The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 191 Harvest (please subscribe)

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, the strength of his spiritual veins has now reached the second level (21%), and the total number of dependents has exceeded two million.

Among them, there are more than 400,000 second-level dependents. Although they have increased, they have not yet exceeded 500,000. The number of first-level dependents has reached more than one million, and the number of zero-level dependents is more than 500,000.

The overall structure is in the shape of a spindle, with sharp edges on both sides and a thick center.

Generally speaking, this structure is not truly healthy. The most healthy and scientific structure should be a pyramid-shaped structure. The lower the level, the greater the number of dependents, and the more solid foundation and bottom layer can be supplemented.

With Liang Ji's current family structure, the number of first-order family members is almost twice that of zero-level family members. If a battle causes the death and injury of most of his first-order family members, in a short period of time, if enough zero-level family members are awakened, It’s difficult to replenish it.

For this reason, in the past year or so, Liang Ji only sent out his second-level family members to fight, hunt, and seize demon pills, materials, resources, etc.

No first-order dependents have ever been sent to participate in the battle.

Although speaking, with his current level of natal stars, the strength of the first-level family members is enough to dominate the first level. If he is placed on the stars outside the black hole field to hunt those first-level void monsters, he will definitely be able to Captured a large number of first-order demon clans and harvested a lot of demon pills and demon materials.

Although the price of first-level demon elixirs and demon materials is lower than that of second-level demon materials, if the quantity is large enough, a large amount of spiritual stones and wealth can undoubtedly be sold.

But Liang Ji has never done this. On the one hand, his time is limited. He is busy hunting the second-order void whale monster and developing his natal stars and dependents. On the other hand, he is also worried that the first-order dependents will be too damaged and cannot be replenished in time. , even affecting the timely replenishment of the second-order dependents later.

Of course, this unscientific family structure is not necessarily a bad thing. It only shows that Liang Ji’s natal stars and family members are developing too fast and progressing too fast. The number and structure of family members have been unable to catch up with the development and adjustment. .

And this is basically a common phenomenon among Xinggong students. What they want is rapid development and rapid advancement.

When the level of the natal stars increases, the level of the dependents increases, and the flow of time in the stars slows down, then time will naturally gradually adjust and improve the level structure of the dependents.

At this time, the star gate on Liang Ji's natal star opened, leading directly to the first-order area of ​​​​the black hole field, where the stars were being broken and destroyed.

Although it is a first-order area, Liang Ji sent out second-order family members this time. The first-order family members still stayed in the natal star as a supplement to the second-order family members.

Forty thousand and a half dragon people dependents, forty thousand prisoner ox dependents, forty thousand Yijuan dependents... forty thousand Chikisi dependents.

Liang Ji did not divide it into two waves this time, but sent all 40,000 second-level members of the ten bloodline clans over.

On the broken stars in the first-order area, before the wave of void monsters broke out, his family members were fearless and few among the first-order void monster families could resist. Naturally, he had to seize the opportunity and send more family members to harvest the starlight. , Star Resources, etc.

Passing through the Star Gate, Liang Ji's family members arrived at the Broken Star on the other side, which was a huge solid star.

But at this time, and the huge solid stars, they are entering a state of doom and destruction.

Earthquakes, landslides, ground fissures, and volcanoes erupt, and starlight, like auroras and rainbows, spurts out from those ground cracks and volcanoes and scatters around.

From time to time, some treasures and resources will erupt due to earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, etc.

At this time, a large number of void demons have gathered here, but they are basically only first-order void demons below fifty feet, and even second-order void demons are rare.

The Star Lord Familia gathered here are basically only first and second level, and their number is also limited.

"It seems that the news in the stalker communication group is quite timely."

"Just in time."

Liang Ji inspected the situation at the scene and immediately divided his second-order family members into four teams. Each team had 100,000 second-order family members and was composed of 10,000 warriors from each bloodline family member.

The four teams charged and swept away in four directions. Each team gathered or dispersed according to the enemies, resources, treasures, etc. they encountered. When they gathered, they swept across the first-level Void Demon Clan, and when they dispersed, they harvested starlight energy, Star treasures, resources, etc.

Here, Liang Ji fully realized the thrill of fighting like mowing grass.

His Familia team, not to mention the 100,000 Familia warriors in each team, will continue to disperse and be divided into teams of 10,000 people, teams of thousands, or even teams of hundreds, and they will be able to suppress wherever they go. , Sweeping through those first-order void monsters.

This is an all-round suppression of levels and combat power.

To kill the first-level Void Monster Clan as a second-level warrior, you don't even need to activate the power of your bloodline magical power. You can sweep them away under the bombardment of magical weapons, spells, and combat skills.

Liang Ji now seems to understand somewhat why those Star Lord students who are from the Star Lord family have no shortage of spiritual stones, resources, and demon pills at the first level.

Those who have Star Lord elders at home basically only need to send out a second-level or even third-level family team to sweep away the first-level void monsters in an area and obtain enough resources and demon pills for them.

Later, Liang Ji also learned from other star masters. The main action of the family members was no longer to hunt down the void demon clan, but to collect starlight energy, star treasures, and resources everywhere.

Only when necessary, when the first-order void monsters block the way, or compete with them for starlight energy, do they kill them.

After all, the value of these starlight energy, star treasures, and resources is much more valuable than the demon pills and demon materials of the first-order void demon clan.

At this time, the most busy person was Liang Ji, the Star Master.

The figure formed by the projection of his starlight is constantly moving and manifesting between the teams of the dependent clans. Everywhere he goes, the projection of the 'Star Book' is sacrificed, harvesting the starlight captured by the dependent clansmen and refining it. Starlight Silk Ribbon'.

Every strand of 'starlight silk ribbon' is a bit of merit. Although Liang Ji is busy now, he does not complain at all. Instead, he is full of harvest and harvest surprises.

The harvest this time will definitely be more and greater than what he gained from the Void Whale Demon Group or even the 'Black Mercury'.

Moreover, the time for such wanton harvesting is limited, and more void monsters will be attracted later, and even when a wave of void monsters forms, it is not something that his family can resist, let alone harvest monsters, resources, and treasures. .

Ten strands, thirty strands, fifty strands... a hundred strands.

Earth Fire Spirit Seed, Mountain Root Spirit Seed, Bronze Ore Mother.

Liang Ji went to the back and even gave up harvesting the many first-order void monsters that had been bombarded. He only looked to see if there were any demon pills. If there were any, he put away the demon pills. The scales, flesh, and flesh of the first-order void monsters were There is no time to harvest materials such as muscles and bones, and most of them give up, just to harvest more and more valuable starlight silk ribbons and star resources.

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