The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 187 Real Wealth (Please subscribe)

There was a loud roar, and the waves shattered the stars.

The first two times Liang Ji was on top of the large stars in the Broken Star Belt, he watched the huge waves of the Black River swept by the void whale monsters rush into the Broken Stars, shattering many stars and being swept into the huge waves of the Black River.

But now he is in the Black River, feeling and witnessing the impact, shattering stars, and the mighty power and scene that sweeps across the stars, and his feelings are suddenly different.

The spectacle of running amok and destroying everything.

But this time is not the time to sigh. With the impact of the big waves of the Black River, many large and small stars were smashed, and the broken stars were swept into the Black River, which contained many treasures and resources.

Not only the starlight energy from the stars, but also some precious spiritual objects, spiritual seeds and other resources can often be produced in the environment of this black hole field and on those stars.

The hunters are chasing after the Void Monsters, and hunting various Void Monsters can only be regarded as a general purpose. After all, there is no shortage of materials, demon pills, etc. on the Void Monsters in the market, and the prices at which they can be sold are not high. Not too high.

There are thirty-three black holes in the thirty-three star fields in the Star Alliance. They are all stationed by Star Alliance troops, schools, and a large number of star masters to suppress and kill a large number of void monsters. Materials, demon pills, etc. Not lacking.

The more purpose of the hunters is the various star resources that were smashed into stars by the void demon swarm and swept up.

This is the real treasure. There are treasures on the market that are rare and rare, and can be sold for large prices, or even directly exchanged for merit.

Lu Qing, Sheng Hong, Wu Dongyang and others have already recruited a large number of Familia teams to rush towards the broken stars that were swept into the Black River by the big waves, and seize starlight energy, star cores and other treasures and resources from the mouths of the Void Whale Demon .

At this time, hunting down the whale monster is no longer the top priority, but capturing treasures and resources is the top priority.

Therefore, the distribution and tactical arrangements of the dependents are different.

At this time, what is needed is not those who can fight or kill, but those who can defend, rob, and quickly advance and retreat to snatch treasures and resources. The more the better.

These are the experiences that Lu Qing and others told him.

Therefore, Liang Ji left the Yaijuan clan behind at this time, and sent the Half-Dragon family members, Baxia family members, and Jiaotu family members to be responsible for defense and resist the attack of the Void whale monster. Seize treasures and resources with your mouth.

The prisoner cow family members are still responsible for healing and saving lives.

Moreover, in order to seize more resources and treasures, this time the families were not divided into two teams. Each blood family sent 40,000 family members, almost going all out.

The Chi Feng and Chi Kiss Familia activated their bloodline magical powers of 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain', and launched an impact from the air and water at the same time, rushing towards the locked stars, broken stars, boulders, etc., setting off strong winds and waves, and swept them away. Sweeping out from the group of whale monsters.

hold head high! Roar……

The 'whale' snatching food from its mouth naturally aroused the anger of the void whale monster. It roared and roared, stirring up the surrounding black waves and charging into the sky, before charging towards Liang Ji's family members.

At this time, it was time for the half-dragons, Baxia, and Jiaotu family members to come forward to defend and resist the impact.

The forty and a half thousand and a half dragon clansmen, using the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", were like little giants, raising the "Giant Spirit Hammer" high and striking it down, shattering the ground, breaking the sky, breaking the law, and breaking the oncoming stormy waves. , shatter, blast away spirituality.

Immediately afterwards, the Baxia Familia activated the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Danshan', and raised the 'Thousand Mountain Shield' like mountains to block the impact of the remaining waves.

The Jiao Tu Familia also used all their strength to activate the spells and power of the 'Ice Control Technique' to freeze the black water and block the waves, gaining time and space for the 'whales' of the Chifeng and Chiki Familia to snatch food from their mouths.

Liang Ji had no time to spare at this time. The collection of starlight energy also required him to use the projection of the 'Star Mirror' to complete it through the 'Star Mirror'.

Pieces of starlight that mysteriously came out from the shattered stars and were swept up by the Familia were collected by him using the 'Star Book' projection, and turned into wisps of 'starlight silk ribbons' and fell on his hands.

These can be handed over to the Star Alliance in exchange for merit.

In addition to starlight energy, there are also various other treasures.

These stars, originally in the environment of the void star sea, are often likely to breed some spiritual objects and resources.

After being swallowed into the black hole, it remains in the black hole field all year round, being pulled and squeezed by the huge power of the black hole, and sometimes tempered by environmental changes such as extreme heat and cold, and finally is subjected to large waves. Black River's huge power, devastating impact, destruction.

Under the tempering and cultivation of these extreme powers, various precious spiritual objects and resources that are rare and difficult to find in the outside world are often easily born in Broken Stars.

At this time, Liang Ji saw that among the wind and waves swept by Chao Feng, Chi Kiss, 'Calling Wind', and 'Calling Rain', some shining stars could often be seen among the tumbling broken stars and boulders. Golden light, blue light, star light, etc.

At this time, the Yaju family members who were left behind rushed forward one after another, and with the help of these broken stars and boulders, they raised the 'Mo Dao' and activated the 'Gengjin Sword Qi' spell to destroy these broken stars and boulders. He chopped open the boulder and examined the spiritual objects and harvest inside.

Just like opening a treasure.

However, most of the broken stars and boulders are often empty and yield nothing.

The shining golden light, blue light, purple light, starlight, etc. are more likely to be the broken stars and boulders contaminated with some spiritual fragments.

The huge waves of the Black River swept by the Void Whale Demon Group can smash stars, and naturally they can also smash spiritual objects.

Most of the spiritual objects and treasures were still swept into the group of whale monsters by the big waves in the Black River. Liang Ji and other hunters surrounded them, and only a small part could be captured and harvested.

At this time, another group of Yajuan clan split open a huge star fragment. This time they finally got something, which was a black-gold metal ore mother with speckled starlight twinkling on it.

Liang Ji recognized it at a glance. This was the 'Star Tears Gold' mineral mother that is more common among broken stars. Generally speaking, as long as stars contain a large amount of metal minerals, they are easily generated in black holes and collision environments; because on it The little starlight is like the tears of the stars, so it is named.

This kind of 'Star Tear Gold' mineral mother is also a very good treasure for the star owner's natal stars. Not only can it increase the origin of the natal stars, but the spiritual gold it contains is also very hard and of very high quality. It is a refining method. Excellent material.

Soon, good luck seemed to come one after another. Another group of Yaizhen clan split a huge stone and harvested a huge sapphire-like gem from it.

Liang Ji quickly identified that this was a mineral mother with two elements of water and earth, called the 'Zhenhai Stone'. It could breed such a spiritual creature, indicating that the star where this huge stone was originally located should have a large number of elements of earth and water. Only those who work hard can, under the squeeze of the black hole and the impact of the river, the two elements of water and earth merge together to form such a spiritual mother ore.

The 'Zhenhai Stone' refined into the star lord's natal star can greatly increase the power of the ocean and water above the star, increase the rate of spiritual water contained in it, improve the living environment in the star, and is conducive to the growth of the dependents. Advanced.

Similarly, the ‘Zhenhai Stone’ spiritual mine is also an excellent spiritual material for refining some water-moving magic weapons.

At this time, Liang Ji also understood more and more why many talented students from the Star Palace like to hunt these roving void demon groups, calling them the real place of wealth.

These precious spiritual objects, mother minerals and other resources were obtained by the hunting teams who set up various battlefields outside the void demon swarm, carefully tore off small pieces of flesh and blood when the demon swarm passed by, and then captured them with difficulty. Unimaginable and unobtainable.

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