The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 194 Hate! hatred! hatred!

"This is?"

Liang Ji and others were also stunned when they saw the huge palace appearing deep in the stars and in the earth's fire magma.

On this star, they were slaying the void monsters, harvesting starlight energy, and star resources, but they were certain that this star was a Death Star, with no trace of life or civilization in it.

But at this time, a huge palace appeared deep in the stars, which was obviously built by man.

But it made everyone confused and stunned.

Among all the Star Palace students, there were also knowledgeable people who looked at the palace in the earth fire magma and analyzed: "This palace obviously has the style of the Star Alliance. It should be that the senior monk once practiced retreat here. .”

"Whose family can withstand the fire and magma deep in the core? Can you go down and have a look?"

A senior sister raised her voice and asked.

The temperature, flames, and intensity of the earth-fire magma in the depths and core of the stars are no longer something that the second-level Familia can withstand or withstand.

Even if the people present are all the geniuses of the Star Palace, their families can dominate among the same level, but it is difficult for them to cross several levels and withstand and resist the fire and magma in the core of the stars.

Even Liang Ji's half-dragon family, with their hegemonic body, black-yellow body, and ability to break spells, was simply impossible.

boom! Rumble...

At this time, the roaring sound in the depths of the stars became more and more intense, and the fire and magma in the depths of the huge cracked abyss and the core area became more and more violent, even shaking and impacting the huge palace, which seemed to rise and fall. It is to erupt with fire and magma.

"This palace has the effect of suppressing earth fire and magma!"

"Everyone takes action together to attack the palace and weaken its suppression effect. As long as the limit of suppression is broken, the raging fire and magma underground, which have been suppressed for countless years, will erupt and knock out the palace!"

At this time, a senior student raised his voice.

Liang Ji looked around and saw that this time he recognized Sheng Hong from Taiyi Star Palace.

After hearing what he said, everyone looked at the palace and the raging fire and magma around the palace, and they all saw some problems.

The turbulent earth fire and magma were obviously suppressed by an invisible force when they hit a certain height, and none of them were able to hit beyond the height of the palace.

It is precisely because of the suppression of this huge palace that the turbulent fire and magma underground cannot be vented, impacting and erupting in all directions to the west, causing the tearing and shattering of the stars and the earth to accelerate more and more, and the earth fissure abyss even reaches Underground, Liang Ji and others saw the situation in the underground core.

It can be said that it is the existence of this palace that accelerates the cracking of the earth and the shattering and destruction of the stars.

But at this time, the suppressive effect of this palace has obviously reached its limit.

Otherwise, there would not have been so many earthquakes, ground fissures, and eruptions of geofire and magma.

"Everyone take action together!"

"Attack the palace!"

Everyone immediately agreed, gathered the family members, and set off various magical attacks of water, fire, wind, and thunder, as well as magic weapon attacks.

Although the palace is located deep underground, and there are various earthquakes, landslides, and even earth fire and magma impacts leaking from the side along the way, only a few of the people's family members' attacks can hit the ground.

However, the cumulative effect of the attack is not small.

Moreover, the power of the palace deep underground to suppress earth fire and magma has reached its limit.

Even if they don't take action, if the stars continue to be shattered and destroyed, within two or three days, the suppressive power of the palace will eventually be broken, and the fire and magma deep underground will still rush the palace out of the ground.

However, Liang Ji and others could not wait that long.

Because the existence of this underground palace suppresses a large amount of energy in the stars, the release of energy accelerates the rupture and destruction of the stars, attracting more and more void demon tides and getting stronger.

Even the second-order demon tide that was attacking at this time, everyone's family members were no longer sure that they could completely resist it, let alone the third-order and fourth-order demon tides behind them.

They must open the palace as soon as possible, not only for the treasures and information that may exist in the palace, but also for the star energy, resources, and treasures in the earth, fire and magma under the palace's suppression.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Finally, under the continuous attacks one after another from the family members, with roars and explosions, the suppressive power of the palace that reached its limit was broken.

At this moment, the entire star was shaking and cracking violently, like a star exploding, falling apart instantly.

Endless earth fire and magma, sweeping the majestic and terrifying starlight energy, sweeping away countless treasures and resources that had been suppressed deep underground for countless years, burst out everywhere in the stars.

In an instant, the stars were shattered and destroyed, ushering in a carnival ahead of schedule.

Above the stars, countless first-level and second-level void monsters rushed towards the majestic starlight that burst out; many star masters' dependents also rushed towards the starlight and star treasures.

Here in the extreme north, it is the first place where the earth's fire, magma and star energy explode. It also fell into pieces at the moment of the explosion. The area occupied by Liang Ji and others' family members has also collapsed, and the encirclement and defense circle instantly Collapse.

The wave of void demons that were blocked around them suddenly rushed in, competing with them for the majestic starlight energy and star treasures.

However, because of this, everyone's family members did not have to use all their strength to resist the impact of the demon tide, and they also freed up their manpower and strength.

"Everyone acts independently! You must retreat within an hour at most!"

Senior Sister Lu Qing's voice came from the distance, and she quickly judged the situation.

At this time, for everyone's dependents, the most important thing is no longer to resist and kill those first- and second-order void demon tides, but to seize the opportunity to harvest and fight for the bursting out star core energy, star treasures, resource.

Liang Ji divided the family members into several teams and dispersed, harvesting starlight and treasures.

At the same time, a separate team of Moofeng Familia was separated and flew directly to the huge palace that was rushed out by the earth's fire magma and star energy and fell to the ground.

Not only him, but all the Star Palace students present basically sent a family team to rush over to check the situation of this huge palace.

It can be seen that there are complicated and mysterious formations and restrictions on this huge palace, and there is even a faint fairy power lingering in it. The entire palace is like a huge fairy weapon.

It is inlaid, arranged, and integrated with many precious, rare, and high-level spiritual materials and treasures.

Some of the star master's dependents tried to take down these high-level spiritual materials and treasures, but they were instantly attacked by the remaining formations and restrictions on the palace, and were swallowed up by flames on the spot, turning into ashes.

This time, everyone's family members no longer dared to take action at will.

Fortunately, this palace has been impacted by the earth fire magma and star energy deep in the stars for many years. This time it was completely broken out. There were many damages and destructions on it, and there were some precious and high-level treasures and spiritual materials in it. Scattered.

Everyone's dependents can also pick up some precious and high-level treasures and spiritual materials from these damaged places.

"Hey... look here!"

At this time, a senior seemed to have noticed something and called out to everyone.

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately followed the others and came forward to check.

But deep inside the palace, a huge crack opened on the roof. From the crack, everyone could see into the palace. On the ground were carved large vertical characters:

A third-grade human immortal has no way to go to heaven!

I want to imitate the Star Lord and refine this star, but I haven’t succeeded yet!

hatred! hatred! hatred!

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