The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 192 Cooperation (please subscribe)

Unfortunately, the time that Liang Ji can harvest starlight energy, star treasures, and resources so unscrupulously is limited.

In less than three days, various roars and roars came from all directions. They were attracted by a large number of void monsters being attracted by the starlight energy escaping from the shattered and destroyed stars.

Although the first-level demon clans attracted by the void are basically first-order demons, when the number of first-level demons is large enough, they can form a small-scale void demon tide, which can attack the star masters and second-level demons above the Broken Star. Causing enough threats and harm to the rank family members.

Just like back then, Liang Ji used 400,000 first-order family members to surround and kill the second-order void whale monster. Even under the "ant possession", he could exchange numbers for final victory and killing.

Similarly, when enough first-order void monsters are attracted by the broken stars and dissipated starlight energy to form a rolling demon tide, it is enough to bury many second-order families.

In this black hole field, the first-order area is the largest and most extensive, and the number of first-order void monsters surviving in it is also the largest, even innumerable.

When Liang Ji took another strand of 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' into his hand, he looked up and saw a large number of void monsters in the void in all directions, gathering like a tide, like an overturning black sea, trying to break and destroy this world. Swallowed by stars.

Most of them are first-order void monsters who are less than fifty feet tall, but there are too many of them.

He couldn't help but recall that Yu Henghai had told him before that in the black hole field, the cruising groups formed by the void monsters were like rivers crossing the sky, like the sea overturning, and even some gathering like stars rushing together.

The group of void whale monsters he had hunted before was undoubtedly gathering like a big river, but the gathering of these first-order void monsters in front of him really made him see the overturning and impact like the sea.

boom! Rumble...

Click! Click...

Below, the shattered stars are also collapsing more violently. Huge roars and vibrations are constantly coming from the depths of the stars. Huge cracks on the earth continue to stretch and expand, almost tearing the star continent into pieces. To fall apart.

Seeing this, Liang Ji had to stop this cheerful harvest and quickly took back the scattered teams of dependents.

At this time, his 400,000-member clan team had not only been divided into four groups, but had been splitting continuously in three days. Now it has been divided into hundreds of groups, scattered over thousands of miles.

If he didn't quickly reunite these scattered Familia teams, the cracks in the abyss of the stars and the earth would spread and the earth would fall apart later, and his Familia teams would be directly separated and scattered on the abyss islands.

When the time comes, the wave of demonic voids coming from all around like a sea will crash down and engulf everything. These teams scattered into hundreds may not be able to withstand it.

At this time, on the broken and destroyed stars, the star masters also began to call their friends and form an alliance team to fight against the incoming first-order void demon tide.

Most of these Star Lords are locals in the Yinghai Star Region, and many of them are from Yinghai Academy. Naturally, many of them know each other. After calling friends, they quickly gathered a large number of family members, and they gathered in one place to harvest. Starlight energy, star treasures, and resources form a powerful defense front to withstand the impact of the first wave of void monsters.

And this time, Liang Ji was no longer alone with no collaborators like he had been during the 'Black Mercury'.

In the hunter exchange group, many Star Palace students came here with their families to harvest starlight energy and star treasures. At this time, they were also calling friends in the group, calling for allies and joining forces.

Liang Ji even saw the figures of Lu Qing, Sheng Hong, and Jin Qiang among them, but they also suspended their pursuit of the Void Whale Demon Group and came here to harvest the broken stars, starlight, and resources.

At that moment, Liang Ji did not hesitate, and brought together the 400,000-member clan team to gather together with these stalker star masters.

As soon as they signed up, they had basically communicated with each other in the stalker exchange group, and they were basically from major star palaces, and there were even seniors and senior sisters who were also from Kunlun Star Palace.

Even if they had never met each other, they quickly became familiar with each other as soon as they signed up and reported their backgrounds.

"What is coming now is the first wave of void demons, which are basically composed of a huge number of first-order void demons."

"Although there are many in number, their combat power is limited."

"For us, it's completely manageable."

Soon, nearly twenty Xingong students gathered at the scene, and experienced seniors came forward to organize the action:

"Now we need to select a place to enclose, so that we can continue to harvest starlight energy and star resources, and also withstand the impact of the first-order void demon tide."

"I suggest choosing the Arctic."

"Yes! When the stars are broken, the two poles have the most starlight energy, resource treasures, etc., and often attract the most demon tides, but it is also the most suitable place for us!"

"Our place is closest to the North Pole, and I agree with choosing the North Pole!"

The experienced seniors and sisters on the field made decisions quickly.

Liang Ji did not express his opinion. He had little experience and it was time to learn from these seniors and sisters.

Moreover, based on his experience in ‘Black Mercury’, he also favors choosing a bipolar place.

Everyone quickly reached an agreement, and now all the Star Lords and their families rushed towards the North Pole.

As for the far north, there are also a large number of Void Demon Clan and Star Lord Familia.

In this situation where the stars are shattered and destroyed, and a large amount of starlight and resources are exploding, the most indispensable ones are the Void Demon Clan and the Star Lord Familia.

However, when Liang Ji and other Star Palace students came here with their dependents, they were like tigers entering the flock of sheep, quickly sweeping away large areas of void monsters and occupying large areas of the Far North.

Those Star Lord Familia who were originally here, some of whom were from the same Star Palace, communicated with everyone, or joined their alliance and cooperation; or they also called friends and occupied a place.

And more Star Lords who are not from the Star Palace basically retreat with their families and find other places to kill the Void Demon Clan and harvest resources. They have no intention of competing for space with them, the proud people of the Star Palace.

As a student of the Star Palace, the prestige and influence of the Nine Star Palaces in the Star Alliance have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Soon, the families of Liang Ji and others dispersed, demarcating a large area as their territory for harvesting starlight, resources, and treasures. At the same time, they organized their own families to kill the void monsters in the designated areas and harvest resources. , while forming a defensive front to resist the first wave of void monsters that had already hit the stars.

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