The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 208 Third level spiritual fire (please subscribe)

Liang Ji looked at the indigenous tauren's sacrificial movements, and after pondering for a moment, he did not send his family members to stop them.

Although, around the sacrificial platform, the Tauren priest also arranged a group of Tauren warriors to guard it. However, if Liang Ji sends out the Chao Feng Familia who can fly in the air and move forward and retreat freely, and attack them with violent winds and rain, not to mention stopping their movements, they can at least significantly interfere with and delay them.

It is even possible to drag other clansmen to kill most of the native tauren in the battlefield, then rush across the battlefield and kill them to the sacrificial platform.

However, the purpose of Liang Ji's trip was to find the broken spiritual species that were "breathing flames". At this time, he saw many tauren natives who were "breathing fire" being killed on the battlefield, but there was no spirit species that was "breathing flames". kind.

He has also realized that just killing these ordinary tauren natives may not be enough.

I'm afraid we still have to kill the priest on the high platform.

Moreover, there is a high probability that the combat power will be raised to its peak after the opponent completes the sacrifice.

After all, the broken bloodline psychic seed of the 'Fa Tian Xiang Di' that he originally obtained was obtained from the shark man sacrifice who had performed sacrifices there, used the 'Fa Tian Xiang Di', and raised his combat power to the limit.

Liang Ji didn't know what the conditions were for producing such a broken bloodline psychic species.

Nowadays, we can only recreate the situation as much as possible in the 'Giant Shark Star'.

Therefore, after he just pondered for a while, he did not take action to stop the arrangement and sacrifice of the tauren sacrifice.

I hope that I can capture the ‘flame-breathing’ Broken Divine Psychic Seed.

The fighting and killing continued. More and more native Tauren who were "eating fire and breathing flames" were beheaded, and their bodies were piled up on the battlefield. However, the blood flowed upstream and flowed into the sacrificial platform built on the slope of the volcano. The engraved image of a giant bull engulfing in flames.


Faintly, the flaming giant bull pattern carved on the sacrificial platform seemed to come to life, and the roar of the giant bull seemed to be coming from it.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, the roaring and shaking in the volcano became more and more intense, and more ground fire and magma erupted from it. They no longer just surrounded the volcanic peaks, but rushed towards the surrounding battlefields.

Under the impact of the earth's fire and magma, the violent storms set off by the Chaofeng and Chikiss Familias were also disrupted and destroyed. The sea of ​​fire set off by the tauren natives' flames also broke through the suppression of the Liangji Familias, impacting and erupting. .

Deaths and injuries inevitably began to occur among Liang Ji's family members. However, with the 'rejuvenation' green rain that the Qi Niu family members continued to sprinkle to heal their wounds and save their lives, the number of casualties was also under control and within the acceptable range. Inside.

Moreover, although these Tauren natives gained a short-term advantage due to the eruption of the volcano, the Liangji clan had accumulated too many advantages before, and by this time they had basically slaughtered more than half of the Tauren natives on the battlefield.

Their explosive attacks and counterattacks were quickly suppressed by the strong resistance, destruction and suppression of the Baxia Familia and the Half-Dragon Familia.

When most of the indigenous tauren in the battlefield were killed, the sacrificial platform behind the battlefield was almost completely submerged by the blood of the indigenous tauren coming from the opposite direction.

The giant flaming bull carved on the sacrificial platform had almost turned into a living creature, sweeping up a sea of ​​fire and burning on the sacrificial platform.

Liang Ji looked at the high sacrificial platform, his face slightly condensed. He could see that the power of the giant flaming bull manifested on the high platform had reached the second level peak.

The sacrificial activities of the indigenous tauren sacrifices should also be completed.


Finally, when the solid flame giant bull raised its head again and let out a roar.

On the high platform, the indigenous tauren priest who presided over the sacrifice suddenly jumped up and jumped directly into the sea of ​​​​fire on the high platform, using himself as a sacrifice, and transformed into the flaming giant bull.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At the same time, the volcano where the sacrificial platform was located also erupted and cracked in an instant. A ball of blazing, red-gold flames erupted from it and fell into the giant flaming bull.


The bull's head raised its head and roared, turning into a truly giant flaming bull. The blazing flames, high temperatures, power, aura, etc. all around it instantly broke through the limits of the second level and rushed into the third level.

"not good!"

Liang Ji couldn't help but change his face suddenly when he saw it. This change was somewhat beyond his expectation.

At that moment, he immediately ordered the family members to retreat and switch from offense to defense.


The third-level flame giant roared, sweeping up a large sea of ​​​​fire and impacting.

They were first hit by the violent storm swept by the Chaofeng and Chiki family members.

The third-level spiritual fire was burning in the sea of ​​fire. It was red gold in color, and its blazing, high-temperature, and burning power exceeded the limit of the magical powers of 'Call the Wind' and 'Call the Rain'. Wherever it went, the violent storm was directly Swallowed, burned, evaporated.

Behind the violent storm, there are the "Thousand Mountain Shields" sacrificed by the Baxia family members. At this time, they are really like mountains standing on the earth, connected to the ground, and motionless like mountains.

The blazing, high-temperature, and terrifying third-level flames hit these high mountains, burning and destroying the vague 'mountain shadows' in them, and burning the 'Thousand Mountain Shields' shields that were tens of feet high, turning them into molten iron and flowing.

Although these 'Thousand Mountain Shields' shields are made from spiritual materials derived from various star treasures and resources, they are all extremely strong middle-grade magic weapons.

However, under the burning of cross-level spiritual fire, these solid defensive weapons are simply difficult to withstand.

The magic weapon is irresistible. On top of the giant hammer struck by the half-dragon family members, there is a black and yellow light that breaks the law; the storm of sword energy set off by suppressing the family members' "swallowing swords" is impacted and burned by the blazing, high-temperature impact of the third-level spiritual fire. Even below, it is difficult to resist.

The 'breaking method' of the second-level family members is difficult to break the third-level spiritual fire.

The sword storm that had previously torn apart the sea of ​​fire and killed the tauren natives also collapsed and was annihilated under the blazing flames and high temperatures.

Liang Ji commanded the family members to retreat while fighting, but it was still inevitable that the family members of each bloodline would suffer heavy casualties under the impact and burning of the third-level flames.

The 'Rejuvenation' bloodline magical power of the Prisoner Niu Familia is simply unable to cure the injuries caused by the third-level spiritual fire burning and high temperature shock.

The casualties increased rapidly, approaching Liang Ji's psychological limit.

At this time, in the sky of the 'Chishan Star', a network of red lights appeared. In the center of the network, a red mirror appeared, and a red divine light emerged from the mirror. Shoot straight down.

On the ground, the giant flaming bull that swept through the third-order spiritual fire turned into a sea of ​​fire and attacked and killed the Liang Ji family members. It roared, turned around and tried to run back into the volcano.

But it was too late, and he was killed by the red divine light that shot down on the spot. It turned into a wisp of red-gold flame and was captured, and disappeared into the red mirror intertwined with the light network in the sky.

At the scene, only a broken red-gold jade bead was left, in which a faint sign of spiritual fire could be seen.

It was a broken 'flaming' bloodline magical seed.

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