The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 200 Calling friends (please subscribe)

hiss! Roar! hold head high……

At this time, bursts of roaring sounds were heard from the group of void whale monsters sweeping across the river.

At the same time, nearly 100,000 void whale monsters swimming in the river all began to raise their huge whale tails, slapping the river, stirring the black water, and making big waves.

One wave after another, surging and rising, turning into an earth-shattering torrent and rushing forward.

Liang Ji is now considered an old hunter, and is already very familiar with this situation. He knows that there is another Broken Star Belt ahead, and the Void Whale Demon Group will enter a state of hunting and devouring.

He skillfully took back the sent out Familia team and sent them back to their natal stars for cultivation and recovery. Only a small team was left to follow the turbulent waves, maintaining his starlight body and heading towards the void ahead, where he was about to hit. Looking at the broken star belt.


Suddenly, Liang Ji let out a light sigh. In the past half year or so of hunting whale monsters, he had followed the whale monsters through no less than ten broken star belts, but the broken star belt he saw this time was different from before. .

In the broken star belt in front, there are not many broken stars. Instead, in the center of the broken stars, there is a huge, complete star.

Looking at the direction of the black wave river swept by the void whale monsters at this time, it was exactly the big star surrounded by broken stars.

Not only that, Liang Ji also saw that to his left, in the other direction of the big star surrounded by the Broken Star Belt, there was also a group of void demons attacking towards the Broken Star Belt and the big star.

That was not a group of void whale demons, but a group of void fire elephants. They rushed and stepped on a huge river of flames. They also broke through the broken star belt and collided and bombarded the big star in the center.

Whales and elephants, water and fire collided on the big star. The huge impact force, the collision and explosion of water and fire caused a devastating blow to the big star.

Amidst the loud roar, half of the stars above the big star were directly smashed and fell off. Countless broken stars splashed in all directions and crashed into the surrounding broken star belt, adding to the number of small stars in the broken star belt. The Broken Star Belt grows and expands.

"This is the main reason for the formation of the Broken Star Belt!"

Although, Liang Ji had long heard from Lu Qing, Sheng Hong and others that the void demon swarms patrolling in the black hole field would not only hit the broken star belt, but also smash large stars to create broken star belts.

But this was the first time he had witnessed such a scene with his own eyes.

A large amount of starlight energy burst out from the half-broken star. The void whale demon group and the void fire elephant group chased, swept the starlight, and devoured the starlight energy.

Liang Ji also called out the team of dependents and began to harvest the burst and dissipated starlight energy, as well as star resources and treasures.

At this time, he also discovered that in the fire elephant group opposite, there was also a Star Lord who was hunting the fire elephant group, and he recruited a team of human-like and half-demon Familia.

Those Elephant Man and Half Demon Familia who were in the river of flames swept by the Fire Elephants were not afraid at all. Instead, they swallowed the flames and turned into fire beings, charging into the Fire Elephants, harvesting starlight energy and treasures, and moving freely across the river. Unobstructed.

"Bloodline magical power!"

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the performance of the Elephant Man Familia.

He could see that these Elephant Man Familia also mastered the incomplete magical power of blood, and this fire magical power was undoubtedly quite suitable for his Suanni Familia.

Liang Ji's interest suddenly increased, but now he was busy harvesting starlight energy, so he couldn't disturb the other party.

I plan to wait until the harvest of starlight energy is almost complete, and then see if I can get to know the other party and inquire about the fire-blooded psychic seed.

This time, they hit big stars, instead of hitting small stars in the broken star belt like before. The movements of the void whale demon group are also different. They no longer rush forward and pass through the broken stars like in the past. Take it and go.

Today's group of void whale monsters is entrenched in this big star, constantly devouring the starlight energy bursting out of it, and has no intention of leaving for the time being.

The same goes for the fire elephant group on the other side. They are entrenched above the big star and have no intention of leaving for the time being.

Therefore, Liang Ji was not worried about not having time to get acquainted with the opposite star master.

However, as time went by, Liang Ji gradually discovered that the situation seemed to have changed.

Where the big star was smashed, starlight energy kept escaping. The whale monsters and fire elephants kept devouring it, and Liang Ji and the opposite star master continued to harvest it. These starlight energies did not seem to be weakened or reduced. What it means is that there are more and more outbreaks, and they are getting stronger and stronger.

boom! boom! Rumble...

Finally, a roaring sound came from the big star, and the whole star began to vibrate and shake.

Doomsday phenomena such as landslides, ground cracks, and volcanic eruptions gradually began to appear on this big star.

"This star will be shattered! Destroyed!"

Liang Ji reacted instantly and his eyes lit up!

In the past six months or so, he has been paying attention to and collecting news about the shattering and destruction of stars, and he has received several news about the shattering and destruction of stars inside the black hole and in the area of ​​mid-to-high-level monsters.

However, in the first- and second-level Void Monster Clan areas that he could reach, there was no news of stars being broken or destroyed.

Maybe, but he didn't get the message.

But he didn't expect that this time he would directly encounter and discover a star that was about to be broken and destroyed.

He didn't know whether the star was broken and destroyed by the collision between the whale demon group and the fire elephant group; or whether the star was already on the verge of being broken, and the two void demon groups just discovered this and rushed over.

But none of this matters.

He immediately announced the news of the shattered and destroyed star to the hunting group, marked the coordinates, and called for friends to come and make a fortune.

In the past half year, Liang Ji also met many friends from various star palaces through this stalker exchange group.

Everyone exchanged information, traded materials, and exchanged experiences through the communication group. Although Liang Ji did not exchange for suitable bloodline supernatural spiritual seeds, he also exchanged some spiritual roots and mineral mother spiritual seeds suitable for his natal stars and dependents. Resources have also benefited a lot.

It is also common for hunters to discover some good places, announce and mark the location in the group, and call friends to join them.

Just like last time, the broken stars that discovered the immortal ruins and the palace of immortal weapons of the predecessors were the information and coordinates shared by the hunters in the group.

What Liang Ji is doing now can be regarded as "reciprocating a favor", and he has completely integrated into this stalker communication group.

Moreover, what is more important is that this big star that is being broken and destroyed is in the area of ​​the second-order Void Monster Clan. The shattering of the star and the dissipated starlight energy will soon attract a large number of Void Monster Clan. , and even form a void demon tide.

And here, the attacking Void Monsters are all at least the second level, and the demon tide also starts from the second level.

Unlike the original first-level area, his family members were able to traverse, crush, and harvest large amounts of starlight and treasures at will.

Here, even the 100,000 whale monsters and 100,000 fire elephant monsters that are already entrenched above the stars are no longer something that his family can capture.

More second-order void monsters came later, and his family members were even more difficult to resist.

So at this time, he must call on his friends and invite more Star Lords to come with their families and join forces to fight against these second-order Void Monsters in order to harvest and seize more starlight energy and star treasures.

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