The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 175 Aftermath (please subscribe)

The descending 'Light of the Gods' was blasted to pieces, and the slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' who were surrounded and suppressed in the city suddenly began to wail, losing their pillars, and were quickly suppressed and captured.

Stability, order, and calm were quickly restored in Tian Serpent City. This sudden attack, destruction, and riot launched by the slaves of the evil god of the 'Pantheon' was completely suppressed in less than an hour.

The damage and chaos they caused were only in the dozen or so places where they initially launched attacks and explosions, and they did not even spread in the Tian Serpent City at all.

Here in Liang Ji, the protective jade charm that senior Qi Changge gave him has never had a chance to work.

He watched the whole process and saw the madness of the 'Pantheon', the so-called 'Light of the Gods', and the control of the Serpentis Academy, the city government, the garrison and other Covenant forces over the main planet and the local area. intensity.

Under the shroud of the innate spiritual treasure 'Celestial Star Array', wherever the star network reaches, under the control of the Star Alliance, it undoubtedly has absolute suppression and control over the main stars, local cities, etc.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously difficult for evil organizations and evil cultivators such as the Pantheon, the Temple of Demons, and the Pantheon to cause any big waves.

The Tian Snake City Inspection Department has already checked everyone's identities. Liang Ji is originally from the Tian Snake Star and is a student of the Kunlun Star Palace, so there is no problem.

After the inspection, the inspection department asked them to go back to their residences. In the next few days, the entire Tian She City will be under martial law and no entry or exit will be allowed. They will continue to search everywhere in the city to identify possible evil forces and cultivators.

In fact, this time, the sudden attack by the slaves of the evil gods of the 'Pantheon' was quickly suppressed, and the evil gods behind them were directly severely wounded by the principal of Tian Serpent Academy, but the impact was undoubtedly very bad and huge.

Serpent City, as the center of the main planet of Serpent, unexpectedly had so many slaves of the evil god infiltrated into it without knowing when, and was infiltrated so deeply by the evil organization 'Pantheon'!

The entire Tian Serpent City must be thoroughly investigated from top to bottom.

Liang Ji waited at his residence for three days. Senior Qi just came to meet him and said, "Junior, you can only return to the Star Palace by yourself this time. The team leader and I have to stay to deal with some things."

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Senior, is there no problem?"

Senior Qi shook his head and said, "They are just clowns. However, as time goes by, some dust will have to be swept away."

Liang Ji understood what the senior meant. It seemed that the targets of martial law and investigation this time were probably not just Tian Serpent City, but the seventy-two cities of Tian Serpent Star might not be able to escape the investigation, and it might even affect a wider area.

"Senior, is there nothing going on at my house?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask again.

Due to the martial law in Tian Serpent City, the star network was blocked. Liang Ji had not contacted his family in the past three days, and did not even know the situation outside Tian Snake City.

Upon hearing this, Senior Qi nodded and said, "Don't worry, this matter will not affect your family. Even afterwards, your uncle may benefit from it and be promoted to a level or two."

Liang Ji felt a little relieved after hearing this and said: "It's okay, it's fine. As for promotion, I'm worried that his cultivation and strength are not enough, and he won't be able to sit still, which will be harmful rather than beneficial."

Hearing this, Qi Changge shook his head and said, "You have to have confidence in your father. From what I have seen before, my uncle actually has Jinxiu in mind, but he just lacks a chance."

"Ah...really?" Liang Ji was slightly surprised when he heard this. It seemed that in his impression, his father was just an ordinary middle-aged man who liked to drink some wine and make friends at the table, and was strictly controlled by his mother.

I never expected that in the eyes of Senior Qi, my father actually had "beauty in his heart".

"Perhaps, in the eyes of every child, parents are ordinary?"

Liang Ji wasn't sure, but the two of them didn't bother or talk about this issue anymore.

Senior Qi Changge changed the topic and said: "Although there were some accidents at the last minute of this operation, the enemy jumped over the wall in a hurry, causing some minor chaos."

"However, because of this, the harvest is even greater."

"This way, it will be easier for the team leader and I to repay you."

"I have completed the application. The two broken bloodline magical seeds, 'Danshan' and 'Wangyu', will be sent directly to your residence in Xinggong."

"You should be able to receive it when you go back."

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he saluted Senior Qi and said, "Thank you, Senior!"

Senior Qi waved his hand and said, "This is what I promised you."

"What's more, your help this time is not small. Maybe I will thank you this time for allowing me to make many achievements."

Hearing this, Liang Ji smiled and said, "I don't dare to bow. I'm just asking you, senior, to come to my hometown for a visit."

Senior Qi smiled when he heard this and said no more. He changed the subject and said: "Two bloodline magical seeds, one is as a reward for your help this time, and the other requires you to spend your merits in exchange for it. "

"However, because you helped a lot this time and the team leader vouched for me, the other one will only cost you 100 merit points."

"Junior, after you return to the Star Palace, remember to hand over the one hundred merit points as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Liang Ji nodded repeatedly and said: "Thank you, senior. I also ask senior to thank Senior Sister Yang for me. Don't worry, I will ask Xinggong for a loan after I return and hand over this meritorious service."

He was able to get the Star Alliance security department to ship two broken bloodline magical seeds to him in advance, and the merits could be handed over later.

It can be seen that Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang are definitely more than simple guarantees. They should have helped him a lot and assumed a lot of responsibilities.

Liang Ji needed to hand over these one hundred meritorious deeds as soon as possible, whether for himself or for Senior Qi and Senior Sister Yang who helped him take responsibility.

Afterwards, Senior Qi did not stay long. After explaining the matter to Liang Ji, he left in a hurry.

It can be seen that they are busy now, investigating the Serpentine City, and even the entire Serpentis Star, and continuing to track down the enemies and trace the clues of the 'Pantheon'. They must take this opportunity to expand the results of the battle and clear out the hidden dangers. There are countless things to do. Things to do.

Senior Qi also took time out to come to explain things to him and say goodbye.

Afterwards, Tian Serpent City was closed for another two days before entry and exit were allowed. At the same time, the Star Network also restored contact.

Liang Ji first contacted his family. Apparently his parents didn't know about the changes in Tian Snake City. Instead, they told him that there were some changes in Xiu Snake City.

Especially in the city inspection department, there seemed to be quite a lot of changes. My father went to work and came home on time these days and went out to drink less.

Liang Ji thought of Senior Qi's words, and also told his parents not to get involved in various things recently, just stay in your place and do your job well.

Although his parents didn't know a lot of information, they seemed to have noticed something. They nodded in agreement and didn't ask any more questions. They just told him to pay attention to safety outside.

After contacting his parents and confirming that nothing happened at home, Liang Ji also boarded the starship and headed to Penglai City and back to Kunlun Star Palace.

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