The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 178 Whale Hunting Team (please subscribe)

"It's a pity that events like this can't happen often."

Liang Ji sighed a little.

Not to mention, the number of natal magic weapons is limited. His natal stars and the power of Tao Fruit can only withstand the sacrifice and nourishment of such a natal magic weapon.

Moreover, he also knew that such an action of using the whole family to cast a 'sacred weapon' would naturally have the best effect the first time, but the second, third time... or even more times, the effect would only get worse and worse.

In fact, it will lower the value of the 'sacred weapon' and reduce the reverence and belief of the family members for the 'sacred weapon' and the Emperor of Heaven. On the contrary, the gain outweighs the loss.

In this case, it is better to maintain such a 'sacred artifact' so that the dependents always have a holy place for pilgrimage, hold a grand sacrifice every year, and slowly baptize the dependents, perhaps the effect will be better.

In the next few days, Liang Ji waited for the family members to recover and develop for hundreds of years before adjusting the situation.

He had just contacted Yu Henghai from Yinghai Academy and asked about his location.

In the past nearly a year, Liang Ji had often maintained contact with Yu Henghai through the Star Network, so he knew clearly that the other party was currently chasing the roving group of void whale monsters and hunting down the second-order whale monsters.

Now, Liang Ji has used up his Demonic Pills, refined his natal magic weapon, his spirit stones and meritorious deeds are all in "debt" status, and the battle strength and status of his family members have also been raised to a peak.

Naturally, there is no reason to rest. We still need to hunt down the Void Demon Clan as quickly as possible, seize more second-level Void Whale Demon Demon Pills, upgrade our natal stars and dependents as soon as possible, and try to earn spiritual stones and meritorious deeds.

Not to mention repaying the spiritual stones and merits for the loan, but at least ensuring that there is no need for another loan in the future.

As for repayment, Liang Ji has basically given up on repaying the loan at the second level. When he reaches the third and fourth levels later, it will be much easier to earn spiritual stones and meritorious deeds. He is still at the second level. The loan is undoubtedly much easier and easier.

This is basically the norm for students in Star Palace. Star Palace also recognizes this, so it will give interest-free loans to freshmen, allowing them to wait a few years before repaying when they advance to the third or fourth level. It is to allow the new students and second-level star masters to improve and advance as quickly as possible.

Soon, Yu Henghai responded to him and gave him the place where he now chases and hunts the void whale monster.

After Liang Ji said goodbye to his mentors and seniors, he went to Yinghai City through the Star Gate again.

Then, he contacted the 'External Relations Department' in the city, locked on the coordinates in the black hole provided by Henghai, and opened the star gate for attack again on his natal star.

Above the natal star, the warrior leader who is now leading the clan to fight is already the 'Thirty-sixth generation of Chi'. The thirty-sixth generation of the clan in the new generation is at the time when they are physically strong and have the strongest combat power.

As for the thirty-fifth generation of dependents, they have devoted their whole lives to the sacrifice of their natal magic weapons. Now they are all old and remain in the natal stars to cultivate and educate future generations of dependents.

At the same time, the warriors sent by Liang Ji this time were no longer limited to the half-dragon, Chiki, Jiaotu, Baxia and Chaofeng clansmen.

Instead, the remaining Qi Niu Familia, Biuan Familia, Suan Ni Familia, Jiaju Familia, and Pulao Familia were all sent out.

On the one hand, the Qiu Niu Familia now have mastered the magical power of 'rejuvenation', which can heal wounds and save lives on the battlefield, which is of great use.

On the other hand, it was because the place where the Void Whale Demon was hunted this time was not a liquid star like Black Mercury, but a solid star composed of gold and earth.

Yu Henghai told Liang Ji that he formed a team with a group of hunters in Yinghai City who were also dedicated to chasing and hunting the Void Whale Demon. They specifically selected that star and took action when the Void Whale Demon was passing by. The demon intercepted and surrounded him, and landed on the star.

Being on solid stars without water can greatly weaken the combat power of the void whale monster, making it easier to hunt.

This is basically a method commonly used by many monks and teams who specialize in hunting void whale monsters in Yinghai City.

Like last time, when hunting the void whale monster on the liquid star 'Black Mercury', which has greatly increased its combat power in the water, there are usually only a few.

If it weren't for the fact that Black Mercury was on the verge of destruction and a large amount of starlight energy escaped, Yu Henghai and many people who specialized in hunting the Void Whale Monster would never have gone to Black Mercury to fight or hunt.

It can be said that this time, Liang Ji truly saw and participated in the normal ecology and actions of the black hole in the Yinghai Sea, hunting the void whale monster.

It can even be said that not only are they hunting the Void Whale Monster, but there are also many teams hunting other Void Monsters in the black hole of the Yinghai Sea. They are all in the same situation. They all choose or even create special favorable terrain to hunt. Kill the Void Monsters to increase gains and reduce losses.

Soon, Liang Ji's star-condensed figure followed the family team to the star battlefield where Yu Henghai and others had set out to hunt the void whale monster.

Each bloodline clan sent 30,000 second-level warriors this time, for a total of 300,000 warriors. Their combat power increased by more than ten times compared to last time.

"Liang Ji!"

On the battlefield, when Yu Henghai saw Liang Ji, he immediately greeted him and said:

"I'm here to introduce you."

Beside him, there were four figures of Star Masters made of starlight, who were obviously teammates who teamed up with him to hunt down the Void Whale Demon.

"This is the top student from Kunlun Star Palace that I told you, classmate Liang Ji!"

Yu Henghai first introduced Liang Ji to his teammates.

Then he introduced his four teammates respectively.

"This is Zhao Peng, a senior at Yunxiao Academy. We hunt down the Void Whale Monster, relying entirely on his family members to seal the sky."

Yu Henghai pointed to a tall man and introduced him.

Liang Ji greeted the other party, and couldn't help but look at the battlefield not far away. There were a large number of Qingpeng half-demon clansmen flying in the air, attacking with strong winds, suppressing and blocking the Void Whale Demon in the battlefield below. Up to the sky.

The other party returned the salute to him, but also looked at his Chaofeng Familia.

"These two are brothers and sisters of the Wei family. Like me, they are both students of Yinghai Academy."

Yu Henghai pointed to a man and a woman standing next to each other. The man was tall and strong, while the woman was short and delicate, forming a sharp contrast.

At this time, the tall and strong brother gave him a simple and honest smile and said: "I am Wei Hai, and this is my sister Wei Xue. I have long heard from junior fellow student Yu talking about you, classmate Liang. As for the combat power of the Minjuan clan, Yu My brother has always praised and praised me very much."

Liang Ji couldn't help but be humble when he heard this.

"Also, this is classmate Song Yu, who is also the top hunter of the void whale monster in our Yinghai Star Region."

The last person Yu Henghai introduced was a very ordinary-looking man.

Before Liang Ji could greet the other party, Song Yu greeted him first and took the initiative to lower his identity and status a lot.

Even though Liang Ji knew that Song Yu probably came from some university in the Yinghai Star Territory, he grew up on his own and joined the team that hunted the void whale monster.

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