The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 212 Spell Torrent (Please subscribe)

A group of red flame demon pythons are in the river of fire in the void.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue quickly found and selected a spiritual fire. It turned orange and turned into a small snake like a living creature. It appeared and rolled in the river of fire and waves, and wandered around. Surrounded by red flame demonic pythons.

Sometimes, the spiritual fire that turned into a fire snake would also be attached to the body of the red flame demon python, swallowing the power of the flames and promoting its own growth.

One of the most important reasons why Liang Ji and the others chose this spiritual fire was that it was located relatively far back among the red flame demonic pythons.

The two families can launch an attack from behind the red flame demon python group, rush in the direction of the attack of the demon python group, and seize this spiritual fire.

This method of fighting is undoubtedly easier and safer than directly intercepting or hedging the impact of the Red Flame Demonic Python.

It was the first time they tried to rush into the void demon group to fight and seize the treasure. Naturally, the two of them were cautious and chose the lowest difficulty situation to try. They had enough experience in fighting among the red flame demon python group. After understanding the combat power requirements, you can then decide on the subsequent combat method.

"I went first!"

Peng Yue said something, and his team of dependents had already launched an attack from behind the red flame demon python group.

But when she saw her family members, the two-tailed snake people were swinging their ice and fire tails behind them one by one.

Suddenly, there were ice knives, ice arrows, ice cones, hail, fireballs, rockets, fire rain and other spell attacks, emitting from the ice snake tails and red flame snake tails.

After advancing from the first-level Ice Soul Snake-man to the second-level Ice-Fire Twin-tailed Snake-man, Peng Yue's family gave up the long-range attack of bows and arrows, and instead chose stronger and more suitable spells for long-range attack.

And it can be seen that the 'nine-tailed snake inheritance' practiced by the Pengyue family members should have great conveniences, advantages, and even huge power and combat power in the control of various elemental powers, the practice and use of spells, etc. increase.

Various ice spells and fire spells were cast by the ice and fire twin-tailed snake tails, smoothly, quickly, continuously, in various types and in large quantities, like two torrents of spells of ice and fire, directly blasting away. Enter the group of red flame python demons ahead.

It also impacted, collided, and exploded with the torrent of fire spells, and quickly opened a flesh-filled passage in the group of red flame python demons. It was not far away from the spiritual fire.


At the same time, Peng Yue's twin-tailed snake family members sacrificed the magical weapons of the ice and fire swords. With the torrent of ice and fire spells, they rushed into the group of red flame python monsters. The two swords were chopped down like wheels, freezing and burning. , Explosion, Rush!

hiss! Roar……

The red flame monster pythons that were attacked and startled all around roared, rolled, flicked their tails, and stirred up waves of flames all around, colliding, bombarding, exploding, and burning towards the Pengyue family members who were charging in.

The team of twin-tailed snake people, shaking their twin tails of ice and fire, threw out a large number of ice and fire spells, fighting and resisting the surrounding waves of fire, the collision of demon pythons, and the bombardment of python tails.

The continuous torrent of spells is no different from the violent storms caused by the 'Wind Calling' and 'Call the Rain' bloodline magical powers used by Liang Ji Chaofeng and Chikis Familia. It is no different than the sword energy set off by his Yajue Familia. The storm is no different.

Peng Yue's team of ice and fire twin-tailed snakemen charged all the way deep, not entangled or fighting to the death with the red flame demon pythons that were alarmed and attacking around them. They hid when they could and blocked when they could.

Occasionally, those who were attacked by red pythons and fire waves and suffered serious injuries, Liang Ji's prisoner ox family members also used the power of the 'rejuvenation' bloodline magical power to shed green light rain in time to treat and save lives.

Therefore, casualties are also limited.

Under such an impact, Peng Yue's family team finally broke into the demon group where the spiritual fire was.


In the air, Liang Ji and Peng Yue were slightly shocked when they saw this.

Liang Ji even smiled and said: "Peng Yue, you also said that your family members are not as powerful as mine. I think you are too humble."

Peng Yue shook his head slightly and said nothing.

At this time, her twin-tailed snake family members had already rushed out of the red flame demon python group with the spiritual fire.

Peng Yue took the spiritual fire seed and handed it directly to Liang Ji, saying: "This spiritual fire seed can be regarded as a meeting gift for this meeting."

Liang Ji did not refuse and took the spiritual fire kindling, but said: "This is so embarrassing, I don't know what to give in return."

Peng Yue said: "There will be opportunities later."

The first time he went deep into the red flame demon python group to seize the spiritual fire seeds went very smoothly, without even Liang Ji's family members taking action.

After this attempt, the two of them had a preliminary understanding and experience of the combat power of the Red Flame Demonic Pythons and the deep battles within them.

Basically, as long as their families focus on attacking rather than fighting and killing, and do not struggle with or fight to the death with the red flame demon pythons in the demon group, or are not completely surrounded by the demon group and fall into despair, then it is so dangerous and dangerous. The battles and casualties were actually limited.

With their current clan fighting power, they can completely rush into the demon group, seize the spiritual fire and retreat.

So next, the two families began to quickly find and lock the target, and constantly rushed into the group of red flame demon pythons to seize the spiritual fire seeds.

In the process of seizing the spiritual fire seeds, even if they try to avoid entanglements and fights, it is always inevitable that the red flame demon python will be severely injured and fall behind.

These demon pythons naturally became the targets of the Pengyue family members to hunt them down and harvest demon pills and demon materials.

The operation went smoothly. Liang Ji and Peng Yue each got what they needed, and the casualties among their family members were also limited.

But soon, the few spiritual fire seeds at the back of the red flame demonic python group were all taken away.

Moreover, I don’t know whether it was driven by the red flame demon python group, or caused by the rolling fire waves of the river of fire, or because those spiritual fires had basic spirituality. After Liang Ji and his family members attacked and captured them several times, the demons The spiritual fire seeds in the group actually surged with the fire waves, rushing towards the middle of the red flame demon python group, and even the front of the demon group.

As a result, the two families' tactics of attacking from behind the demon group and attacking in the direction of the demon group in order to try their best to avoid fighting and seize the spiritual fire will be ineffective.

After all, the spiritual fire seeds are getting further and further away from the back of the demon group. If they attack and break in from behind, they will have to get through more than half or even most of the demon group to grab those spiritual fire seeds.

It is estimated that most of their family members will fall into the demon group and be surrounded by red flame demon pythons. Even if they don't want to entangle and fight, it will be impossible.

It is unbelievable that it will even stir up the entire group of red flame demonic pythons and trigger a full-scale war.

It will be difficult to estimate the casualties by then.

We must change our tactics, change the location and direction of attacking the monster group.

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