The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 186 The geniuses of the Star Palace (please subscribe)

Liang Ji turned around and saw a young woman with a tall figure and an elegant face.

He had seen this man before. He was an old hunter who had led his family to hunt the whale monsters in the distance. There were several other hunters in the distance who also looked at him. They were all surprised to see him. He smiled and nodded slightly.

Obviously, Liang Ji's achievements in hunting the Void Whale Demon during this period, and his battle to gain a firm foothold among the Void Whale Demon Group, have been recognized by these old hunters, and they are willing to accept him into the ranks of the hunters.

"Thank you." Liang Ji thanked the other party, and then followed the example of these old stalkers and sent most of the Familia team back to their natal stars through the star gate to cultivate and avoid, leaving only a small part of the Familia team behind in this black wave. He followed the waves in the river, avoiding impacts, and temporarily stopped hunting the void whale monster.

Seeing that Liang Ji had taken care of the family team, the female figure made of starlight stepped forward and introduced herself: "I am Lu Qing from Taiyi Star Palace. Which star palace is my classmate from?"

When Liang Ji heard this, he was a little surprised and asked, "How did you know that I am a student of Xing Gong?"

Lu Qing smiled and said: "In this Star Alliance, those who can be stalkers are basically students from a few star palaces."

"Students from other schools and palaces don't have this strength!"

Lu Qing said it very plainly, as if it was ordinary, but it showed even more pride.

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded slightly as he thought of the whale hunting team of Yu Henghai, Zhao Peng and others. He acknowledged what the other party said. Then he bowed and said, "Kunlun Star Palace Liang Ji has met Mr. Lu. Thank you very much for your support just now." remind."

"Haha... You're welcome." Lu Qing smiled and waved his hand, saying: "You are just a new member of the hunter ranks. You have no experience. After a long time, you will naturally know these common sense."

After saying that, he changed the topic and said: "Come on, during this time, I will take you to get to know a few other classmates, who are also the proud students of each star palace."

"Waiting for the swarm of void whale demons behind to sweep across the river and crash into the broken star belt, smashing many stars, and sweeping up a lot of starlight energy, precious resources and other treasures into the black river."

"At that time, everyone will have to slow down again and seize treasures such as starlight energy from the mouths of those whale monsters."

Liang Ji did not refuse when he heard this, and nodded: "Then I'll trouble my classmates."

"'s okay." Lu Qing said with a smile: "We are all Xingong students, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future. It is always good to get to know each other more and communicate more."

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but think of seniors Qi Changge and Yang Yun. In the 'forum' on Star Palace's official website, he often saw some seniors and seniors cooperating with other Star Palace students outside the Star Alliance to explore and develop Information about spiritual veins and stars.

It suddenly dawned on him that since the college entrance examination, these students had actually been in different classes since they were admitted to the academy, academy, and star palace respectively.

It is more appropriate to make friends, fight, cooperate, etc. within the same class.

Like before, when he fought and hunted the void whale monster with the whale hunting team of Yu Henghai, Zhao Peng and others who were born in the academy, he seemed out of place and could not integrate into one.

They were born in the academy, and their clan's combat power could not catch up with theirs. They tried to blend in, which not only delayed their hunting, but was also ostracized and squeezed by Zhao Peng.

But now, among the class that belongs to the Xingong students and Xingong geniuses, they are immediately accepted and integrated.

This is because they are in the same class, and Liang Ji has also proven his strength.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, Liang Ji and Lu Qing came to the other stalkers together.

Here, there are still six stalkers, including Lu Qing, there are seven in total. The figures formed by the stars are all men and women who look quite young and proud.

There was no need for Lu Qing to recommend or introduce them. They all greeted and introduced themselves on their own.

Liang Ji also knew that among the six people, two of them came from Taiyi Star Palace like Lu Qing and were classmates.

There are two people, one male and one female. The male is tall, handsome, and has a flamboyant temperament, and is called Sheng Hong; the female is also tall, charming, and full of confidence, and is called Jin Qiang.

There were four people left, two from the Bitter Sea Star Palace, both strong young men. One was serious, named Wu Changqing, and the other was full of laughter and more lively, named Feng Yi.

The last two people are also a man and a woman. They come from the Vientiane Star Palace and the Creation Star Palace respectively.

The man had an ordinary figure but a sunny face. He came from the Wanxiang Star Palace and was named Wu Dongyang. The woman from the Creation Star Palace also had delicate features and a bright temperament and was named Su Yuezhang.

Looking at Lu Qing and the other seven hunters, Liang Ji clearly felt the difference between them and Yu Henghai's five-man whale hunting team.

Lu Qing, Sheng Hong and others, who were born in the Star Palace and are the proud sons of heaven, undoubtedly look more assertive and confident.

Although there are more people, the communication and atmosphere among the seven people are far more relaxed, simple and comfortable than in the five-person whale hunting team, and there are not so many undercurrents and little tricks.

This allowed Liang Ji to blend in more easily and comfortably, communicate with and say hello to several people.

As for Liang Ji, Sheng Hong, Wu Changqing and others did not mean to exclude or squeeze him. They all welcomed him to join, and the communication was quite comfortable. They even introduced him to a lot of experience in hunting the void whale monster group. ,Precautions.

Finally, seeing that the Broken Star Belt had appeared in front of them, and that the black wave river swept by the Void Whale Monsters was about to crash into the Broken Star Belt, the few of them ended their conversation for the time being.

Liang Ji and several others added spiritual messages respectively, and then were directly pulled into a spiritual message group by several people.

This is a 'hunting group', and the people in the group are hunters who often hunt various void monsters in the black hole of the Yinghai Sea.

Similarly, they are basically the proud ones from various star palaces.

"This is our communication group. Students who hunt the Void Monster Group usually share their experiences in it. The location and coordinates of the Void Monster Group are often updated in real time, as well as some information on resources and treasures. "

Lu Qing introduced to Liang Ji at this time:

"If you want to hunt any group of void monsters later, just ask in the group and someone will basically provide the latest coordinate information."

Liang Ji thanked several people after hearing this, and at the same time he already understood in his heart how the whale hunting team of Yu Henghai and others located the location of the void whale monster group time and time again.

I'm afraid those whale hunting teams also have similar spiritual message groups, which are frequently updated and provide the location and coordinates of the whale monster group.

However, he, a student from the Star Palace, had not integrated into their class or team after all, so he was not drawn into such a spiritual message group.

Thoughts were swirling in his mind, but Liang Ji didn't pay attention. He now understood that dragons look for dragons and phoenixes look for phoenixes. He is the proud son of the Kunlun Star Palace, so naturally he also wants to find the talented class of each star palace to integrate.

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