The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 174 Principal of Tian Snake Academy (please subscribe)

Liang Ji listened to the sound of warning coming from the air and looked at the chaotic and fighting areas that had been quickly circled and surrounded in the city. He very consciously obeyed the warning and found a safe place nearby to defend himself. .

Here, he is not the only one, but there are also other monks who came to visit the ruins of the Saint of Heavenly Serpent.

Some of them were discussing the attack and marveling at how many years they had not seen such a scene.

Others took out various terminal devices and were shooting videos everywhere, recording this unprecedented attack and battle.

Liang Ji scanned the crowd and found no problematic people, but he continued to hold up the 'jade talisman' given by Senior Qi and protect it on his body to prevent any accidents.

Then, he looked at the nearest battlefield, which was the collapsed company building of the Liyang Group.

Senior Sister Yang Yun and Senior Senior Qi Changge were also fighting on this battlefield at this time.

It can be seen that a 'star gate' is opened behind the two of them, and their team of dependents rush out from it, fighting and killing the slaves of the evil god of the 'Pantheon' who are causing killing and destruction.

Senior Yang Yun's family is a kind of blue bird and half-demon family. They come out in spaceships and boats, sacrifice various war magic weapons, and launch attacks.

Senior Qi Changge's family members were a kind of red tiger and half-demon family members, but groups of them set up battle formations and formed battle formations to fight out.

The combat power of the two families' teams is extraordinary, but those evil cultivators of the 'Pantheon' who create chaos and killing have lost themselves and are controlled by the evil gods. In battles and killings, they are all using the same tactics.

They stimulated all the power of flesh and blood, spirit, origin, etc., and turned it into a bright divine light. They seemed to be in position to burst into glory for a moment, or even self-destruct. This impacted the front lines everywhere, and the damage and killing caused was undoubtedly huge.

Most of these evil cultivators are low-level cultivators from various sects other than Star Lords, such as human immortal cultivators, ghost immortal cultivators, Qi refiner cultivators, immortal cultivators, etc.

Their faces are fanatical, and their bodies are burning and bursting with divine light, which can often increase their combat power by one or two levels.

There are also a few middle-level monks from various Taoist traditions. Under the burning and explosion of divine light, they can even break through the blockade and suppression of the family team and launch an attack on Senior Qi Changge and Senior Sister Yang Yun themselves.

However, beside the seniors and senior sisters, there are also a large number of warriors from the clan, driving various war magic weapons and setting up formation diagrams to protect them.

Moreover, both of them are not weak in combat power.

But when I saw Senior Sister Yang Yun, she offered up a magical weapon that looked like a green tripod, from which green divine light rushed out. When brushed on the body of the family members, it can greatly improve the combat power, recovery power, etc. of the family members; while if it was brushed on the enemy, it would It can directly suppress and kill the enemy.

Senior Qi Changge also sacrificed a red jade ruler and kept hitting it in all directions. Red light shot out from it. When it hit the fire, the fire disappeared, hit the wind and dispersed. It hit the slaves of the evil god and burned them directly. The various divine lights that broke out dispersed.

Even the star network covering the sky, the warships and war magic weapons cruising everywhere were attacked from time to time. With the cooperation of the two men, they suppressed, suppressed and destroyed the counterattacks launched by the slaves of the evil gods.

After all, this place is deep within the Star Alliance. It is blocked by the Star Network above, suppressed by battleships, and encircled and suppressed by monks from all sides below.

Except at the beginning, those slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' launched sudden attacks and destruction, creating a certain amount of chaos and turmoil.

All parties in Tian Serpent Star and Tian Serpent City reacted and started to launch an encirclement and suppression campaign. They quickly gained the upper hand and directly suppressed and sealed off the enemies attacking everywhere and the chaotic battlefield. They did not allow the enemies to break out of the encirclement at all and continued to create chaos. opportunity for destruction.

In just a short moment, stability and order had basically been restored in Tian Serpent City, except for a dozen battlefields that had been completely surrounded and suppressed.

In fact, Liang Ji and the others have already had a team from the Inspection Department of Tian Serpent City come to check their identities and arrange for them to evacuate to a safer place.

At this time, in a battlefield that was surrounded and suppressed in the city, suddenly another figure was burning with bright divine light, rushed into the air, and shouted:

"The Star Alliance uses the star map as a prison to block the path to sainthood for monks from all walks of life like us!"

"This world is dark!"

"The only way is to burn our divine light, lead the light of the gods, break the prison of this star map, and burn out this darkness!"

"I'll wait for the monks from all the Taoist traditions to..."

However, before he could finish shouting, the star net covering the sky and the warships flying across the sky launched various attacks, directly engulfing him.

"I would like to use my body, my soul, and everything I have to turn into the divine light that guides me!"

"O radiance of the gods...come down!"

When various attacks swallowed him up, his final roar came from it.

There was a bright divine light breaking through and impacting towards the Nine Heavens and beyond the main star of the Serpent, as if it wanted to attract something to come.

At the same time, in the battlefield where everyone in the city was surrounded and suppressed, there were also bursts of roars:

"The light of the gods is coming!"

"I am willing to burn everything... to attract the light of the gods!"

"Light of the Gods..."

Amidst the roars and roars, there are also bright divine lights breaking out from various battlefields and shooting towards the void star sea nine days away.

In the sky, the star network that blocked all directions and the warships flying across the sky intercepted and bombarded the divine light that shot out, blocking and smashing the divine light that shot out into the sky.

But in the battlefields that were surrounded and suppressed everywhere, there were still more and more divine lights breaking through and shooting into the sky.

"Huh!" At this time, a cold snort came from the east side of Tian Snake City. A figure flew out from the east city, stood in the sky, and said in a deep voice: "Let go of the blockade and let them take over! I will Let’s see what they can attract!”

The eastern area of ​​Tian Snake City is where Tian Snake Academy is located!

Someone nearby immediately recognized the figure and exclaimed: "It's the principal of Tian Snake Academy!"

The star network and battleships that blocked the sky, after hearing the instructions from the principal of Tian Serpent Academy, quickly released their blockade and attack, allowing the rays of divine light to rush out of the nine heavens and into the void star sea outside the Tian Serpent Star. among.

Those divine lights converged together and formed a formation, faintly opening a portal of divine light.

A huge figure shrouded in divine light was walking out of the divine light portal, and with a voice full of divine power, he declared:

"My people, accept the light of God..."

However, he has not yet finished his announcement, and most of his body has not yet walked out of the Divine Light Portal, and he seems to have seen clearly what is happening outside the door.

The huge figure shrouded in divine light did not hesitate to speak, and with most of its body stretched out, it shrank back.

"Ha..." In the sky, the principal of Tian She Academy sneered and said in a long voice: "Since my friend is here, why bother leaving in a hurry?"

"It seems that our Star Alliance is not enthusiastic enough!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and flicked it. A huge phantom of the Heavenly Serpent suddenly appeared in the void star sea outside the Heavenly Serpent Star. The Heavenly Serpent opened its huge mouth, and a torrent of chaos rushed out from it, instantly sweeping away the Divine Light Portal and the ongoing The retracted divine light figure was shattered into pieces.


A scream came from the shattered divine light portal and disappeared in an instant.

Such a scene was directly manifested in the sky by the Star Network and displayed in front of everyone. It immediately shocked countless people inside and outside Tian Serpent City and was speechless.


"Light of the gods! Light of equality! Light of freedom! Don't abandon us..."

Waves of wailing sounds suddenly sounded from the battlefields of siege and suppression in various parts of the city.

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