a good place.

And here, Liang Ji indeed saw some 'forbidden objects' that were not suitable to be shown on the surface, including the broken bloodline psychic species that he had always wanted to find.

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