The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 207 Massacre (please subscribe)

boom! boom! boom!

Each of the Baxia family members swelled to more than thirty feet. They raised giant shields and smashed them down like mountains. The mountains surged like tides.

The blast hit the earth, causing the ground to shake and the volcano to collapse and collapse.

The huge shields like mountains resisted the impact and burning of the large flames spewed by the red-horned tauren on the opposite side.

"Broken! Broken! Broken..."

The warrior leader Chi 49th led the half-dragon family members. At this time, they rushed out from behind the Baxia family members. They were like giants, holding up the "Giant Spirit Hammer" and smashing it down. The black and yellow light on it flowed and hit the impact. In the flames and sea of ​​fire, break the sea of ​​fire and destroy the flame.

In the sky, the Chi Feng Familia 'calls for the wind', and above the earth, the Chi Kiss Familia 'calls for rain'.

Under the "Call the Wind" and "Call the Rain", the violent wind and rain hit and pressed down, suppressing the raging sea of ​​​​fire and annihilating the impact of the flames.

There was also the Jiao Tu family members who sacrificed the magic weapon "Ice Bead" and used the power of ice to surge like a tidal wave, colliding, exploding, and sealing the sea of ​​fire with ice.

At this time, the Suanni bloodline clan was unable to take action. Their flame control spells could not resist the tauren's magical power of swallowing fire and spitting flames. They wanted to compete with the tauren natives for control of the flames and suppress the sea of ​​fire. Totally impossible.

However, with Baxia, Half-Dragon, Chaofeng, Chiki, and Jiaotu, the five bloodline clans took full action, which was enough to suppress the sea of ​​fire set off by the indigenous tauren and trap them in the center of the city and under the volcano.


The warrior leader of the Yajuan clan gave an order at this time.

Tens of thousands of Yaizhen clan members used the magical power of the bloodline of 'swallowing swords', sweeping up a storm of sword energy and rushing forward first, rushing into the suppressed sea of ​​​​fire, and slaughtering the tauren natives in close combat.

Nowadays, the magic weapon 'Mo Dao' used by the Yajuan clan has been upgraded to the level of a mid-grade magic weapon. After their body and the sword are combined, their bodies become stronger, and the explosive 'Gengjin Dao Qi' becomes more and more sharp and powerful. Majestic.

The sweeping storm of sword energy shattered the sea of ​​fire and the formation of the Minotaur natives, strangled the Minotaurs, and shattered the fire sea and formation of the natives into pieces, and their combat power dropped again.

kill! kill! kill……

At this time, the remaining Bianyi Familia, Pulao Familia, and Suanni Familia also charged forward. They each gathered around some scattered Tauren natives to fight and fight.

The Biyuan Familia clan's halberd struck down with thunder, roaring like thunder, and the lightning flashed on it. Although it did not have the power of bloodline supernatural powers, it was still very lethal, and it had no problem killing the tauren natives.

The Pulao family members control all kinds of poisonous insects, sweeping all kinds of poisonous poisons and spreading like poisonous mist. They were originally burned and restrained by the sea of ​​fire.

However, at this time, most of the flames created by the native tauren were suppressed by Baxia, Half-Dragon, Chaofeng, Chiki and other clans, but it gave the Pulao clan a lot of space to use poisonous insects and poisons. , poisoning the indigenous tauren one by one.

Similarly, when the Suanyi clan fights with fire, they cannot compete with the magical power of the blood of the indigenous tauren to "swallow fire and breathe flames".

But at this time, the sea of ​​​​fire set off by the tauren was suppressed, and it was hit and torn into pieces by the storm of sword energy set off by the Yajuan clan. The control of the earth fire and sea of ​​​​fire also collapsed and declined.

Moreover, the Suanyi Familia rolled up the magical weapon 'Flame Flag' and used it as a spear to display the combat skill of 'Flame Meteor Spear'. They did not compete with the tauren natives for control of the flames and only used combat skills to kill the enemy. However, this was also Zongheng Wuji killed groups of indigenous tauren.

In the end, the Prisoner Niu family members were left. At this time, they still did not rush to the battlefield to fight. Instead, they stayed behind and used the power of the bloodline of 'Rejuvenation' to shed green light like rain, healing those injured in the battlefield. warriors of various clans.

The bloodline of the prisoner ox family belongs to wood. After mastering the healing and life-saving power of the 'rejuvenation' bloodline, they are now getting further and further away from the front line of charging and fighting.

Nowadays, they are basically reduced to a logistics team, either cultivating spiritual plants and spiritual valleys in the natal stars to provide food and material support for the fighting families on the front; or on the battlefield, operating the power of the bloodline magical power of 'Rejuvenation', Healing and saving lives.

It can be said that as long as the Half-Dragon, Basia, Yaizhen and other family members who are fighting in the front are not defeated or killed by the enemy, the Prison Niu family members in the rear basically don't have to worry about safety and fighting.

This is also the direction for the cultivation and development of dependents. After all, the development of dependents is not just about fighting, but farming, management, and development are also very important.

It can also be seen from the awakening and advancement rate of the ten bloodline clans in the past year. Although the awakening and advancement rate of the prisoner cow clan is not the highest, it is not as good as the half-dragon that has been charging ahead. Human and Baxia Familia, but the gap is limited, similar to Jiaotu and Chiki Familia.

It is also enough to prove that farming, management, development, etc. are also very useful for the awakening, advancement, and improvement of the dependents.

Of course, the magical power of the bloodline of 'Rejuvenation' must also play a big role in this.

The battle is still going on, and Liang Ji's family has an overwhelming advantage.

He could see that these red-horned tauren natives were indeed, as Xin Ziyu said, only at the second level. Even if they used the bloodline magical power of 'swallowing fire and breathing flames', their combat power was limited.

Moreover, these natives were blocked by the Red Flame Lord and isolated from the civilization of the Star Alliance. They did not even master the runic language and writing of the Star Alliance. Naturally, it was more difficult for them to master powerful magical weapons, spells, combat techniques, etc.

Basically, they relied on the incomplete magical power of "swallowing fire and breathing flames", but under the suppression and impact of the magical powers of blood such as Xiaofeng, Chiki, Baxia, Half-Dragon, and Yaizhen, they could only The means they could rely on were also shattered by the attack, making it even more difficult to resist the assault and massacre of Liang Ji's family members.

Roars, roars, howls, explosions of fire, and the roar of the earth and mountains, echoed under this indigenous city and volcano.

However, Liang Ji glanced across the battlefield and frowned slightly.

His family members have killed a large number of 'fire-eating' tauren natives, but there are no 'flaming' bloodline supernatural beings.

Liang Ji couldn't help but raise his eyes slightly and looked at the center of the battlefield, under the volcano and on the high platform of the indigenous sacrifices, where the indigenous ox-headed sacrifices were made.

“Perhaps, the broken spiritual seed of ‘Burning Flame’ should be obtained from this indigenous sacrifice?”

Liang Ji still remembered that the first broken bloodline psychic seed he obtained was obtained from the giant shark indigenous sacrifice in the 'Giant Shark Star'.

At this time, the tauren native priest was carving a huge pattern on the high platform, like a huge bull swallowing fire.

In the battlefield, a large number of tauren natives were slaughtered, and their blood was attracted away and submerged into the huge flaming bull pattern.

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