The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 211 Join forces again (please subscribe)

In the Yinghai black hole field, there is a second-order void demon clan area.

A long river of flames surged in the void. In the long river of flames were tens of thousands of second-order red flame demon pythons, driving the flames and churning the waves of fire forward.

This second-level red flame demon python is an advanced demon clan of the first-level red-trained demon snake. Originally, there were not many in the black hole of Yinghai.

However, as the Yinghai black hole becomes more and more active, more and more stars in it are broken and destroyed, and more and more starlight energy is erupted, which also attracts more void monsters to gather in the void star sea.

As a result, these red flame demonic pythons that were rarely seen in the past gradually increased in number, and even gathered into groups, sweeping into long rivers of flames that cruised in the void, chasing and devouring stars and stars.

Liang Ji recuperated in Yinghai City for more than ten days. Not only did he recover all the members of the family who were injured in the "Chishan Star", but the Suanyi family members also basically successfully awakened the bloodline magical power of "Tuyan", and their combat power was greatly increased. .

However, they have not yet reached their limit. Today's Suanyi Familia can still devour and refine more and stronger spiritual fires to increase the power of the bloodline magical power of 'Spitting Flames'.

Therefore, after finishing his recuperation, Liang Ji did not continue to hunt the Void Whale Demon Group, but asked for news about the Spiritual Fire Spirit Seeds in several communication groups.

He needs to collect more and stronger second-level spiritual fire seeds to increase the bloodline magical power and combat power of the Suanni Familia to the limit.

Then, in the communication group of old classmates, Peng Yue provided the location and coordinates of this long river of void flames swept by the 'red flame demon python group'.

In recent days, Peng Yue has been hunting the red flame demon python in this void river of fire. She has discovered many spiritual fire seeds in the long river of flames.

So, Liang Ji led his family members through the Star Gate and came to this void river of fire.

In the long river of flames, Peng Yue's family members were hunting and killing a red flame demon python.

Peng Yue's Familia can no longer be called Ice Soul Snake People. Perhaps they should be called Double-tailed Snake People. Her Familia tail has been completely divided into two, one as blue as ice and the other as red as fire.

Each one holds a double sword weapon, which is also an ice sword weapon and a fire sword weapon. In every attack and battle, the power of ice and fire operates and displays the mystery in the hands of these two-tailed snake people. Extremely, vividly.

Either frozen, burned, or exploded by the collision of ice and fire, defense, attack, and ultimate kill, the combat effectiveness is very powerful, almost no less than the magical power of the bloodline of the Liang Ji family members.

"The inheritance of the Nine-tailed Snake requires refining the Void Demon Snake Demon Pill with different attributes at different levels."

"Second level, I chose the demon elixir of this red flame demon python."

Peng Yue and Liang Ji briefly introduced the development of their dependent families.

Liang Ji also sent out his family members at this time.

The Mocking Wind Familia who 'calls for the wind', the Chiki Familia who 'calls for rain', the Baxia Familia who 'carries the mountain', the Yajuan Familia who 'swallows knives', the Suanniu Familia who 'breathes flames', and the Prison Niu Familia who 'rejuvenates' .

In addition, there are the Jiao Tu Familia who control the ice, the Biuan Familia who control the thunder, and the Half-Dragon Familia.

It can be said that this time, except for the Pulao family whose poisonous insects and poisonous poisons were completely restrained by the environment of the long river of flames, Liang Ji sent out almost all the second-level family members who could fight.

Even the Wood-attribute prisoner-ox family members who were also restrained were sent out to ensure the healing and life-saving of other family members.

The reason for this arrangement is that his main purpose this time is no longer to hunt down the Void Demon Clan, but to snatch the spiritual fire seeds from the demon group.

The two situations are naturally very different.

Hunting the Void Monsters is like a pack of wolves hunting cattle. All you need to do is wander around the periphery and seize the opportunity to tear off a piece of flesh and blood from the Void Monsters. But if you want to snatch the spiritual fire from the Monsters, Fire often needs to rush into the demon group, fight, kill, and seize treasures among the demon group.

This will undoubtedly increase the combat power requirements of the family members several times, or even more than ten times.

Moreover, it is easier to cause more casualties.

However, Liang Ji has confidence in his family members.

With the increase in the strength of the natal star spiritual veins, the development of the Familia, the improvement of magic weapons and elixirs, more and more Familia's bloodlines are awakening and mastering the power of bloodline magical powers, etc.

The combat power of his family members has long been different from what it was before, far more than when they were hunting the Void Whale Demon before.

Attacking the demon swarm in the void and seizing the treasures and resources in the demon swarm is a better and more suitable experience and training for his family members whose numbers and combat power have greatly increased.

Peng Yue also looked at the team sent by Liang Ji at this time and exclaimed: "Although this is not the first time I have seen them, every time I see your team, I can't help but be amazed."

"Among the six of us, you have changed the most."

"It seems that after entering the Star Palace, you really soared into the sky."

Hearing this, Liang Ji said with a smile: "We are still just a second-level soldier, how can we soar to the sky? We just have different directions in cultivating our dependents."

"Now that I am developing in all directions, it is not certain whether I will be able to succeed in the end."

Liang Ji couldn't help but shake his head slightly as he spoke.

Hearing this, Peng Yue said: "You have created many miracles along the way. I believe you can continue to create your own miracles in the future."

As she said that, she changed the topic and said with a smile: "When we were in our senior year of high school, every time we fought together, your family members would charge forward and clear the way for my family members."

"This time, it's my turn to clear the way for you."

Liang Ji looked at her family team. They had successfully surrounded and killed a red flame demon python and harvested the spoils. At this time, they did not continue to hunt, but gathered together.

He couldn't help but ask: "Would this cause too much damage to your dependents?"

Peng Yue heard this and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate my family members. Although their combat power may not be as good as yours, there is still no problem in self-protection."

"What's more, during the exams in the third year of high school, your family members charged and resisted, and you didn't consider the issue of casualties."

Liang Ji shook his head slightly. How could the deaths and injuries of the second-level family members be compared with the casualties and injuries of the first-level family members? The time for cultivation and recovery is different.

Peng Yue did not wait for him to speak, and continued: "Besides, isn't your prisoner cow family able to heal injuries and save lives? They will definitely save my family, right?"

Seeing the other party's insistence, Liang Ji did not refuse anymore. He just nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll bother you."

Peng Yue said with a smile: "You're welcome. We haven't cooperated since the college entrance examination, so let's join forces once again to kill in this group of red flame monster snakes and the river of fire in the void."

"Haha..." Liang Ji couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: "Next, in this black hole of the Yinghai Sea, I'm afraid there will be many opportunities for us to work together."

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