The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 205 Chishan Star (please subscribe)

Manggu Star Territory Black Hole, Manggu City, this place is slightly different from Penglai City and Yinghai City that Liang Ji has seen.

Here, he saw more monks from other sects, and they seemed to be much more active.

After all, this place is known as the 'Earth Immortal Star Territory', where many immortals and top monks from various sects gather to refine the native stars into a blessed place.

Whether it was the call of these 'Earth Immortals' or the intentional or unintentional care and training of the 'Earth Immortals' over the years, the number of monks from various Taoist traditions gathered here in Manggu Star Territory and Manggu City was greater than that of most other planets. The domains are much more numerous and more active.

Senior Sister Bian's Yujing Tower is located in the central block of Manggu City. It is full of wealth and splendor. It is much taller and more imposing than the Yujing Tower that Liang Ji saw when he was in Kunlun City.

It can be seen that Senior Sister Bian's family should have considerable status and strength in Manggu City and Manggu Star Territory.

As Senior Sister Bian said, she had already arranged everything.

When Liang Ji entered the Yujing Tower, before he could register his number and purpose, a manager came to greet him and said, "But Mr. Liang Jiliang, the young lady's junior fellow student?"

Liang Ji looked at the other party, nodded, and said, "I am Liang Ji."

The smile on the opposite face became brighter and brighter, and he bent slightly and said, "Hello, Mr. Liang, my surname is Cheng, I am the external relations manager of Yujinglou Group."

The other party said, took out his business card and handed it over.

Business cards in the spiritual world, especially those of staff of large companies and large groups, are often specially made talismans, which contain the talisman seal of the company or group they belong to, making it difficult to imitate them.

Therefore, it is very convenient to check your identity.

Liang Ji took it, looked at it, nodded and said, "Manager Cheng, please excuse me."

Manager Cheng smiled and said: "It is an honor for me to serve Mr. Liang. The eldest lady has already told you that you are her honored guest. Let us receive you with all your heart."

"We have already contacted Chishan Star. Do you think you would like to stay here for a few days and visit Manggu City first, or go directly to Chishan Star?"

Liang Ji naturally has no intention of playing around or delaying here. The Yinghai black hole is becoming more and more active, and new stars may be broken and destroyed at any time. It is a carnival feast of harvesting starlight merits, as well as star resources and treasures. .

Among the Star Alliance, there may not be an active period of the star field black hole for hundreds of years. It can be said that it is a great time for low-level star owners like them to take the opportunity to make a fortune, accelerate the development of their natal stars, and improve their families. Naturally, they cannot miss.

Liang Ji still remembered that he had read many messages from seniors and seniors on the Star Palace official website, all of which were talking about the difficulty of earning merit, spiritual stones, and resources during the freshman period, and basically had to rely on "student loans."

That is, they have not encountered such a black hole active period, otherwise they only need to harvest a few broken and destroyed stars to meet most of the needs for developing stars and improving the dependents in the newborn period.

Liang Ji was very lucky. When he encountered such an opportunity that was rare in hundreds of years, he was naturally unwilling to delay or miss it.

Therefore, he said bluntly: "I have something to do later, so let's go directly to 'Chishan Star'."

Upon hearing this, Manager Cheng on the other side nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Liang, please come with me. The starship heading to the 'Chishan Star' is ready and ready to go at any time."

Yujing Tower specially prepared a starship for him to go to the 'Chishan Star', instead of taking the starship that usually travels within the star field for transportation.

Taking this special 'starship' was naturally much faster, and we arrived at 'Chishan Star' in only five days.

The blessed land of 'Chishan Star' is different from the main star of Serpentis Star that Liang Ji has seen.

On the one hand, this star looks much smaller, and most of it is red, as if there is a flame burning in it.

On the other hand, there is no special airport built around the 'Chishan Star' to welcome starships, battleships, etc. from all parties.

Moreover, there are several starships patrolling in the void around the 'Chishan Star', seemingly sealing off the inside and outside of the 'Chishan Star'.

It seems that the ‘Chishan Star’ blessed land is a bit closed and does not welcome outside starships and monks.

Seeing this, Liang Ji was secretly glad that he had found a connection with Senior Bian in advance. Otherwise, if he had come to visit on his own, it would have been difficult for him to find connections based on the blockade.

However, Liang Ji was not surprised.

After all, in a certain sense, these 'Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals' are similar to the natal stars of each star master. They are the place where they practice the great path and where they hope for transcendence and ascension.

Naturally, everything needs to be protected strictly.

Neither the Star Lord nor the Earth Immortal would welcome outsiders to enter their 'place of enlightenment'.

Yujinglou's starship flew towards the 'Chishan Star'. Instead of approaching it directly, it contacted the other side first.

Soon after, Manager Cheng came with a man with a red face and introduced Liang Ji: "This is the descendant of the Red Flame God Lord, Mr. Xin Ziyu Xin, who is responsible for the external reception of the 'Chishan Star' blessed land. "

He also introduced Liang Ji to the other party and said: "This is Mr. Liang Ji, a student of Kunlun Star Palace. He is also our eldest lady's junior student."

After the two greeted each other and said hello.

Xin Ziyu said bluntly: "Mr. Liang, the Bian family has already informed us of your request."

"The broken bloodline psychic species you want to 'spit flames' is indeed produced in our blessed land of 'Chishan Star'."

"However, your dependents may need to pick it up in person."

"Oh?" Liang Ji couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, and said: "You mean, let my family members enter the blessed land of the Lord God? Is this appropriate?"

"Haha, there is nothing inappropriate about this." Xin Ziyu said with a smile: "You are a student of Kunlun Star Palace, and we believe in the reputation of Kunlun Star Palace."

"Moreover, you were introduced by the Bian family of Yujing Tower, and we also believe in the credibility of the Bian family."

"What's more, this blessed land of 'Chishan Star' is under the control of our ancestors. We don't worry about what you will do in it."

Liang Ji listened, although he still felt a little strange, but his target was only the flame-breathing bloodline psychic species.

So he didn't delve further and asked, "What should my family do?"

After hearing Liang Ji's words, Xin Ziyu said: "The bloodline magical power of 'Tuyan' is actually the bloodline power mastered by an indigenous alien race in 'Chishan Star'. Mr. Liang's family team only needs to enter 'Chishan Star', and we You can get it by killing some indigenous aliens in the designated place."

Liang Ji felt enlightened when he heard this.

This 'Chishan Star' is the blessed land refined by the Red Flame God Lord. The indigenous foreign races among them are equivalent to the other party's 'families' and people, but now they are being slaughtered by outsiders.

This can only mean that there is either something wrong with the ‘Chishan Star’ Blessed Land, or there is something wrong with the Red Flame Divine Lord.

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