The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 180 Stalker (please subscribe)

Liang Ji just sent out three teams of his family members, and they almost crushed the remaining second-order void whale monsters on the battlefield and killed them on the spot.

The whole process was smooth and smooth and took less than a moment.

The Qingpeng Familia in the sky and the other three families of Yu Henghai and the Wei family brothers and sisters were not even able to intervene.

Zhao Peng, who was on the side, had just finished explaining: "Suddenly there was a change of people, and they didn't cooperate well..."

But at this time, without their cooperation, Liang Ji's family had killed all the remaining void whale monsters alone.

Several people were stunned.

"Are all the families of students from the Star Palace so powerful? The students from our academy are really not as good as..."

Wei Xue, the younger sister of the Wei family, could not help but murmur at this time.

Liang Ji looked at the few people at this time and said: "These Void Whale Monsters have been severely injured by your family members, but my family members have taken advantage of them."

"These are your prey, I won't divide the spoils."

Liang Ji's words woke up several people.

Wei Hai immediately smiled honestly and said: "How embarrassing is this? We made an appointment before we formed the team..."

But before he could finish speaking, Zhao Peng from the side immediately interjected: "Thank you very much, Mr. Liang. Our team has indeed divided up the void whale monsters we are hunting this time. It is really not good to suddenly interrupt you." separated."

Wei Xue pulled Wei Hai at the side, and Wei Hai also stopped talking and said no more.

Seeing this, Yu Henghai smiled and said: "Okay, I just said that Mr. Liang is a top student from Kunlun Star Palace. His combat power is definitely top-notch. Being able to join our team will definitely greatly improve our combat power and hunt. More void whale monsters!”

With that said, he turned to Liang Ji and said: "Liang Ji, wait a moment and we will continue to hunt the Void Whale Demon Parade. When you join us, everyone will definitely be able to get more spoils."

After hearing Yu Henghai's words, the faces of the Wei brothers and sisters, as well as Song Yu, also showed expressions of emotion.

Seeing this, Zhao Peng said, "Well, since everyone agrees, classmate Liang, you are welcome to join our whale hunting team."

"Everyone, hurry up and clean up the battlefield and divide the spoils."

"Then we will make sure that the Void Whale Demon Group has arrived there. We should quickly catch up with them and take advantage of Classmate Liang's joining us to kill another group and make a lot of money."

After listening to Zhao Peng's words, several members of the family quickly cleaned up the battlefield.

Liang Ji was watching, but he had already discovered that this whale hunting team looked like Zhao Peng, who came from the Yunxiao Star Region and whose family was a Qingpeng half-demon. He had more say and was like a captain. .

On the contrary, Yu Henghai, the Wei brothers and sisters and other locals in the Yinghai Star Region, whose families are whale people, are more concerned about Zhao Peng's opinions.

No matter how strange it looks.

However, it was not easy for Liang Ji, who had just arrived, to inquire and delve into these issues.

What he is most concerned about now is the news about the Void Whale Demon Parade, as long as the whale hunting team can lead him to find the Void Whale Demon Group.

While several family members were cleaning up the battlefield and dividing the spoils, Song Yu and Wei Xue came forward respectively to say hello to Liang Ji and send spiritual messages to each other.

Zhao Peng didn't say much when he saw him, and he also had no intention of coming up to communicate with him.

Liang Ji didn't care either.

Soon, the battlefield was cleared, and the whale hunting team had determined the location of the Void Whale Demon Group. Everyone opened their star gates and headed to the location of the Void Whale Demon Group.

Liang Ji's family members passed through the star gate according to the coordinates provided by Yu Henghai and others, and found that they came to a broken star belt. There were a large number of broken stars of various sizes distributed here, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, like a galaxy. .

Some of them are as big as stars, and some are as small as mountains. There are both solid stars, liquid stars, gaseous stars, etc. The environment is quite complex.

At this time, in this galaxy belt, a large number of Star Lord Familia have gathered, including whale hunting teams and individuals hunting the Void Whale Demon alone.

They each occupied a broken star area in the galaxy belt, arranged the battlefield, and waited for the arrival of the Void Whale Demon Group.

"Hurry, the Void Whale Demon Group is coming, and we must quickly choose the battlefield." Zhao Peng ordered like a captain at this time: "Song Yu, choose the battlefield."


Song Yu immediately responded, and his blue-scaled fishman family members immediately offered up a compass-like instrument, which was engraved with runes and restrictions. After a while, the pointer rotated and pointed in one direction.

"This way."

As he spoke, he led a team of several people to quickly select a large star, which was still a solid star made of gold and earth.

Song Yu's family members came to the big star and immediately began to carve various runes on the ground and arrange the battlefield.

Yu Henghai and the Wei brothers and sisters also explored the surroundings to determine the terrain and environment and adapt to the battlefield.

At this time, Zhao Peng said to Song Yu: "With the addition of classmate Liang this time, our combat power has been greatly increased. The battlefield no longer needs to be too small or too large like before."

"As long as we can attract more void whale monsters, it will be fine."

Song Yu also responded repeatedly.

Soon after, Liang Ji saw a large black wave surging in the void in the distance, as if a black river was flowing and rolling in the void, and in the black river, there were tens of thousands of void waves. The whale monster is swimming among them.

The so-called black river is nothing but the gathering of black water from tens of thousands of Void Whale Demon Envoys.

"It's spectacular..." At this time, Yu Henghai came to him, also looking at the black river rushing in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "In fact, this group of void whale monsters is only of medium size. I I have also seen a larger scale, with hundreds of thousands of void whale monsters gathering together, and the black water they swept together gathered together, like a black ocean, rolling in the void."

"I even heard that there is a larger group of void whale monsters, and the gathering black water is like a star, running rampant in the void."

"It is indeed spectacular." Liang Ji nodded.

At this time, the black river was approaching, and Liang Ji saw that among the black water waves, there were not only void whale monsters, but also some Star Lord Familia teams, hunting the whale monsters directly among the void whale monsters. .

Above the team of dependents, there are some figures of Star Lords condensed by starlight.

Liang Ji couldn't help but said in surprise: "These people..."

Yu Henghai also said at this time: "These people are the real hunters of the Void Whale Demon Group. Their combat power is strong enough. The family members directly chase and fight in the Void Whale Demon Group and hunt down the Whale Demon."

"Unlike us, we have to search and judge the star zone that the Void Whale Demon Group will pass through in advance, arrange the battlefield in advance, and wait for the Void Whale Demon Group to arrive and tear some meat from the Void Whale Demon Group."

He looked at Liang Ji and said: "Liang Ji, I didn't expect that your family's combat power has improved so much in just ten months. If you feel uncomfortable in the team later, maybe you can try to be a chaser." Hunter.”

Hearing this, Liang Ji looked at the other party thoughtfully, nodded, and said, "Okay, no matter what, I still want to thank you."

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