The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 204 Reunion (please subscribe)

Half a month later, Peng Yue, Zhang Liangpu, Cao Chanyue, and Yunlai arrived in Yinghai City one after another.

Six classmates from Xiu Snake City who were admitted to the Star Palace reunited again after more than a year.

Xander House is also a restaurant that several people are familiar with. Liang Ji, as the convener of this reunion, hosted a banquet to welcome the old classmates.

During a banquet, everyone reminisced about their studies and exams in their senior year of high school, what they had experienced in the Star Palace, and the situation of this year's college entrance examination in Xiu She City.

"Liang Ji, I still remember the first time I met you, it was during Chen Yuan's Demonic Star Trial."

"At that time, you and the classmate from your class... I think he was named Fang Xiaohan, right... were following Peng Yue."

"Hey, we all thought at the time that you and Fang Xiaohan were just followers pursuing the beauty Peng Yue."

"Just like those Star Master students following Beauty Cao Chanyue... right, Beauty Cao..."

At the banquet, Zhang Liangpu was quite talkative, talking about what happened when he was in his third year of high school. At this point, he turned to Cao Chanyue and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Cao Chanyue rolled her eyes and said: "Don't talk about that trial. I still remember it. At that time, you gave the order and the star master team of your fifth middle school fired thousands of arrows. They almost missed my All members of the family team are cleared to appear."

"As a result, I could only escape with less than a hundred members of the Quetzalcoatl family in embarrassment. The results of that trial were terrible."

"If I hadn't performed well in the three mock exams, I might not have been able to get funding from the market, let alone be admitted to the Taiyi Star Palace now."

As she said that, she picked up the wine glass, handed it to Zhang Liangpu, and said, "How many drinks should you be punished for?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liangpu picked up the wine glass with a smile and said, "I will fine you three drinks in a row as an apology to Miss Cao, okay! Haha..."

After three glasses of wine, Zhang Liangpu picked up another glass of wine, shook his head and said: "As for the funding from the market later... Hey, with your uncle's status in the Penglai Star Territory Upper House, there is no way he can get less from you. .”

Cao Chanyue smiled when she heard this and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Zhang Liangpu drank the wine and changed the topic: "Have you ever been back to Snake Xiu City this year?"

"In the past year, there have been quite a few changes in the city. Several departments have made internal adjustments, especially the City Inspection Department, which has almost undergone a major change..."

"I heard that not only Xiu She City, but also the seventy-two cities of Tian Serpent Star seem to be moving."

"It is said that it is related to the attack on Tian Serpent City more than half a year ago..."

As he spoke, he looked at Yun Lai and said with a smile, "Master Yun, do you have any inside information?"

Hearing this, Yunlai smiled and said, "How can I have any inside information? You should ask Director Zhang about these things."

Zhang Liangpu shook his head when he heard this and said, "It's boring. If I could ask, why would I ask you?"

Liang Ji was listening to the chats of several old classmates at the banquet, but he gradually learned a lot of information and news about the inside of Xiu She City that he had not known before.

The attack on Tian Snake City, the rigorous investigation of Seventy-Two Cities, and even the internal adjustments of Xiu Snake City, etc., Liang Ji was half-experienced, so he had some understanding.

But he didn't expect that after the three-model examination, the city spent a lot of merit to provide special funding for the six of them to help them develop their natal stars and cultivate their dependents, so that the last six people successfully passed the Star Palace, but behind the scenes, there was also There are also some secrets.

Although the six people who received funding and training performed best in the three-model assessment, apart from him, the other five people may have their own backgrounds and reasons.

At that time, the meritorious funding launched by Mayor Yun and Director Zhang was probably half public and half private.

At the banquet, several people chatted briefly and did not go into depth. They basically talked about their experiences in the Star Palace and the black holes in various star fields, and exchanged some information.

It's a pity that none of them have been to the Manggu Star Territory.

At the end of the banquet, several people talked about this year's college entrance examination in Xiu She City, although it was not as dazzling as last year when six Star Palace students were produced in one class.

However, with the foundation laid by the six of them, the resources and merits allocated to Xiushe City Government and Xiushe City Education Bureau in this school year are much higher than in previous years.

With more resources and meritorious training, Xiu She City's college entrance examination results this year are also quite dazzling.

Not only were two more students admitted to the Star Palace, but more importantly, the rate of students admitted to the Star Palace increased significantly.

Last year, among the nearly 400 Star Master students in Liang Ji's group, less than 80 were admitted to the entrance hall, a rate of about one-fifth.

But this year, among the more than 300 Star Master students in Xiu She City, more than 100 were admitted to the entrance hall, which is close to one-third.

These are all the good results they achieved last year. The resources, merits, etc. they earned can provide better support and training to more Star Master students.

It is said that people in the past planted trees and people in the future can enjoy the shade.

This year, more than 100 people will be admitted to the entrance hall, which will definitely win more resources, merits and other rewards for Xiu She City. It will also be beneficial to the training of subsequent students.

The advantages are accumulated year after year. After a few years, Xiu She City will become a strong college entrance examination city that has cultivated many talents.

After the banquet, the few of them strolled around Yinghai City again, and also made appointments with each other to hunt some Void Monster Clan. They also all saw the combat power and situation of their current Familia clan.

It is a pity that there has been no news of the shattering and destruction of the stars for several days, and several people have dispersed to hunt down different groups of void demons, waiting for the news of the shattering and destruction of the stars to act together.

After all, several people have different family attributes and different development directions. Naturally, they all have different hunting directions.

At this time, the reply from Instructor Akadama finally came.

It wasn’t just Instructor Akada who responded, the instructor also invited Senior Bian Yujiao to join him.

After the introduction, Liang Ji learned that Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was born in the Manggu Star Territory, and there was a senior in her family who also refined a native spiritual star in the Manggu Star Territory as a blessed place, and was practicing the Earth Immortal Taoism. The path of spiritual practice.

These earth immortals have their own internal contact circle. Liang Ji can definitely visit the Red Flame God of the 'Chishan Star' through the recommendation of Senior Sister Bian's family.

Liang Ji was overjoyed when he heard this. As expected, the students in the Star Palace had never disappointed anyone with their connections.

He immediately bowed to Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and asked for help.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao did not shirk, and said with a smile: "It has been more than a year since I became a disciple of my mentor. Senior Sister, I have been busy in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory and have never been back. I have not even given you a greeting gift."

"This time it's just a little effort."

"I have already contacted my family to arrange it. When you arrive at the Manggu City in the Manggu Star Territory, go directly to the Yujing Tower in the city, and someone will take you to visit the blessed land of the Chishan Star."

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