The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 202 Clues to ‘Burning Flame’ (Please subscribe)

This star, which is heading for fragmentation and destruction, is in the black hole field, the area of ​​the second-order Void Demon Clan. The broken and dissipated starlight energy of the star is attracting more and more Void Demon Clan to rush towards and chase them. , Devouring the starlight.

These rushing void monsters are all second-level monsters at the lowest.

Here, the second-order family members of Liang Ji and others are no longer able to attack the demon clan unstoppably and harvest starlight energy and star resources at will like they did before in the first-order demon clan area.

They must join hands and gather more families to sweep and charge together, so that they can attack and attack more and more second-order demon groups, thereby harvesting more starlight energy and star resources.

Here, they have no ability to act alone.

Therefore, Lan Yingying chose to act together with Liang Ji.

Liang Ji, on the other hand, led a team of two people, and quickly gathered with the Star Masters of the hunting group to form a team that acted together.

The star masters of the hunting group also expressed their welcome to Lan Yingying brought by Liang Ji.

There was even a Star Master from the Lingbao Star Palace in the group. After introducing each other to Lan Yingying, they quickly became familiar with each other.

In the end, Liang Ji and others gathered more than 20 star masters, organized a team of millions of dependents, and directly occupied the territory, harvested starlight, resources, etc., and rushed all the way towards the Antarctic land of broken stars. .

Most of the more than twenty star masters present have participated in the harvesting of star shattering and destruction once or twice. They are all experienced and know clearly that whenever the stars are broken and destroyed, the two poles are often filled with starlight energy and stars. The place where the resource explosion is most intense and abundant.

Therefore, when harvesting these broken and destroyed stars, the first thing to do is to seize the two poles.

But this time, they were closer to the Antarctic land of this star, so they naturally chose to go to the Antarctic.

Enclose the territory, kill the surrounding void monsters, resist the impact of the surrounding monsters, and harvest the starlight energy, star resources, and treasures that erupt in the enclosure.

This is the third time he has experienced the process of star shattering and destruction, and Liang Ji is already very familiar with this process.

The difference is that the combat power of his family members is getting stronger and stronger, the area they occupy is getting larger and larger, more and more void demon clans are being killed, and the time to resist the impact of the demon clan is getting longer and longer.

Therefore, he can harvest more and more starlight energy, star treasures, resources, etc.

Time passed quickly, and the first wave of void monsters had already hit the surrounding void. Most of them were second-order void monsters, but there were also some third-order void monsters mixed in.

On the stars that were rapidly heading toward fragmentation and destruction, one after another star owners were unable to support themselves and had to retreat with their families.

This time, the stars were shattered and destroyed without any accidents like last time. There were no remains of the previous immortals within the stars.

The entire process of fighting against the Void Demon Clan and harvesting starlight energy and star resources was completely normal.

In the surrounding void, the dependents of the first-level intermediate star masters came one after another on battleships. While bombarding the void demon tide, they also harvested starlight energy and resources.

The whole process was very similar to the destruction of the 'Black Mercury' that Liang Ji first experienced.

When the second wave of void monsters hit, most of them were third-order void monsters.

At this time, it became increasingly difficult for Liang Ji and his family members to support themselves, and they had no choice but to retreat.

However, with the experience of the previous two times, Liang Ji naturally did not take his family members to leave directly. Instead, he looked for warships around that could be boarded and continued to watch the shattering and destruction of the stars live.

Facts have proved that the connections of Star Palace students are wide enough. Among the Star Masters who cooperated with Liang Ji, several Star Masters have already contacted the Star Masters of several nearby battleships, inviting everyone to board the battleships and watch the destruction of the stars. .

Liang Ji looked around, but on one of the battleships, he saw the Star Lord among the fire elephant demons he had seen before.

Thinking of the magical power of the fire bloodline possessed by the Elephant Family, Liang Ji couldn't help but feel moved. He immediately looked for someone to introduce him and boarded the battleship with Lan Yingying.

On the battleship, after being introduced by someone, Liang Ji also met the star master of the Fire Elephant Family Clan, who was born in the Vientiane Star Palace and was named Chun Yuxiang.

For Liang Ji, the other party also had an impression. After all, they were the first to arrive at the broken star.

Liang Ji saw Chun Yuxiang in the fire elephant group, and the other party naturally saw him in the whale monster group.

The two chatted for a while and then talked about the cultivation of their families. Both their families had mastered the power of bloodline supernatural powers in advance, and they also had quite a lot of experience in communication.

During the exchange, he also learned that the bloodline magical power mastered by the other party's Fire Elephant Family is 'flame-breathing', which can swallow and refine specific spiritual fires in normal times, and then spit out spiritual flames when needed, whether it is to refine elixirs. , weapon refining, or fighting, they are all extremely practical.

Liang Ji listened to the other party's introduction to the effect of the 'flame-breathing' magical power, but felt more and more that this bloodline magical power was very consistent with his Suanni bloodline family.

"Classmate Chunyu." Liang Ji couldn't help but ask: "Do you still have the broken bloodline magical seed of 'Spitting Flame' in your hand?"

"If there is one, I'd like to buy one."

Hearing Liang Ji's words, Chunyu Xiang was not surprised. In the exchange between the two just now, Liang Ji had told him that his family members were developing in different directions and required different bloodline magical powers.

However, Chunyu Xiang still shook his head and said: "I got a broken spiritual seed that 'spits flames' back then, and I don't have it in my hand now."

When Liang Ji heard this, he couldn't help but look disappointed.

"But..." Chun Yuxiang suddenly changed the topic and said, "I know where there are broken spiritual seeds that are 'breathing flames'."

Liang Ji's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately took out ten strands of 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' and handed them over, saying, "Please help me, Classmate Chunyu, and tell me the clues."

Chun Yuxiang did not refuse, and took the ten strands of 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' with a smile, and said: "I was born in the Manggu Star Territory, and the broken spiritual seed that was originally burning was in the Chishan Mountain in the Manggu Star Territory. Star' obtained."

"Manggu Star Territory, Chishan Star?" Liang Ji couldn't help but frown slightly when he heard this, and said, "Chunyu, can you explain it more clearly? Where is it in Chishan Star?"

When Chun Yuxiang heard the words, he shook his head slightly and said: "Chishan Star is not the main star in the Star Alliance, but a native spiritual star and life star discovered when the Star Alliance expanded to the Manggu Star Territory. .”

"Now, this Chishan Star has been refined into a blessed land by a senior immortal, in order to impact the realm of earthly immortals."

"If you want to get the broken spiritual seed of 'Burning Flame', you only need to find the senior immortal."

Original spiritual vein stars! Senior Immortal! Blessed land!

When Liang Ji heard this, he suddenly understood and thanked the other party immediately.

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