The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 213 Seizing (please subscribe)

In the end, Liang and Ji did not choose to cross or hedge, but chose to cut in diagonally.

Compared with cutting across and hedging, the slanting tactic can undoubtedly follow the direction of attack of the Red Flame Demonic Snakes, greatly reducing the difficulty for them to attack and seize the spiritual fire seeds.

It was still the torrent of spells from Pengyue's family members that opened the way, and then the magical weapons of the ice and fire swords slashed out diagonally, tearing open a passage deep into the group of red flame demonic snakes.

This time the difficulty has increased more than a hundred times. Even if they don't want to entangle and fight with these red flame demon pythons, they still have to be able to withstand the impact of the red flame demon pythons from the slope.

With only the power of Peng Yue's family members, it was already difficult to penetrate deep into the demon group and resist the places where the spiritual fires were located.

At this time, what is needed is the cooperation and cooperation of the two families.

The Chaofeng and Chiki family members rushed in with a violent storm, followed the passage opened by the Pengyue family members, went all the way deep into the demon group, and continued to attack and develop forward.

Ba Xia, Jiao Tu, and the half-dragon formed the strongest defense, guarding the passage and helping the Pengyue family members to resist the group of red python monsters that were attacking from the slope.

The Bijuan Familia swept through the sword energy like a tide, and the Bijuan Familia swung their thunder halberds down, followed closely behind the Feng Feng and Chiki Familia, and caught up instantly after the impact of the violent storm dissipated, and continued to attack and open up the flesh and blood passage among the monsters. .

In the end, the Suan Ni Familia who controlled the power of fire was the last to hit. When the flesh and blood passage reached its end, the two Familia were unable to move forward any further.

The Suanni clan swallowed the flames in the surrounding fire river, as if they were integrated with the fire river, impacting the last distance among the demon group.

At this time, due to the cross-cutting of the two families, even though they had tried their best to follow the direction of the demon group's attack, they still inevitably blocked part of the route of the red flame demon python's attack and advance.

Naturally, these monster pythons swept up waves of fire, roaring and roaring, charging and attacking the two families.

Just like the stormy waves hitting a dam in a river, no matter how strong the dam is, under such constant impact, it will inevitably begin to show signs of cracks and damage, and the casualties of the two family members began to increase.

Even with the 'rejuvenation' power of the Prisoner Niu Familia, he can heal his wounds and save his life.

At this time, what is needed is a quick victory. We must seize the spiritual fire as soon as possible and then retreat.

Otherwise, there will be more and more blocked fire river waves and red flame monster pythons, and the pressure of the impact will become greater and greater. In the end, the 'defensive dam' established by the two families and the 'flesh passage' developed by the two families may even be destroyed. Break through directly.

When the time comes, the two families' teams will be torn apart, swept into the great waves of the river of fire, and swept into the swarm of red flame demonic pythons. They will be completely devoured and submerged. In the end, there will be heavy casualties and very few survivors.

At this time, what needs to be seen is the combat power and methods of the Suanni Familia.

The last area away from the spiritual fire is already in the center and deepest part of the demon group. It is undoubtedly the most difficult place to penetrate and develop.

The lion of the Suanni clan roared, activated the power of the bloodline magical power of 'spitting flames', opened its huge mouth and spit out a large red-gold flame.

These flames are the spiritual fires and the results of the practice that the Suanni clan has devoured and refined in their natal stars and the spiritual land of 'Fire Valley'. They are red-gold in color, and are the same as the red and orange flames in the river of fire swept by the red flame demon python. Big difference.

The two flames collide, burn, and engulf in the river of fire.

It can be clearly seen that the red-gold flames spit out by the Suan Ni Familia, no matter in terms of burning intensity, blazing temperature, explosive power, etc., are much better than the red flames and orange spiritual fires swept by the red flame demon python in the river of fire. Much worse.

In terms of quality and strength, it is even more inferior.

After all, the strength of the spiritual veins in Liang Ji's natal star has only reached the second level (40%). The number and intensity of the spiritual fire refined in the spiritual land of 'Fire Valley' are limited. The quantity and power are naturally limited.

And in this river of fire in the void, there are tens of thousands of red flame demon pythons gathered, many of which reach the second level limit of one hundred feet in size. The flames in the river of fire that they control and sweep are naturally stronger, and there are even some that reach the second level limit. The ultimate spiritual fire.

That's why Liang Ji brought his family team here to seize the spiritual fire seeds, because he could get more and stronger spiritual fire seeds and flame power.

However, although the strength and quality are not comparable, with the help of Liang Ji and Peng Yue's large team, the Suan Ni Familia only needs to break through the small area in the center of the Fire River, so the tens of thousands of Suan Ni Familia spit out red gold The flames are greatly superior in quantity.

Quality is not up to par, quantity is better!

With the continuous and large amount of red-gold flames, the Suanyi Familia successfully broke through the obstruction in the center of the fire river and the last area deep in the demon group, and arrived at the place where the spiritual fire was located.

Here, there is not just a ball of spiritual fire, but more than a dozen spiritual fires gathered together. Most of the power, intensity, temperature, etc. are far beyond the power of the spiritual fire that the Suanyi Familia clan is currently devouring and refining.

hiss! Roar……

At this time, the roars of the red flame demon pythons also sounded one after another. The surrounding demon python groups began to riot, stirring the surrounding flame rivers to become more and more turbulent and overturning, and a large number of flame waves impacted and exploded.

The diagonal impact of Liang Ji's family team had completely alarmed the entire demon group. The demon python group behind them, which was blocked by their family members, had completely erupted.

The impact of monsters, flames, and huge waves continued to push to the peak, and the flesh-and-blood passage that cut across it and the family's defense embankment were immediately impacted and endangered.

The Suanni clan quickly collected more than a dozen spiritual fire seeds and retreated back.

There was a red flame demonic python chasing after him with a wave of fire.

Flames, sword storms, thunder halberds, violent storms, ice, mountain shadows, black and yellow light, explosions of ice and fire, now completely erupted and collided in the river of fire.

Amidst the roaring and roaring, the group of red flame demonic pythons were completely disrupted and rioted. They stirred up the great waves of the river of fire and continuously launched attacks and impacts towards the families of Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

The final retreat was a path of fierce fighting and fighting, and the casualties of the two families quickly increased.

Even after their families broke out of the demon group after a fierce fight, the red flame demon pythons who were completely disrupted and rioted still had no intention of giving up and continued to attack and surround the two families, and even Change the direction of the fire river's impact.

hiss! Roar! hold head high……

At this time, at the forefront of the long river of flames, a roaring roar came from the leading position of the red flame demon python.

Suddenly, those chaotic and rioting red flame demon pythons seemed to have heard the orders and guidance, and gave up the pursuit of the two families, and rejoined the long river of flames, sweeping the fire waves and continuing to attack and advance in the original direction. .

At this time, Liang Ji and Liang Ji were in the air, and they looked ahead. In the direction of the impact of the river of fire, in the distant depths of the void, there was a large firelight shining in all directions, illuminating a large area of ​​the void!

There's a fire ahead!

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