The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 185 Integration (please subscribe)

After the first successful hunt, Liang Ji's confidence greatly increased, and the warriors of the clan also became familiar with the process of hunting the void whale monsters in the group of void whale monsters and the "Black River Domain".

Afterwards, several Familia teams successfully cooperated to hunt down two Void Whale Demons. This time they were lucky enough to collect two second-level demon pills in a row.

However, when fighting and hunting in such a 'Black River Realm', no matter how well the team of clan members cooperate, and even if the 'Rejuvenation' bloodline magic power of the Prisoner Niu clan is running, it is still inevitable that there will be someone who rushes to the front to kill. The warriors of the clan were directly swallowed up, killed instantly, or even severely injured to death by the attacks launched by the whale monster group.

After three rounds of hunting, thousands of people were injured, but less than a hundred died. The most important reason for this was the healing and life-saving effects of the "Rejuvenation" bloodline magical power of the Prisoner Niu Familia, which greatly reduced the casualty rate.

Moreover, during the battle and hunting, it can be clearly seen that the fighting power and even the casualty rate of the Chaofeng, Chiki, and Baxia Familia clans who possess the power of the 'Call the Wind', 'Call the Rain', and 'Danshan' bloodline, They are all far stronger and better than the Yaju and Jiaotu clans who do not have specialized bloodline magical powers.

At the same level, with the same blood energy, with the same level of spells and magical weapons, the power of blood magical powers is like an amplifier, greatly amplifying the combat power of the Familia and greatly reducing the casualty rate.

This also made Liang Ji look forward to it more and more. If the remaining nine bloodline families could be equipped with suitable bloodline magical powers, how much would it increase the combat power of his family members?

Three rounds of hunting, including finding prey before the battle, hunting during the battle, and harvesting the trophies after the battle, took a total of nearly six hours.

Although the casualties were not high, many of the family members were tired, many of the magical weapons were damaged, and the continuous operation of the bloodline magical power consumed a huge amount, so the combat effectiveness of this team would inevitably decline.

Therefore, after three rounds of hunting, Liang Ji did not let the hunting team continue to fight. Instead, he opened the 'Star Gate' and let another team that had been trained and recovered in the natal stars take over and start a round of battle.

This dependent team, which was damaged and whose combat power had declined, returned to its natal stars for cultivation and recovery.

At the current speed of time in Liang Ji's natal star, nearly six hours on the battlefield, almost more than ten years have passed in his natal star.

Ten years of fighting, ten years of rest.

In ten years, even enough second-order family members who were damaged in the battle can be replenished, which will undoubtedly maintain the combat power to the greatest extent and maintain the success and efficiency of hunting.

The handover team, carrying brand-new magic weapons and sufficient elixirs, held a grand sacrificial ceremony in front of the sacred vessel, the 'Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth', praying and swearing oaths to the 'Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth' and the Emperor of Heaven. Pass through the 'Star Gate' with full combat power and fight towards the battlefield.

The teams that rotated out returned with the corpses of the family members who died in the battle, as well as the trophies, with victory.

They were also led by the priests and held a grand sacrificial ceremony in front of the sacred vessel 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda'.

This sacrificial ceremony requiems, prays for and buries the fallen warriors in the Heroic Cemetery, and at the same time celebrates, prays, and welcomes the victorious warriors who have returned.

They offered their victory and spoils to the sacred vessel ‘The Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth’ and to the Emperor of Heaven.

Liang Ji watched the sacrificial ceremony held by the family members and threw a second-level demon pill he had just received into his natal star.


The dragon soul raised its head, swallowed it, refined it once, and then refined it into the natal star.

The sacrificial leader who led the returning warriors to perform the sacrificial ceremony saw the falling stars from the sky and immediately knew that this was the response of the Emperor of Heaven and a reward from heaven and earth.

He immediately led everyone to bow down and thank the Emperor of Heaven for his reward.

Liang Ji no longer paid much attention to the sacrifice in the natal star. He withdrew his mind and consciousness and looked at the battlefield in front of him where he was hunting the void whale monster.

A new team appeared in the round battle. With high-spirited and full combat power, they quickly selected the first hunting target after wandering around the group of void whale monsters.

During the ten-year rest period on the natal star, this team is not completely practicing and has nothing to do.

The former team hunted the Void Whale Monster and gradually figured out the combat experience and tactical methods. Liang Ji also directly let this team perform and train among the natal stars.

Therefore, although this team is engaged in hunting combat for the first time, they are already familiar with the tactics and methods suitable for hunting combat. Apart from the lack of actual hunting experience, there is not much difference from the previous team.

In addition, they are now at the peak of their combat power, so naturally they have no intention of shrinking back.

They directly selected a void whale monster that was more than eighty feet in size as their prey.

The Chao Feng Familia and Chiki Familia launched surprise attacks from the air and water respectively. Under the strong wind and rain, they successfully separated and tore the target whale monster out of the group of whale monsters.

Then came a very familiar battle that had been rehearsed countless times. The Xiaofeng, Chiki, and Jiaotu Familia tried their best to resist the counterattack of the whale demon group; the half-dragons, Baxia, and Yaizhen rushed forward and killed them in close combat with all their strength.

The Prisoner Niu Familia, on the other hand, activated their 'rejuvenation' bloodline magical power to the extreme, and sprinkled large amounts of cyan light rain into the two battlefields, and sprinkled it on the fighting Familia, saving lives and healing the wounded.

Although it was the first time to hunt and fight, the whole process was very smooth and smooth. In just one attack, this new team of Familia successfully hunted down an eighty-foot-long void whale monster. The battle losses were lower than the previous team.

Even later, when the materials on the Void Whale Demon were divided, a second-level demon elixir was successfully produced, which was a good start.

Through this successful hunt, this newly rotated team has also successfully digested and transformed the tactics and fighting methods that they have been practicing and training into hunting experience.

There is no shortage of combat power and experience, and there are no surprises in the subsequent hunting process.

It was also three rounds of hunting. After nearly six hours of fighting, the team's battle losses increased, a large number of magical weapons were destroyed, and their combat power declined. Liang Ji immediately made a new rotation.

The second team returned to the natal star to cultivate and recover, while the first team, which had been cultivating and recovering in the natal star for more than ten years, came out again.

After such rotation, both teams can maintain the highest combat power and accumulate rich hunting experience. With this, Liang Ji can completely defeat the Void Whale Demon Group, the Black River Realm, and the Hunters. Zhong stood firm.

Roar! hold head high……

boom! Rumble...

At this time, the roars and roars of the whale demons suddenly sounded one after another in the void whale demon group.

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of roaring water waves. The black waves sweeping and impacting the river seemed to come alive at this time, like a giant beast arching its body. Countless turbulent waves swept up in the river, rushing from behind to forward. , continuously superimposed, the waves are getting higher and higher, and the power is getting bigger and bigger.

Liang Ji looked at the suddenly changing black waves of the river and couldn't help but be a little surprised. This was the first time he had seen such a scene when he first joined the ranks of demon hunters.

"Classmate, this is the Broken Star Belt. The whale monster group is urging Dahe to attack the Broken Star Belt and plunder the Broken Stars and starlight energy."

"Hurry up and ask your dependents to back off and avoid hunting. Don't hunt anymore at this time."

At this time, a figure made of starlight came near him and shouted to him.

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