The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 189 Swallowing a knife and bathing in blood (please subscribe)

The swarm of void whale demons is still sweeping forward and the black wave river is cruising forward in the void star sea and black hole field.

Liang Ji temporarily stopped hunting. On the one hand, when he was snatching various resources and treasures in the Broken Star Belt, his family members suffered too many casualties and needed to rest.

At the end of the battle, the half-dragons, Ba Xia, Jiao Tu Familia, etc. who were responsible for resisting and defending against the attack of the whale demon group even had to use the desperate method of 'explosion technique'.

In just a few hours of fighting and looting, the Half-Dragon Familia, Baxia Familia, and Jiaotu Familia each suffered thousands of casualties. Even the Chaofeng and Chikis Familia each suffered nearly a thousand casualties.

Moreover, whether it is blood energy, magic weapons, etc., these dependents are also severely depleted. If they continue to fight without sufficient training, they will only suffer more casualties in the future.

The cultivation of second-level dependents is no longer like that of first-level dependents, who can grow and harvest a batch in a few days. The damage of second-level dependents is too great, and it often takes more than ten days to make up for it.

Liang Ji was naturally more concerned and protective of the second-order dependents, and was unwilling to sacrifice too much.

On the other hand, this time in the Broken Star Belt, a lot of resources and treasures were taken from the Void Whale Demon Group, and they all needed to be processed. Those that could be refined by oneself were refined into the natal stars, and those that could not be refined by oneself were They must be sold and disposed of as soon as possible, and replaced with the resources and treasures they need, and they should be transformed into the power of the stars and the growth of the dependents as soon as possible.

At this time, Liang Ji had also inquired about some treasures and resources that he did not know, and figured out their names and functions.

With the support of Kunlun Star Palace's official website, Liang Ji can basically get answers to most of the resources and treasures within the Star Alliance, so he doesn't have to worry about being unable to find out.

As for the fist-sized black-blue water droplet that caused a dozen whale monsters to riot, Liang Ji had already checked it out.

The name is called 'Yuanhui Star Core', and it turns out to be a star core, the star core of a liquid star. I don't know how it appeared in that boulder.

The star core often contains the final source power of a star. It is more valuable than the ordinary 'starlight silk ribbon' and can be exchanged for more meritorious deeds. It can also be refined into the star owner's natal star, greatly increasing the number of stars. origin.

However, this 'primordial water star core' is the star core of liquid stars, and is generally more suitable for natal stars where the majority of water elements are present.

Just like the 'Giant Shark Star' that Liang Ji had seen before.

In other words, it is not suitable for refining and using his natal stars.

After Liang Ji pondered for a while about whether to exchange for merit or sell it, he passed the video and information of the 'Yuan Mercury Core' to the stalker spiritual information group.

"The newly obtained 'Essential Mercury Core' is exchanged for the broken bloodline magical seed."

He decided to try to see if he could find a suitable, broken bloodline psychic species in the internal trading group of hunters.

Whether he was hunting the void whale monster or snatching resources and treasures from the group of whale monsters, Liang Ji could clearly see that the Chaofeng, Chiki, and Baxia Familia who possessed the power of bloodline magical powers with corresponding attributes were fighting The power far exceeds those of the Jiao Tu and Yai Kuan clansmen who do not have the power of the corresponding bloodline, and the battle damage is far lower than that of the Jiao Tu and Yai Kuan clansmen.

The power of bloodline magical powers is an important trump card for his family's strong combat power. It is also an important strength for Liang Ji to establish himself among the talented students of Xing Palace. Liang Ji naturally wants to equip the remaining bloodline families with suitable bloodline magical powers as soon as possible. Power.

After publishing the exchange and purchase information, Liang Ji began to refine the mother mineral spiritual seeds such as 'Star Tears Gold', 'Zhenhai Stone', 'Red Star Jade', 'Thousand Layers of Soil', and 'Celestial Marrow' into his Among the natal stars.

The second-level Void Whale Demon Pill increases the strength of the spiritual veins of the natal stars, increases the number of natal stars, and increases the number and upper limit of the dependents. These mineral mother spirit species balance the five elements of the stars, increase the material base of the stars, and enable the growth and development of the natal stars. The stars will not become too empty 'virtual stars'.

In addition, the various spiritual minerals produced by these mineral mother spiritual seeds are often rare materials for refining magic weapons with various attributes.

As these precious ore mother spirit seeds extracted and captured from the Broken Stars are digested and better, stronger, and more precious spiritual ores are produced, the magical weapons used by the Liang Ji Familia will also have a higher quality and power. A lot of improvements.

The improvement of magical weapons will undoubtedly greatly increase the combat power of the family members.

Only with the increased combat power of the Familia can they hunt more Void Whale Demons and seize more Broken Star resources, treasures, etc., entering a virtuous cycle.

Of course, in addition to these mineral mother spirit seeds, with the development of his natal stars and the growth and promotion of his family members, Liang Ji also needs to refine a large number of better spiritual roots and spirit beast bloodline spirit seeds.

These resources cannot be generated and captured in this black hole field or the void demon group.

Instead, buy it from the market.

Within the Star Alliance, there are many spiritual planting masters and spiritual animal husbandry masters who specialize in cultivating spiritual roots, spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds, etc.

Liang Ji planted the ore mother spirit seeds that he could refine into his natal stars, and Liang Ji then sold the materials that could not be refined, as well as the spiritual materials from many whale monsters, directly on the market, or linked them to the stars. In the 'Trading Module' of the palace's official website, you can exchange for spiritual stones, which can be used to purchase spiritual roots and spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seeds.

So busy for several days, processing various harvests.

In the past few days, several people in the Stalker's internal trading group have contacted him one after another, expressing interest in the 'Yuan Mercury Core' and wanting to exchange it.

However, most of them did not have broken bloodline magical spiritual seeds and wanted to exchange them for spiritual stones or other treasures; only two of them had broken bloodline magical spiritual seeds in their hands, but neither of them was what Liang Ji needed.

Although they were not exchanged, it undoubtedly made Liang Ji more and more convinced that this internal trading group of stalkers was indeed a place where he could exchange for broken bloodline magical spiritual seeds.

After all, the people in this group are basically students from various star palaces. They have enough strength, connections, and trading networks. No one knows how many good things they have in their hands.

On this day, someone contacted him again. Liang Ji's eyes lit up when he looked at the broken bloodline spiritual seed information sent by the other party. Finally, the bloodline magical power he was interested in appeared.

The person who contacted him was a senior student named Luo from the Vientiane Star Palace, and the other party sent a total of two bloodline magical seeds.

One is the bloodline magical power 'Swallowing Swords', which is suitable for the Jin Xing bloodline dependents. It can make the dependents and the magic weapon become one, which can not only greatly increase the defense and combat power of the dependents, but also greatly increase the power and use time of the magic weapon.

There is no doubt that this bloodline magical power is very suitable for his Yajuan clan.

The second one is the bloodline magical power 'Bathing in Blood', which is suitable for all kinds of bloodline dependents. The effect is to allow the dependents to increase their combat power through injuries. The more serious the injury, the more the combat power will be increased.

There is no doubt that this is a bloodline magical power that can greatly enhance combat power, especially suitable for use when desperate.

Liang Ji was also very excited when he saw it, and it was hard to make a decision for a moment.

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