The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 188 Internal Trading Group (please subscribe)

Starlight Silk Ribbon, Star Tears Gold, Zhenhai Stone, Red Star Jade, Thousand Layers of Earth, Azure Marrow...

As Liang Ji's family members attacked again and again, sweeping through the strong winds and waves, they snatched pieces of broken stars and boulders from the whale monsters, and more and more various resources and treasures were opened.

Red Star Jade, Thousand Layers of Earth, and Azure Marrow are all similar to Zhenhai Stone, but they are made up of resources such as spiritual soil and spiritual fire, spiritual soil and spiritual soil, spiritual soil and spiritual wood, etc., in a black hole environment and violent impact. Below, some mixed attribute spiritual minerals are squeezed and fused.

Such resources are extremely rare in the Star Alliance market. Whether the star owner uses them to cultivate his natal stars or sells them, it is a big gain.

When the black wave river swept by the void whale demon swarm rushed through more than half of the broken star belt.

Liang Ji's family members, Chaofeng and Chiki family members, stirred up strong winds and waves, and swept away another huge stone, which fell into the Yajuan family members.

The warriors of the Yajuan Clan have now gained experience in breaking apart these broken stars and boulders. They no longer have to directly cut them in two and forcefully open them from the middle. This is often easy to damage the spiritual objects, mother minerals and other resources contained in them.

At this time, they were cutting from the outside inward with one knife. After thousands of cuts, the treasures and resources in the boulder could be extracted intact.

This time I was lucky and found treasure again.

Moreover, it is no longer the mixed attribute spiritual objects harvested before, this time it is a black-blue water drop the size of a fist, a pure water-based spiritual object.

The aura power contained in it far exceeds the several mixed attribute spiritual objects and mother minerals harvested before.

Liang Ji did not recognize the resource or treasure that this water-moving spiritual object was for a while, but he knew that in an environment such as the void star sea and the black hole field, a spiritual object that could always maintain a single and pure attribute was undoubtedly more valuable. Difficult and rare.

The heavy pressure in the black hole field often squeezes all the materials and energies in the stars together and merges them into spiritual objects and minerals with mixed attributes. These are also the treasures and resources Liang Ji harvested earlier, which are basically mixed attributes. The main reason for spiritual things.

And if it can maintain a single, pure attribute, and can still exclude other attributes of matter and energy under the weight of a black hole, you can know how precious and rare it is, and how powerful the single, pure attribute resources and power contained in it are.

hold head high! Roar……

Not far away, among the group of void whale monsters, some whale monsters seemed to be disturbed and attracted by the newly formed black-blue water droplets. They roared and roared, stirring up bigger waves and impacting them.

The Half-Dragon Familia, Baxia Familia, and Jiaotu Familia tried their best to resist and defend, but there were still many Familia whose defenses were breached, seriously injured, and even died on the spot.

Almost all the power of the prisoner cow family's bloodline magical power of "rejuvenation" was poured out on these family members who were responsible for defense and resisting the attack of the whale monsters. However, it was still unavoidable that the casualties of the three families responsible for defense continued to increase.

This battle for starlight, resources, and treasures was not as long as the previous hunt for the Void Whale Monster, but it was more intense and caused more serious casualties.

In less than two hours of fighting and fighting, the number of casualties among the Liang Ji family members had even exceeded the casualties in the previous days of hunting and fighting.

Of course, the harvest far exceeded the previous days of hunting.

Seeing more than a dozen void whale monsters rioting and rushing toward them, Liang Ji understood more and more that this black and blue water droplet that he did not recognize must be an extremely cherished and rare treasure, so he quickly put it away.

Without the attraction of this cherished water droplet, the dozen void whale monsters gradually shifted their attention after a riot, chasing starlight energy and star treasures.

Liang Ji breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and then led the family team to change areas and continued to snatch starlight silk ribbons, star spiritual objects, etc.

At this time, the black wave river swept by the Void Whale Demon Group has already passed through most of the broken star belt. The remaining broken star area is limited. The stars and boulders that can be smashed and swept into the river are also limited. What can be snatched Starlight, treasures, etc. are also limited.

Liang Ji naturally wanted to seize the opportunity. Even if the family members suffered heavy casualties, he would still take the opportunity to grab some treasures such as starlight and resources.

Whether these are exchanged for meritorious service or sold spiritual stones, they are far more profitable than hunting some void whale monsters.

When Liang Ji led his family members and raced in and out of the void whale monsters to snatch resources and treasures, he did not notice that in the broken star belt rushed by the black wave river, there was a star not far away. Above, the whale hunting team of Zhao Peng, Yu Henghai and others also caught up again, setting traps here to lure the void whale monster.

Liang Ji didn't notice them, but Henghai and others noticed his figure hunting among the whale monsters, but no one said anything. In the end, they all watched Liang Ji's figure sweeping through the void whale monster group. The great river goes away.

Just like a surging river and the small mounds on its shore, even if they occasionally intersect, they will eventually run in different directions.

On Liang Ji's side, after the void whale monsters swept out of the Broken Star Belt by sweeping the black waves, they also stopped sending out their families to snatch starlight, treasures and other resources.

The remaining broken stars, boulders, starlight energy, etc. have basically been swept into the middle of the black wave river and deep inside the void whale monster group.

There is not a place where Liang Ji's family team can rush in now.

Instead, he saw that in the distance, the team of four Familia members, Sheng Hong, Wu Changqing, Lu Qing, and Su Yuezhang, continued to rush into the depths of the Void Whale Demon Group, and successfully snatched a batch of stars and boulders back.

Obviously, the team and combat power of these four family members are currently superior.

Liang Ji didn't care. After all, he had only been promoted to the second-level star master for about a year, and the spiritual vein strength in his natal star had only reached the second level (19%). Whether it was his natal star or the combat power of his family members, he still had a lot of power. room for growth and progress.

He is now busy counting the starlight, resources and other treasures he snatched from the group of sky-seeking whale monsters this time.

Seven strands of starlight silk ribbon can be exchanged for seven points of merit, although this gain is far less than what was gained at the time in 'Black Mercury'.

However, 'Black Mercury' is a one-time thing. After the destruction of the star, it is obviously impossible to have such a huge harvest.

As for the Void Whale Demon Group, as long as you keep chasing the whale demon group, you will pass through one broken star belt after another. The harvest will be continuous. As time goes by, the harvest will naturally far exceed that of the 'Black Mercury'.

In addition, Liang Ji also sorted out the various resources and treasures, and put away the ones he knew, and then decided whether to refine them himself or sell them. The ones he didn't know were put away separately, and he had to check the information later. Customize the names, uses, and values ​​of these treasures and resources.

At this time, Liang Ji sensed a noise in the 'Star Mirror' and called for a projection to check. However, it was someone from the 'hunting group' that Lu Qing and the others had dragged him into, sending a message.

It was Feng Yi, but I saw that he had posted a video in the Lingxun group. The video showed a ball of flame with three layers of color: white inside, orange in the middle, and red outside.

Feng Yi sent a message in the spiritual message group: "The 'Three Flames of Spiritual Fire' I just grabbed from the group of whale monsters can be exchanged for 'Huang Red Gold Ore Mother' or 'Celestial Bronze Ore Mother'. If you are interested, please contact me." "

Soon after, I saw several people in the hunting group replying to messages and quotes.

Liang Ji immediately understood that this spiritual information hunting group was not just a communication group, but also an internal trading group. The people in it were basically talented students from various star palaces, and they had more or less good things in their hands. Especially when hunting down various groups of void monsters, you can harvest a lot of good things, but if they are not suitable for your own use, it is undoubtedly more convenient and cheaper to trade them directly internally.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel slightly in his heart. This might also be a way to try to find the broken bloodline magical seed.

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