The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 177 The baptism of the dependents (please subscribe)

Another four days have passed in reality, and more than two hundred years have passed in the natal stars.

Up to now, the last second-level Void Whale Demon Pill in Liang Ji's hand has been refined, and the strength of his natal star spiritual veins has already been raised to the second level (19%).

However, he was not in a hurry to go to the Yinghai Black Cave again to hunt the void whale monster.

Just because among the natal stars, the "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth" refined by the whole family is about to succeed.

Liang Ji naturally wanted to wait until the natal magic weapon was successfully sacrificed, and the family's manpower and strength were released from the matter of refining the sacred weapon and recovered, before he could continue to hunt the void whale monster.

Among the natal stars, more than two hundred years have passed, and the fire and magma in the "volcanic furnace" have not been extinguished, and the golden water flowing from it has not been interrupted.

On the 'Casting Platform' on the side, the thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth has been completely formed, and the lines formed by various runes and prohibitions on it are clearly visible.

In the sky, the wind blows, the clouds surge, and the rain comes!

The last step of refining the magical weapon must be completed by Liang Ji himself.

He needs to activate the Dao Fruit and the power of heaven and earth in the natal stars to temper and integrate into this 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth', so that this pagoda can finally be recognized by the stars, heaven and earth, and gain Dao Fruit. recognition, thus connecting with the stars and the aura of Taoist fruits.

In this way, the 'Thirty-three-layer Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' was able to integrate into his natal stars, receive constant nourishment and refinement from the stars, heaven and earth, and Tao Fruit, and become the instrument of the stars' Dao and his natal magic weapon.

And it can continue to improve, advance, and become stronger with the development of the natal stars, the growth of Tao Fruit, and the advancement of Liang Ji.

The clouds are gathering more and more, the wind and rain are getting stronger, and they have enveloped the thirty-three-story pagoda that is as high as a mountain and stands tall on the sky. The wind is blowing, the rain is blowing, and the clouds are rising and falling.

Liang Ji has pushed the 'power of the Emperor of Heaven' to its limit.

Around the 'Casting Platform', the sacrificial leader 'Xi Thirty-Fifth' led the Nine Sons to offer sacrifices. A large number of dependents from all walks of life were holding a grand sacrificial ceremony, which had also reached its climax. They kept worshiping the heaven and earth and shouting The name of the Emperor of Heaven dominates the success of the 'Holy Artifact'.

boom! Click...


Suddenly, among the clouds in the sky, among the wind and rain, there were thunders and explosions.

The surrounding earth shook, cracks appeared, and fire and magma gush out from them.

The thunder and fire from the sky and the earth all emerged together and blasted towards the "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth" on the "Casting Platform", tempering the tower and integrating into the tower.

This is the real power of the stars, heaven and earth, the power of the Great Dao, and it is the ‘power of the Emperor of Heaven’ that Liang Ji can’t even turn around now.

It was after Liang Ji's full force of the 'Power of the Emperor' was tempered and integrated into the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' that this 'sacred weapon', which took more than a thousand years and the efforts of the whole family to cast, finally gradually obtained The recognition of the stars, heaven and earth leads to the tempering and integration of the thunder and fire of the sky and the true power of the stars and the avenue.

"Emperor of Heaven! Emperor of Heaven!"

"Holy weapon! Holy weapon!"

The grand sacrificial ceremony all around, and the cheers and prayers of the family members suddenly reached a peak again.

It took a full ten years when the sky was struck by thunder and the earth was burned by fire. In reality, it was about four hours.


There seemed to be a sound of great power coming from the thirty-three-story pagoda.

The next moment, the thunder in the sky gradually extinguished, the fire on the earth gradually subsided, the rain stopped, the clouds dispersed, the wind stopped, and the bright sun shone down, landing on the thirty-three-story tower.

The entire 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth' seemed to be enveloped in a layer of divine light, like a miracle coming.

At this moment, all the dependents on the entire natal star seemed to see this tower that towered above the sky and the earth, and they all saw this miraculous light.

From the second-level dependents to the zero-level half-dragons who had not awakened their bloodline or spiritual wisdom, they all couldn't help but bow down in the direction of the tower.

There are many zero-level dependents who are awakening and advancing at this moment; there are even many first-level dependents who are advancing to the second level at this moment.

Even many of the spiritual beasts and mortal beasts born on the stars were ignorant and bowed in the direction of the "Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth".

It seems to be welcoming the arrival of the sacred weapon of the Emperor of Heaven.

It was also from then on that the statues of the Heavenly Emperor built and painted in various places in the clan began to show changes. In the hands of the Heavenly Emperor, there was an additional image of a thirty-three-story pagoda.

Also since then, the thirty-three-story tower and the casting platform have become a holy place among the dependents. Every year, many priests and dependents who believe in the Heavenly Emperor come to make pilgrimages and worship.

Every year, on the day when the instrument is completed, the family members will hold a grand sacrificial ceremony here. The leaders of the tribes and family members of each bloodline will take the lead in kowtowing and praying here.

Liang Ji felt the changes in his natal magic weapon and could clearly sense that the thirty-three-story tower had been connected with his natal star spiritual veins, heaven and earth, and Taoist aura, and had become a part of the star world, accepting the heaven and earth at all times. The cultivation and refinement of aura, avenue, and origin.

At the same time, the thirty-three-story tower is also connected to the blood, luck, and breath of the dependents. It receives the baptism of the fate of the dependents day and night, and is nourished by the faith of the dependents and the power of incense.

It can be said that the three talents of heaven, earth and man are combined!

"At this time, the only thing left is the power of my star master."

Liang Ji circulated the 'Xuanhuang Qi' in the Qi sea of ​​Dantian, condensed it into Qi seeds, and threw them into the stars of his life.

Swallow and refine the dragon soul wrapped around the stars, and then refine it into the 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth'.

The three-dimensional power of heaven, earth, family members, and star masters are constantly being refined into the tower, refining and nourishing the tower. Liang Ji's natal magic weapon has been completely refined.

The next step is to slowly accept the nourishment and refinement in the natal stars. Liang Ji also needs to condense some true energy seeds into it every once in a while to participate in this nourishment and refinement.

When he needs it, he can sacrifice the natal magic weapon of this 'Thirty-three-layered Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth', either for protection or fighting.

This time, the sacrifice of the natal magic weapon almost exhausted the youth and energy of a generation of the family members. After the magic weapon was refined, the thirty-fifth generation of the family members were basically old.

However, with the replacement of old and new, the thirty-sixth generation of family members has grown up.

At this time, the number of dependents on Liang Ji's natal star has reached more than 1.8 million, the second-level dependents have reached more than 400,000, and the first-level dependents have reached more than 900,000.

Liang Ji discovered that this operation, which took more than a thousand years to sacrifice and refine the natal magic weapon, had a baptismal and tempering effect on the development and baptism of the entire clan, compared to the baptism and tempering effect of the first-order clan hunting down the second-order void whale monster. , seems to be even stronger.

In this action and baptism of refining the holy weapon with the whole family's efforts, both the rate of zero-level family members advancing to the first level and the rate of first-level family members advancing to the second level have been greatly improved, far better than usual. .

Liang Ji was thoughtful.

This weapon refining is not only the tempering and baptism of the body, blood, strength, and skills of each family member, but also the tempering and baptism of the spirit, belief, and soul.

This is far more effective than a fierce or even tragic battle.

It is also the main reason why the advancement rate of dependents has greatly increased.

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