The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 201 Old Classmate (please subscribe)

In the communication group, Liang Ji marked the location of the stars that the whale monsters and the fire elephants had smashed into, and soon called for friends, and soon star gates opened on the stars.

Teams of dependents fought out from those star gates, and figures made of starlight descended on the stars.

Liang Ji already knew most of these people, some had worked with them, and some had just met each other. But now, when they come to the stars, they will say hello to him and thank him for the information.

Reputation, connections, relationships, etc. are all built up bit by bit in this way.

Of course, it's not just Liang Ji who is calling for friends, the Star Lord in the Fire Elephant Group on the other side is also calling for friends.

Opposite the stars, star gates were also constantly opening at this time, and the figures of the star masters condensed by starlight came out with the teams of family members.

These people were basically from the Star Palace, and soon people on both sides started to recognize each other and say hello.

At this time, Liang Ji actually saw a somewhat familiar figure among the Star Lord coming from the opposite side.

But it was Lan Yingying who was admitted to Lingbao Star Palace.

We all belong to the same class of Xiu She City. Although Liang Ji only met each other a few times and didn't have many interactions with each other, he was from the same place and class, so he could be considered an old classmate.

Moreover, after the college entrance examination was over, Yunlai also set up a special spiritual news group, including Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Lan Yingying and other people who were also admitted to the Star Palace, saying that they could keep in touch and interact with each other. Help each other.

However, after being admitted to the Star Palace, for more than a year, these people have basically been busy advancing to the stars and cultivating their dependents. Moreover, the attributes of the six dependents are basically different, that is, hunting the void demon clan and harvesting the demon clan. Dan basically goes to different star field black holes.

Therefore, although there are still messages and exchanges in the Lingxun group, there are not many contacts, and we have never met again.

Liang Ji didn't expect to see Lan Yingying again in the Yinghai Black Cave.

But consider that Lan Yingying’s family is a water-walking tidal snake-man. If the opponent does not make any changes after advancing to the second-level family, the demon pills hunted are still water-walking void demon snakes. In addition to the Penglai Star Territory Black Hole, this The black hole in the Yinghai Star Territory is indeed a suitable place for hunting.

He lowered his head to look at the team of clan members below Lan Yingying, and found that the opponent's Tide Snake Man clan had also changed a lot. The Tide Snake Man clan that originally had two arms now had four arms, and each arm held a The magic weapon is there.

There is a black flag, a vase, a water fork, and a horn, all of which are water-based magic weapons.

The black flag and the aquarium control water, the horn drives the waves, and the water fork kills the enemy.

Under the urging of these water-moving magic weapons, Lan Yingying's four-armed tidal snake man swept up a tidal river, rushing into the void demon clan, harvesting starlight energy and star treasures, and coming and going with the same ease.

"Classmate Lan."

Liang Ji commanded the family members to rush to the vicinity of the opponent's family members and said hello to the other party.

Lan Yingying also spotted him and said with a surprised look on her face: "Liang Ji, are you here too?"

Liang Ji nodded and said: "Since I advanced to the second level, I have basically been hunting here in the Yinghai Black Cave."

Hearing this, Lan Yingying looked at Liang Ji's dependents and was even more surprised: "These are all your dependents? Why have they changed so much?"

"I remember that your family members are all a group of reckless... python-like beings who are strong, thick-bodied, resistant to various attribute damage, and good at close combat."

Hearing this, Liang Ji nodded and said, "After I advanced to the second level, I made some adjustments to the family members."

"Your family has changed a lot."

Seeing this, Lan Yingying stopped asking and nodded: "Yes! Yes! After arriving at the Star Palace, I realized how big the world is and how high the inheritance is. I also chose a mysterious inheritance in the Lingbao Star Palace. Only in this way can my family reach a higher level based on the Tide Snake people."

The two chatted for a few more words, and then Liang Ji realized that the other party had not been hunting the void monsters and cultivating the stars and dependents in the Black Cave of Yinghai. Instead, he saw some seniors and seniors posting in the official forum of Lingbao Star Palace. According to the news, it is known that the Yinghai Black Hole has entered an active period, and stars are often broken and destroyed, and can harvest a large amount of starlight energy, star resources, etc.

It is a good place to earn merit and resources, so she came to Yinghai Black Hole to see the situation, but she did not expect that not long after she arrived, she got news from some seniors and sisters, and got the secret of this broken and destroyed star. coordinate.

Immediately, he rushed over with his family members.

Liang Ji was thoughtful after listening to the other party's words. It seems that the Yinghai Black Hole has entered an active period, which affects not only the Yinghai Black Hole, but also the Yinghai Star Region.

This influence is gradually spreading, attracting more Star Lord monks from the entire Star Alliance to come and take the opportunity to harvest resources and treasures.

In addition to the Star Lord monks, will those Void Monsters chasing starlight and devouring stars in the Void Star Sea also be attracted by the activity and explosion of the Yinghai Black Hole?

Later, will the void demon tide not only impact from inside the black hole, but also erupt outside the black hole?

If so, it will not only affect the inside of the black hole, but also the entire Yinghai Star Territory.

Liang Ji couldn't help but think of some announcements and dispatch information that he occasionally saw while searching for information on the shattering and destruction of stars on some local networks in Yinghai City for more than half a year.

He didn't pay attention to it at the time, but when he thought about it now, he suddenly understood that this was probably because the Yinghai Star Region had already been making various preparations for the activation and explosion of the Yinghai Black Hole.

The Star Alliance has been inherited for who knows how many years. Among the Thirty-three Star Domains, those who have experienced the black hole active period must have experienced it more than once. They should have rich experience in dealing with it.

But he didn't need to worry about these.

Liang Ji understood in his heart and suppressed his thoughts. However, he also realized what happened with Lan Yingying and sent the news, coordinates, etc. to the old classmates exchange group established by Yunlai and the Kunlun Star Palace official website forum. among.

When calling friends, you can not only greet new stalker friends here in Yinghai Black Hole, but also old classmates, seniors, seniors from Star Palace, and even juniors and juniors.

It has been more than a year since Liang Ji was admitted to Kunlun Star Palace. The college entrance examination for the new year has already ended, and a group of new students have also been admitted to Kunlun Star Palace.

Liang Ji is now an old senior with juniors and juniors, and he can also provide news and information to those juniors and juniors on the Star Palace official website.

The communication with Lan Yingying and sending messages did not delay Liang Ji for long.

At this time, the stars were shattered and destroyed more and more quickly. Liang Ji invited Lan Yingying to work together to harvest starlight energy and star resources.

Lan Yingying also happily agreed. When she met her old classmates here, she didn't have to follow her seniors and sisters.

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