The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 190 Black hole active period (please subscribe)

It’s hard to decide, so take them all.

In the end, Liang Ji used the 'Yuan Shui Star Core' plus 50,000 low-grade spiritual stones to replace the two broken bloodline supernatural spiritual seeds 'Swallowing Sword' and 'Yu Xue' from Senior Sister Luo of the Vientiane Star Palace.

Fifty thousand low-grade spiritual stones was not a large amount of money for Liang Ji now. He was still willing to use it to exchange for one more suitable bloodline magical spiritual seed.

Although there are countless broken bloodline magical powers and awakened bloodline magical powers that his family can refine, basically they can only refine one kind at each level.

But if you are prepared for any emergencies and have a suitable bloodline psychic seed in hand, you will feel much more at ease even if you never use it.

When really needed, you can take it out and use it directly.

Soon, through the logistics transmission function of the Star Network, Liang Ji completed the transaction with Senior Sister Luo, and successfully obtained the two broken bloodline psychic seeds, 'Swallowing Knife' and 'Yu Xue'.

After Liang Ji checked that it was correct, he pondered for a while and chose the 'Swallowing Sword' bloodline supernatural spiritual seed, and refined it into the Yajuan bloodline family.

After all, it can be said that the bloodline magical power of Yajuan Swallowing the Sword is extremely compatible with the bloodline of the Yajuan Familia clan.

As for the bloodline magical power of "Yu Xue" that he desperately used, it was temporarily put away by Liang Ji.

On the one hand, Liang Ji now has a family of prisoners, who can use the 'rejuvenation' bloodline magical power to heal injuries and save lives, which is somewhat incompatible with the 'blood bathing' bloodline magical power.

On the other hand, there are still many desperate measures for the second-level dependents, such as the advanced skill of 'Blood Burning Technique', 'Explosive Qi Technique'.

Liang Ji had already exchanged the skill of 'Explosive Qi Technique' for his family members to practice when he exchanged it for second-level spells and combat skills.

However, with the current combat power of the Familia, it is rare to use desperate measures in ordinary battles and killings. So far, they have only been in the Void Whale Demon Group and the Black River Domain in order to snatch more starlight. , broken star treasures, etc., half-dragons, Baxia Familia, etc. used the desperate method of 'explosion technique' to withstand the impact of the whale monster group.

Liang Ji cultivated for several days and put another second-level demon pill into his natal star to refine it.

Today, the strength of the natal star spiritual veins has reached the second level (21%). The foundation and spiritual energy in the stars have greatly increased, coupled with the various rare spiritual species and other resources refined into it.

In a few days, hundreds of years have passed in the natal star, and the number of dependents lost in the battle for starlight and broken star treasures has gradually been replenished.

Moreover, the Yajuan clan has also completely digested the bloodline magical power of the 'Swallowing Sword'. Basically, the second-level Yajuan clan has successfully awakened the bloodline magical power of the 'Swallowing Sword', and their combat power has greatly increased.

Liang Ji began to consider continuing to hunt the void whale monster.

However, just as he was checking the stalker communication group to find the location of the whale monster group, someone in the communication group suddenly sent a message.

In the Yinghai black hole, another star that was about to be broken and destroyed appeared, and the coordinates were given.

Liang Ji checked the coordinates and found that the star that was about to be broken and destroyed was located in the outermost area of ​​the black hole field, where the first-order void monsters gathered.

At this time, many people spoke in the stalker communication group, discussing the shattering and destruction of stars.

Looking at these messages, Liang Ji realized that in the past year or so, this kind of star shattering and destruction had occurred many times in the Yinghai black hole, and the frequency was getting higher and higher.

A well-informed hunter said that on the outskirts of the Yinghai Black Hole, where the first-, second-, and third-order void monsters gathered, there were relatively few broken and destroyed stars, or even just the beginning; in the black hole In the inner area, where the fourth, fifth, and sixth level void monsters gather, more and more stars have been broken and destroyed since a few years ago.

After everyone exchanged information, Liang Ji gradually understood that these phenomena all explained one problem:

The Yinghai black hole is entering an active period. In the future, more and more stars will be broken and destroyed in the black hole field, and more stars will be swallowed up by the black hole from the void star sea and swallowed into the black hole field. middle.

This is a good thing for many monks. After all, more stars are broken and destroyed, and more starlight energy, broken star treasures, resources, etc. can be collected.

But on the other hand, when the black hole enters the active period, a large number of stars are broken, and a large number of new stars are swallowed up. It is undoubtedly a feast for the large number of void monsters living in the black hole.

It can even be said that the active period of the black hole has a far greater impact on the void monsters living in it than the Star Alliance monks.

At this time, more and more larger and larger void demon tides will often form in the black hole, and the farther back, the more and more powerful the high-level demon clans in the void demon tide will be.

In the end, seventh- and eighth-level void monsters will often appear.

Even in some black hole active periods and void demon tides recorded by the Star Alliance, there have been cases where ninth-level celestial demons rushed out of the black holes, causing a lot of killing and destruction, and posing a huge threat to the Star Alliance. .

Therefore, the active period of the black hole is certainly a time of good harvest, but it is also a major challenge to the Star Alliance, especially the army, academy, government, star masters and other forces stationed in the black hole.

In the stalker communication group, many stalkers are already discussing how to call their friends to participate in the subsequent battle against the void demon tide.

Not only can it hunt down a large number of Void Monsters, but it can also seize many resources and treasures swept out of the black hole by the Void Monsters.

And more importantly, the Star Alliance also encourages everyone to participate in the fight against the Void Demon Tide. When the time comes, you can directly obtain meritorious service by participating in the battle against the Void Demon Tide.

While checking the messages in the communication group, Liang Ji applied to open the star gate. He did not choose the location of the Void Whale Demon Group, but chose the shattering and destroying stars in the first-order area.

Although it is said to be a star in the first-order area, when it is broken and destroyed, a lot of starlight energy will also explode, and even star treasures and resources will be released.

When the 'Black Mercury' was broken last time, his family's combat power was still limited. He could only hunt some void whale monsters and look for opportunities to pick up some 'Starlight Silk Ribbons', but the harvest was limited.

When the stars were shattered, he had no room to intervene or fight for the many star treasures and precious resources that arose.

But this time it was different. Not only did his family's combat power increase greatly, but the broken and destroyed stars were in the first-order area. It can be imagined that the void demons gathered on them at the beginning were basically first-order demons. Even after that, It triggers a wave of void monsters, and most of the first ones to rush in will be the second-order void monsters.

Liang Ji has enough strength to seize more 'starlight silk ribbons', star treasures, and resources in the early stage when the stars are shattered and destroyed.

It can be said that it is the time to make a lot of money and earn a lot of merit.

Liang Ji would naturally not miss this opportunity.

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