The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 179 Showing your edge (please subscribe)

After Liang Ji met with Yu Henghai's whale hunting team, they returned to the battlefield.

The five family members, in addition to Yu Henghai's whale-man family, Zhao Peng's Qingpeng family, and the Wei brothers and sisters' family members are also whale-man family members. They only have one gold scale and one silver scale. They are obviously from the void whale monster. Special family.

Finally, as Liang Ji expected, Song Yu's family was a relatively common blue-scaled fishman family.

Zhao Peng's Qingpeng Familia flew in the air, blocking and suppressing them, and hunting the void whale monster from the air.

Below, Yu Henghai, the Wei brothers and sisters, and Song Yu's family members were stationed in all directions, surrounding and hunting the void whale monsters in the battlefield.

At this time, in the battlefield, dozens of void whale monsters measuring 70 to 80 feet tall have been killed, and the remaining few are still struggling to their death.

It can be seen that the whale hunting team composed of Yu Henghai's five people should have been working together for a long time. The five-person family team has a tacit understanding of cooperation. You advance and I retreat, attacking vertically and horizontally, and encircling the void. The whale monster is completely suppressed, and there is no pressure to hunt it, and the battle losses are small.

At this time, Zhao Peng said with a smile: "Classmate Liang, you are a top student from Kunlun Star Palace. Why don't you come in and have fun, and let us also see the fighting power of the family members of a top student from Kunlun Star Palace."

Liang Ji understood that the other party wanted to see the strength of his family members, and he was not polite at the moment. He nodded and said with a smile: "These void whale monsters are the prey of several people. As long as they don't think I am taking advantage of them, that's fine." .”

Wei Hai on the side still smiled honestly at this time and said: "Don't take advantage! Don't take advantage! It just opens our eyes."

As he spoke, his sister Wei Xue stretched out her hand and pulled him.

"Classmate Liang, you should take over Song Yu's defense line." Zhao Peng had already made arrangements directly at this time. He turned to Song Yu and said: "Song Yu, it happens that your family members have suffered serious battle damage, so we should withdraw for a while. .”

Song Yu kept a smile on his face and was not annoyed after hearing Zhao Peng's words. He nodded and said, "Okay, it just so happens that my family members are reaching their limit."

With that said, he turned to Liang Ji and said, "Thank you, classmate Liang, for saving me a lot of trouble and saving my family members a lot of lives."

Liang Ji looked at Song Yu's blue-scaled murloc family members, but he knew that the other party was speaking kindly. Although the other family members were of ordinary origin, they were able to step up with their own efforts, and obtained Yu Henghai, Zhao Peng and others. People's recognition, joining their whale hunting team, naturally has its own extraordinary features.

It can be seen that on the bodies of these blue-scaled murlocs, there are more than a dozen runes that appear and disappear, flashing with spiritual light. With the blessing of those runes, the seemingly ordinary blue-scaled murlocs have no power or speed. , the spells cast, combat power, etc., are limited compared to the other families.

Obviously, just like Liang Ji chose the 'bloodline seed' and refined it into the half-dragon family members to cultivate nine bloodline families; Song Yu chose the 'rune seed' and refined it into his blue-scale fishman family members. , greatly increasing the foundation and combat power of the blue-scaled murlocs.

Moreover, the opponent was able to refine dozens of 'Rune Seeds' into the Familia, but it did not cause the collapse of the Familia. Instead, the dozens of 'Rune Seeds' connected and cooperated with each other, greatly increasing the power and effect. Greatly increased strength.

It can be known that Song Yu has made great achievements in the research and cultivation of his own family members, as well as the study of runes.

Liang Ji thanked the opponent, and then sent his family team forward to replace the opponent's blue-scaled murloc team, sealing off the south side of the battlefield and launching an attack on the void whale monster in the encirclement.

There are not many Void Whale Demons left on the battlefield, and most of them have minor or serious injuries, and each of them has less than half their combat strength.

There was no need for Liang Ji to send out all his family members.

None of the 30,000 Overlord Bloodline Families had any intention of defending, and they lined up directly to attack the largest Void Whale Demon on the battlefield, which was nearly ninety feet in size.

Each and every one of Ba Xia's bloodline dependents activated their 'Big and Small Ruyi' bloodline magical powers, and their bodies expanded and grew, reaching around thirty feet in the blink of an eye.

Ten months ago, when hunting the Void Whale Monster, Liang Ji's second-level family members could basically only change to a size of twenty feet using the 'big and small Ruyi' bloodline magical power.

But now, as the strength of the spiritual veins in the natal stars has increased to the second level (19%), the source of the stars has greatly increased, and the blood power of the dependents has also been improved, and now it can generally grow to about thirty feet.

The 30,000 Baxia Familia who swelled to a size of 30 feet were like giants. They raised the magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield' in their hands and activated the bloodline magical power 'Carry Mountain'.

Suddenly, the phantoms of mountains appeared on the 'Thousand Mountains Shield' they raised, and merged with the 'Thousand Mountains Shield', as if they turned into real mountains, being picked up and lifted up one by one by the tyrants' family members. rise.

"Town!" "Town!" "Town!"

Amidst the deep shouts, the mountains suppressed each other and crashed down, killing the nearly ninety-foot-sized void whale monster on the spot.

On the other side, 30,000 Chi-kissed Familia members also rushed out, killing another void whale monster that was nearly 80 feet in size.

The Chikissed Familia activated their bloodline magical power of 'Calling Rain', and a heavy rain suddenly fell from the sky. Under the control of the 'Water Control Technique' performed by the Chikissed Familias, it turned into a huge wave and crashed towards the void whale monster. The water waves surrounding the whale demon engulfed and suppressed it, and even crushed it directly to the ground. A magic weapon, the 'Water Dividing Thorn', surged in it with the huge waves, cutting the void whale demon into pieces on the spot.

As soon as Liang Ji took action, he only sent two of the ten families' teams, and they had already crushed and killed the two largest void whale demons in the field instantly.

Although the two Void Whale Demons were already suffering from serious injuries, the comparison between their respective families' hunting of the Void Whale Demons undoubtedly shocked several members of the whale hunting team.

Yu Henghai was surprised and said: "I can't believe that after ten months of not seeing each other, the combat power of Liang Ji's family members has actually increased by more than ten times!"

"As expected, he is indeed a top student from Kunlun Star Palace!"

But at this moment, something unexpected happened in the battlefield. The Qingpeng Familia who were originally blocking the sky were a step slower for some unknown reason and were unable to block the sky.

At that moment, the few remaining void whale monsters in the battlefield roared and roared into the sky, trying to escape.

"Oops, not good..."

Zhao Peng seemed to have just realized something was wrong. He screamed and ordered his Qingpeng family members to stop and pursue him.

Groan! Groan! Groan...

But at this moment, the phoenix chirped like a dragon's roar, and the Chaofeng Familia had already used the bloodline magical power of 'Call the Wind', sweeping in countless strong winds. It was mutually beneficial with the Chikisui Familia's 'Call the Rain' bloodline magic, and the power was It increased several times, and directly stopped the few void whale monsters that were rising into the sky, and crushed them back to the ground again.

At the same time, in the strong wind, there was also a magical weapon 'Liu Feng Sword' raised by the Chaofeng Familia. It flowed with the wind and used the sword skill 'Cut the Wind' to kill a Void Whale at the front on the spot. The demon was dismembered in the air.

The remaining four whale monsters were crushed to the ground. The Baxia Familia and the Chikisui Familia all rushed forward and killed them all with just two rounds of various attacks.

There was one more person in the whale hunting team in the previous chapter. -_-||

Gu Zhongshan in Manggu Star Territory has been deleted, which does not affect reading and subscription.

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