The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 193 The Palace Deep in the Stars (Please subscribe)

Nearly twenty Xinggong students occupied a large area, and Liang Ji's family members were also assigned to a defensive front.

He sent out the Half-Dragon Familia, Baxia Familia, Jiaotu Familia, and Jiaju Familia to form an array, responsible for defending and killing the first wave of void demons that hit.

The Chaofeng, Chiki, Suanni, Biuan, and Pulao clans participated in the elimination of the void demon clan in the encirclement, and harvested the starlight energy and various star resources that exploded therein.

The prisoner cow family members are still responsible for healing and saving lives.

Along with him, there are more than a dozen seniors and sisters from various star palaces. The families of these people are also extraordinary. They either master powerful spells, set off all kinds of water, fire, wind and thunder, and change the celestial phenomena of a place; or they perform sacrifices. There is a powerful magic weapon that can split the sky and split the earth, making it invincible.

Liang Ji even saw that among them there were also those who were second-level dependents and exerted the power of bloodline supernatural powers.

The Star Alliance is vast, and the Star Palace is the place where the best talents and inheritances gather. The most important thing is all kinds of talents.

However, Liang Ji could also see that the senior who also used the power of bloodline magic as a second-level family member had a very single bloodline and type. There was only one type of bloodline family member, and he could only use one type of bloodline magic power. .

But it is not as good as his family members, which are divided into ten bloodline branches, each of which can exert different bloodline magical powers, and the combat power of the cooperation is stronger and greater.

At this moment, in the encirclement, Liang Ji's Chaofeng Familia and Chikissi Familia cooperated with each other to use the power of the bloodline magical power of 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain'. Wherever the violent wind and rain passed, all the Void Demon Clan were Being swallowed up and killed, there is no way to resist.

Even the families of the other senior students and senior sisters of Xing Gong avoided each other and did not want to collide with him.

On the defensive front, the magical power of the bloodline of the Familia also cooperated tacitly and greatly increased their combat power.

Although the first wave of void monsters that hit were basically first-order void monsters, when their number reached hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions, the overwhelming force that swept them was The impact and attack power are also terrifying.

In fact, the various spell powers that they had not mastered originally were gathered in large numbers, and the quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. The toxins, ice, fire and other attribute damage erupted in their bodies were gathered together and turned into spell-like powers. , the impact came.

At this time, the half-dragon family members activated the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", raised the "Giant Spirit Hammer" and struck it down. The huge power and spell-breaking effect on it exploded. Wherever it struck, the demonic wave in the void was lifted up and impacted. All the magic-like powers were scattered and destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, the Baxia Familia used their bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Carrying Mountains', raising their shields like mountains to directly resist the first line of the demon tide's impact.

The demonic tide is like a capsizing sea, and Baxia's family members are as motionless as a mountain, resisting the overturning sea and the impact of the demonic tide.

Many Void Monsters charging at the front collided with the towering giant shields and mountain shadows, smashing into pieces and dying on the spot. There were more Void Monsters behind them, setting off even bigger waves. And arrived.

The Jiao Tu Familia also took action at this time. Although they did not have the suitable power of bloodline supernatural powers, the power of ice and the freezing effect set off by the joint effort were enough to freeze part of the demon tide, resisting and delaying the speed of the demon tide's large waves stacking up and impacting. , intensity, greatly reducing the pressure on the defense of the Baxia family members.

"Yai Zhuan swallows the knife!"

"Kill with me!"

At this time, the warrior leader of the Yajuan clan led the 40,000 Yajuan clan members to activate the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Swallowing the Sword', and each of them transformed into a size of about thirty feet, and their bodies were combined with the magical weapon 'Mo Dao' .

Suddenly, each and every one of the Yaizhen clan seemed to be made of gold and iron, their bodies glowing with the brilliance of gold and iron, their defensive power greatly increased, and Gengjin sword energy was flowing and surrounding them.

Forty thousand Yajuan clansmen gathered together, and the vomiting and surrounding 'Gengjin Sword Qi' also merged into one, turning into a huge sword Qi storm. As the Yajuan clan members rushed into the demonic tide in the void, everything they passed was like Like a meat grinder, it swept away, strangled, and cut into pieces countless first-order void monsters around them.

In the void demon tide, roads filled with flesh and blood were opened.

Liang Ji looked at the magical power of the bloodline exerted by the Yajuan clan, and nodded slightly, not letting him down.

The effect and power of this sword energy storm can even be said to have somewhat of a 'battle array' effect.

In this way, the half-dragon family members broke the front, the Baxia and Jiaotu family members blocked the tide, and the Yaju family members strangled and slaughtered them.

Liang Ji's family team easily blocked the impact of the first wave of void monsters.

In other directions, the dependents of the star masters of the Star Palace also showed their magical powers and methods to firmly resist the oncoming void demon tide. No one made a mistake and was broken by the demon tide.

They all belong to the same star palace, and there may be differences in the combat power of their families, but they are definitely of the same level.

Here, Liang Ji felt a different tacit understanding from the whale hunting team.

Everyone does not need to cooperate with each other. You only need to do your own thing well and be responsible for your own direction, so that you can achieve your goals well. You don't need to worry that you are too strong and others can't keep up, and you don't need to worry about others falling behind.

It successfully withstood the impact of the first wave of void monsters, and all the void monsters in the encirclement had been strangled to death by everyone's family members.

Everyone occupied a piece of land and began to harvest the starlight energy, star resources, and treasures that burst out from the stars.

As the disintegration of stars continues to accelerate, more and more starlight and star resources are exploding in the Arctic.

This time, Liang Ji was not like when he was in Black Mercury, where he could only watch others plunder; this time, his family members also had the strength to end their lives, and the amount of starlight, resources, and treasures they harvested increased rapidly, which made him extremely happy. .

In less than two days, the harvest in this far north has exceeded the harvest in the previous few days.

However, the waves of void demons attacking from all around are becoming more and more numerous and stronger!

At this time, various wind roars, surges, thunder, and fiery sounds were heard in the distant void.

Liang Ji turned his head and looked around, and saw that in the void from all directions, there was a great river of void where waves gathered, tornadoes where strong winds gathered, thunderclouds where thunder gathered in the sky, and boundless sea of ​​fire where flames gathered, all rolling towards them!

Gathered among them are various second-order void demon clans, sweeping in with the power of water, fire, wind and thunder.

"The second level of demon tide, the second level demon tide is coming!"

A senior student raised his voice and shouted:

"Narrow the encirclement and increase the defense power!"

"Is there any family member who has been severely damaged in the battle and needs to be recuperated..."

boom! Rumble...

Click! Click...

At this moment, a violent roar and explosion suddenly came from the stars, and the abyss cracks spreading in the Far North below suddenly accelerated and split. The entire Far North was torn into several pieces, and it actually reached Deep in the stars, at the core.

Liang Ji and others suddenly saw that in the core of the stars, amid the surging fire and magma, there was a huge palace standing!

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