The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 203 The Blessed Land of Earthly Immortals (please subscribe)

The Star Alliance has been expanding. Among the thirty-three star regions, the Manggu Star Region is the 'youngest'. It has only been a member of the Star Alliance for less than 10,000 years.

After Liang Ji got clues about the bloodline's magical power 'Burning Flame' from Chunyu Xiang, he watched a scene of broken stars and destruction. Then he returned to Yinghai City, entertained his old classmate Lan Yingying, and then Start searching and investigating the news about the Manggu Star Territory and the 'Chishan Star'.

On the Star Network, there is only superficial information about the 'Manggu Star Territory', and there is only one location for the 'Chishan Star', and there is almost no information available.

Fortunately, Liang Ji is a student of Kunlun Star Palace. He found a lot of information about the 'Manggu Star Territory' and the 'Chishan Star' in the 'Library' of the Star Palace's official website.

Through some information in the "Library" of the Star Palace, Liang Ji discovered that the opening of the Manggu Star Territory was almost the same time as the opening of the Earth Immortal Road.

Some materials also clearly record that the opening of the Manggu Star Territory was not only the work of the Star Master, but also the work of many other top monks of the Taoism.

About 10,000 years ago, Wansheng Temple proposed the 'Road to the Earthly Immortal', which theoretically gave the top monks of various sects the possibility to go one step further and advance from the third level to the second level.

As a result, many of the top monks in the Star Alliance who had been trapped at the top of the third level, unable to go any further, could not find a way forward, and were in despair, suddenly burst out with great enthusiasm.

Many third-level immortals and top monks from various Taoist traditions have used various methods to find stars suitable for refining into blessed lands.

According to the records in the Star Palace, it even caused quite a chaos within the Star Alliance at that time.

For those top monks from various sects who have been desperate and suddenly see hope, many of them will do anything and dare to do anything in order to take a step further.

Some of them are eyeing the main star, some are eyeing the star master's natal star, and some are eyeing some native spiritual stars and life stars in the Star Alliance.

This caused a lot of chaos, killing, and destruction, seriously damaging the internal order of the Star Alliance.

It goes without saying that the main star and the Star Lord's natal star will be severely punished by anyone who dares to make plans. Even if the Star Lord has fallen, such as the 'Giant Shark Star' in the Penglai Star Territory, it is also strictly prohibited. It was decided by other top monks in the orthodox tradition.

As for the original spiritual stars and life stars in the star regions of the Star Alliance, they are also protected by the laws of the Star Alliance. Naturally, these people are not allowed to make decisions or refine them.

It was also at that time that the 'Ten Thousand Temples', which was originally neutral, gradually became an evil organization and became the target of wanted and targeted attacks by the Star Alliance.

However, among the top monks of various sects, although there are some who are unscrupulous, there are also those who are willing to abide by the laws of the Star Alliance and support the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance does not allow them to refine the main star, the Star Lord's natal star, and the original spiritual vein stars within the Star Alliance into blessed places, but they must also find a way out for them and find objects that can be refined into blessed places. Otherwise, the monks from other sects will be Pushed to the opposite side of Star Lord and Star Alliance.

Therefore, at that time, more than 20,000 years ago, the Star Alliance revised some laws to allow the top monks of each lineage to refine the original spiritual stars found in the vast sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance into blessed places.

In fact, before this law was passed at that time, many top monks and third-level immortals from various sects had already gone outside the Star Alliance to find the original spiritual stars that could be refined into blessed places.

The passage of this law only legalized the actions of these people and made many of them willing to join the ranks of the Star Alliance, act with the Star Alliance, explore the star sea, and expand the Star Alliance.

It was under this background that the Star Alliance and many top monks from various sects joined forces to open up the Manggu Star Territory, becoming the 33rd star territory of the Star Alliance.

For this reason, in the Manggu Star Territory, there are many native spiritual stars that are occupied by top monks from other sects and refined into blessed places.

The Manggu Star Territory can be said to be the place where the Earth Immortal Taoism gathers in the current Star Alliance.

In some information, the 'Manggu Star Territory' is even called the 'Earth Immortal Star Territory'.

Liang Ji's target this time, 'Chishan Star', is one of them.

The person who controls the 'Chishan Star' and refines it into a blessed land is a top Shinto monk called the 'Red Flame God Lord'.

After checking the information about the 'Manggu Star Territory' and the 'Chishan Star', Liang Ji was not in a hurry to go to the 'Manggu Star Territory'.

On the one hand, he is not far away from accumulating enough second-order demonic whale elixirs. Liang Ji is planning to continue to hunt the group of void whale demons in the Yinghai Black Hole and accumulate a hundred second-order demonic elixirs so that he can upgrade later. , develop the natal stars.

On the other hand, Liang Ji had previously sent data and information on the active period of the Yinghai black hole, star breakage, and destruction to several old classmates in Xiu She City.

Lan Yingying was also in the group, calling the others to come to the Yinghai Black Cave to harvest starlight merits, star resources, and treasures together.

Now in the group, Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Zhang Liangpu, and Cao Chanyue have all expressed their intention to come and have a look and get together.

This time can be said to be the first reunion for several people in the past two years after they were admitted to the Star Palace. Naturally, Liang Ji couldn't miss it, so he was waiting for his old classmates here in Yinghai City.

Finally, there is an even more important point.

Although Liang Ji checked a lot of news about the 'Manggu Star Territory' and the 'Chishan Star', he had no connection with the 'Manggu Star Territory', especially the 'Chishan Star', and had no way to get there.

Therefore, Liang Ji was going to look around first to see if he could find an intermediary who could introduce him to the Red Flame Divine Lord of the 'Chishan Star'; or at least provide him with an opportunity to visit him.

In this way, it would be more convenient and more likely for him to find the broken bloodline magical spiritual seed that 'spits flames'.

When looking for connections and opportunities, the first thing Liang Ji thought of was naturally his mentor, Mentor Chiyu.

Master Akadema, regardless of his level of cultivation or his status as the mentor of Kunlun Star Palace, undoubtedly has a high status in the Star Alliance, and he must have a lot of connections. If you ask Master Akadema, you should be able to guess Want the answer.

Liang Ji immediately sent a message to Master Chiyu, seeking a way to visit the blessed land of ‘Chishan Star’.

The instructor didn't respond, and Liang Ji didn't care. He was already used to it.

Master Akadema is currently busy moving stars, refining the void into reality, and arranging the galaxy environment and formations other than his natal stars. These are not only related to the safety and protection of his natal stars, but also related to the subsequent cultivation of harmony and transcendence. The essential.

He is very busy on weekdays. Even the courses are held at a fixed time every month and are taught on the Star Network. Occasionally, the courses are postponed for a month or two.

The tutor will also take time to respond to Liang Ji's daily questions and consultation content.

He was in no hurry.

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