The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 176 The natal magic weapon that took thousands of years (please subscribe)

The security inspection and control in Penglai City was stricter than when Liang Ji passed by it the previous two times. He knew that this should be the aftermath of the incident in Tian Serpent City.

It is not known how wide and how far this aftermath will spread.

However, such things are basically suppressed by the Star Alliance, and the influence is also in the dark. The Star Alliance will not have much influence on the surface, and most people will not know these things.

Liang Ji had lived on Serpentis for more than ten years, and he had always seen peace, order, stability, and prosperity. He never knew that there were such struggles and attacks secretly.

Only now that his cultivation level is higher, his class is higher, and his contacts are higher and wider, he realizes that when the Star Alliance is prosperous, strong, and peaceful, there is no shortage of enemies and crises inside and outside.

Among the Star Alliance, there are also people like Senior Qi, Senior Sister Yang, etc. who are fighting against these enemies and crises in the dark, protecting the peace, stability, order and prosperity of the Star Alliance.

Now that the timing was wrong, and he was still thinking about the two broken bloodline magical seeds of 'Danshan' and 'Wangyu' that were sent to the Star Palace, Liang Ji still didn't have much to do when he came to Penglai City for the third time. With his thoughts in mind, he directly queued up to pass through the 'Star Gate' and returned to the Kunlun Star Palace.

When they arrived at the Kunlun Star Palace, sure enough, the two bloodline psychic seeds had been delivered and stored in the Star Palace.

Liang Ji went to get it, checked it to make sure there was nothing wrong, and immediately applied for 100 merit credits from the "Student Loan" on the official website of Star Palace and handed it over.

Spiritual stones are easy to earn, but meritorious deeds are rare. Although Liang Ji has applied for 'student loans' many times, he basically only borrows spiritual stones, and tries his best not to lend out his meritorious deeds.

Moreover, in the Star Palace, there are strict limits on the amount of merit that students, even freshmen, can borrow, and loopholes are never exploited.

After all, in the Star Alliance, meritorious deeds are of greater use than spiritual stones.

Whether it is the Star Alliance or the Star Palace, star owners and monks are encouraged to earn more merits instead of just relying on loans.

Back at his residence, Liang Ji took out all four broken bloodline magical seeds he had harvested this time.

The Mu Xing's bloodline magical power 'Rejuvenation', and the Yin attribute's bloodline magical power 'Tongyou', these two spiritual seeds were purchased on the black market of Snake Xiu City, and he also asked Xing Gong to help check and process them.

There are also the earth bloodline magical power 'carrying mountains' and the water bloodline magical power 'calling rain' that I just received.

He looked at it and put away the broken spirit seed of Tongyou again. There were no yin and yang attributes in his family, so he couldn't use this spirit seed for the time being. Senior Qi had originally suggested that he He sold it directly at Xing Palace, but Liang Ji thought about it and kept it first.

Although he has a huge loan now, he really doesn't lack the hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones sold by the broken spiritual species of Tongyou. He might as well keep it, maybe he can use it in the future.

Then, he refined the three broken spiritual seeds of 'Rejuvenation', 'Carrying Mountain', and 'Calling Rain' into his natal stars in sequence.

The dragon souls wrapped around the stars raised their heads and roared, swallowing them. After refining them, they were integrated into the Qiu Niu Familia, Baxia Familia, and Chikis Familia.

As time goes by, the sun rises, the moon sets, and the four seasons rotate, the three families of Qi Niu, Ba Xia, and Chi Kiss gradually begin to awaken and master the power of bloodline supernatural powers.

Their strength increased several times.

At this time, north of Dragon Soul City, the natal star, on the highest peak of the continuous mountain range.

Liang Ji's family members have dug a huge pit into the highest peak, leading directly to the fire and lava underground, and built it into a huge furnace, a melting pot of heaven and earth.

The members of the Baxia family members activated the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Danshan' one by one, and transformed into figures nearly thirty feet tall. Carrying various spiritual gold deposits and refining materials as big as mountains on their backs, they climbed up step by step. Go up to the top of the mountain and the furnace, and throw these mineral deposits and spiritual materials into the furnace.

Underneath the furnace of heaven and earth, the Suanyi clan danced the magical weapon 'Flame Flag' and operated the spell 'Fire Control', causing the earth fire and magma to continuously erupt, and smelting various spiritual gold deposits and refining materials thrown into it. , to refine them.

In the sky, Xiaofeng used the bloodline magical power of "Call the Wind" to attract strong winds to blow into the "volcanic furnace", stirring the earth fire, magma, as well as various refined spiritual gold deposits and refining materials.

In the distant mountains and on the earth, there are Yaju family members who are looking for spiritual gold deposits, mine them out, and give them to the Baxia family members to carry back like "carrying mountains".

In the jungles, swamps, and seas, there are also the Qiu Niu Familia, the Pulao Familia, and the Chiki Familia who collect various spiritual materials for refining weapons and continuously transport them back to the 'Volcano Furnace'.

These spiritual gold deposits and refining materials were refined into gold water in the 'volcanic furnace', flowing out of the specially opened channel and flowing into the huge 'casting platform' specially built on the side.

This huge 'casting platform' was also built by flattening a high mountain next to the 'volcanic furnace'.

At this time, on the 'casting platform', a thirty-three-story tower has been roughly formed. It is as tall as a mountain and stands tall with the sky and the ground.

Around the 'Casting Platform', there are the weapon refiners from the Half-Dragon Familia clan, leading the weapon refiners from the Nine Sons Bloodline Familia clan, who are constantly refining and casting the tower.

The Biyuan Familia clan kept sacrificing the magic weapon "Yu Yun Lei Bead" and performed the magic "Thunder Control Technique", causing thunder to bombard and beat the thirty-three-story tower that stood like a mountain.

The Jiaotu clan sacrificed the magic weapon 'Ice Condensation Bead' and cast the spell 'Ice Taming'. The Chiki clan sacrificed the magic weapon 'Heavy Water Bead', cast the spell 'Water Taming', and cast the bloodline magical power 'Rain Calling'. , attracting ice and rain, tempering the thirty-three-story tower when needed.

On the side, there is also the sacrificial leader of the family members, leading the sacrifices of the Nine Sons bloodline, holding a grand sacrificial ceremony, praying and singing praises for this action of forging the holy vessel for the entire clan.

Whenever the sacrifice reached its climax, a large number of half-dragon dependents and Nine Sons bloodline dependents would, under the leadership of the sacrifice, cut their blood veins and release a large amount of blood, which would flow into the 'casting platform' and merge into the huge In the thirty-three-story tower.

On the other side, the Prisoner Niu Familia operates the bloodline magical power of 'rejuvenation', restoring the injuries of all the Familia who provide blood essence, and rejuvenating the energy of all the Familia who forge the holy artifacts.

The sacred artifact being cast was none other than Liang Ji's natal magic weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda'. He chose to cast the highest-grade thirty-third floor.

He selected the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda' as his natal magic weapon, passed on the forbidden inheritance to the clan, taught it to the weapon refiners of each bloodline clan, and then passed on the various spiritual materials needed to refine the natal magic weapon. , the mineral spirits are implanted into the natal stars.

So far, more than a thousand years have passed among the natal stars.

Over the past five hundred years, he had planted various spiritual materials and mineral resources required for refining weapons, and successfully cultivated the required spiritual gold minerals and spiritual materials.

Over the next five hundred years, this half-dragon family with the blood of the Nine Sons used almost the entire family's efforts to refine this thirty-three-story black-yellow exquisite tower 'sacred artifact'.

They dug mountain peaks into furnaces, flattened a high mountain to build a special 'casting platform', and mined mineral deposits from several mountains as materials for making weapons. They used wind, thunder, water and fire to forge them, ice and rain to temper them, and they continued to incorporate the blood of all bloodline clansmen. For sacrifice.

It has taken more than five hundred years, but now, this 'sacred weapon' forged by the family members with the power of the whole family and the power of heaven and earth, Liang Ji's natal magical weapon 'the Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth' is finally completed!

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