The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 214 Burning Stars (Please subscribe)

The group of red flame demonic pythons swept across the long river of flames, wandered in the sea of ​​stars, and rushed towards the fire that illuminated the void.

When the river approached and the 'fire' appeared in front of them, Liang and Ji saw clearly that it was a huge gaseous star with a raging fire burning on it. It had burned over most of the area in the star and continued to spread rapidly. , burn, and turn this gaseous star into a huge flame star.

And among those burning flames, there are various groups of fire-moving void demons, swimming among them and impacting the gaseous stars.

Even in the surrounding void, you can still see groups of demons and rivers of fire that are like the red flame demon pythons sweeping the long river of flames towards the stars.

Under the impact of the demon swarm and the river of fire, as well as the spread and burning of the flames, explosions and tears continued to occur in the gaseous stars, and bright starlight energy exploded and escaped from the interior of the stars.

Those void fire monsters chased and devoured these bursts of starlight in the sea of ​​fire and stars.

Liang Ji looked at the changes in the gaseous stars in the distance, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He already had rich experience and instantly judged that this was another star that was heading for fragmentation and destruction.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Peng Yue, it seems that we are very lucky, and we have directly encountered the situation where the stars are broken and destroyed."

It was the first time for Peng Yue to see such a scene. He looked at the burning, exploding, and torn gaseous stars in the distance, and exclaimed: "Is this the breaking and destruction of stars?"

Liang Ji nodded, shook his head, and said: "This is just the beginning. The real spectacle of shattering and destruction is yet to come. It will definitely be a magnificent sight that will shock you and make you unforgettable."

While the two were talking, the river of flames swept by the red flame demonic pythons had crashed into the burning gaseous stars.

A moment of impact and collision, a violent explosion of flames and gases, shaking and tearing the huge gaseous star again, and a large amount of starlight energy escaped from the tear.

The group of red flame demonic pythons in the river of flames immediately chased and devoured these starlights.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue didn't say anything more. They each summoned the 'Star Book' projection and collected the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon'. At the same time, they sent out the situation and location here, and called friends to come and harvest the starlight merits and stars. Resources, treasures.

And among the gaseous stars that are constantly burning, exploding, and destroying, the star resources and treasures produced are also very different.

There are no longer the common spiritual species such as the spiritual gold ore mother, the spiritual earth ore mother, etc., nor the various spiritual water spiritual species on the 'Black Mercury'.

On top of this huge gaseous star, the entire star is burning, so there are many kinds of spiritual fires born. They are born in batches, and then swallow up a large amount of the power of the star flames. A small number of them have undergone transformation and advanced, but more Most of them exploded and destroyed after swallowing a large amount of flames.

In addition, the vast gas that makes up the entire star also contains many gaseous spiritual beings, wind-based spiritual beings, spiritual species, etc., which are resources and treasures that are extremely difficult to obtain in other broken and destroyed stars.

In addition, in those flame explosions, gas rotation and collisions, thunder is constantly being born, arising and dying, erupting, and bombarding in the gaseous stars and seas of fire, thus producing some rare thunder spiritual species and treasures. wait.

Liang Ji and his two men were harvesting starlight energy, while their dependents were chasing and collecting these spiritual fire seeds, gaseous and wind spiritual seeds, as well as thunder-type spiritual seeds, treasures, etc.

boom! Click! Rumble...

With the explosion of fire, the roar of thunder, and the tearing of gaseous stars, more and more starlight energy escapes.

Liang Ji discovered that the process and speed of this gaseous star's fragmentation and destruction seemed to be much faster than the process of fragmentation and destruction of the three stars he had seen before.

He also doesn't know that this is the difference between gaseous stars and other solid stars and liquid stars, resulting in different speeds of destruction?

Or is it because the Yinghai black hole is becoming more and more active, and the devouring power erupting in it is getting stronger and stronger, leading to the acceleration of the shattering and destruction of stars?

However, the acceleration of the shattering and destruction of stars has led to more violent collisions, explosions, and reactions in the stars. Naturally, the more resources, treasures, etc. that emerge from the bursts of starlight, become more advanced, and more precious.

In just a short period of time, Liang Ji's family members had harvested several spiritual fire seeds that had reached the second level limit from the bursting and burning flame stars. The harvest was far more than what they had gained from fighting and grabbing among the red flame demonic snakes. More, better.

They even gave up many spiritual fire seeds, and only focused on harvesting and seizing the spiritual fire seeds that reached the second level, or even the limit.

This is not easy. In such an environment where the entire star is burning, the spiritual fire is devouring the power of the star flame all the time, and it is changing all the time.

When they reach the second-level limit, they are still devouring a large amount of fire power. Then in a very short period of time, most of them will directly explode and be destroyed. A very few will complete the transformation and advancement again and turn into third-level spiritual fire. .

Liang Ji's family members could only collect the second-level limit of spiritual fire in this very short period of time, otherwise they would not be able to resist the subsequent explosions, destruction, or promotion to third-level spiritual fire.

In fact, some Suanni family members were injured by the explosion and advancement of these fires in order to collect the second-level limit spiritual fire seeds, and died in the sea of ​​​​fire.

However, the Suanyi Familia's awakened bloodline magical power of 'swallowing fire and spitting flames' drives them to constantly chase these high-temperature, blazing, and burning spiritual fires, regardless of death, injury, or destruction in these flames.

If you chase the flame, you will eventually be burned by the flame!

boom! boom! Rumble... click!

At this time, inside the gaseous star, due to the burning and explosion of flames, the violent rotation and collision of the gaseous state produced large areas of thunder and lightning, which gathered together and turned into a thundercloud.

Among them, the power of thunder arises and dies, gathers, squeezes, collides, fuses, and reacts, and generates some thunder water full of the power of creation and destruction in the thunder clouds.

Just like raindrops flowing around in rain clouds, arising and passing away.

hold head high! Roar……

Among Liang Ji's Familia, the Thunder Familia saw these thunder clouds and the thunder water full of the power of creation and destruction. They were immediately attracted to everyone's attention, and each of them raised their heads and let out the roar of dragons and tigers.

Even if the Suan Ni Familia are chasing spiritual fire and flames, these Thunder-type Suan Ni Familia are also chasing thunder.

Especially these thunder waters, which are formed by the fusion of huge amounts of thunder and can only be born in a destructive environment, are extremely rare among thunder resources and treasures.


At this time, the warrior leader of the Bi'an Familia gave an order, and immediately led tens of thousands of Bi'an Familia to break through the sea of ​​fire, the explosion, and the torn star gas, and rushed into the thundercloud to collect the thunder contained in it. Water spirit species.

The burning gaseous stars are shattered and destroyed at a constant pace, and the thunder and thunder water contained in the thunder clouds are getting stronger and stronger. The Bi'an Familia who have not yet awakened the appropriate magical power of thunder-type bloodline have actually no combat power and defense. Not too strong.

Under the increasingly stronger thunder and thunder and water bombardment, the bombarded Biuan Familia clan continued to fall and die.

They are using their lives to collect these precious and rare thunder waters of creation and destruction.

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