The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 216 Demonic Shadow (please subscribe)

Seeing Yu Henghai and the others retreating with their families and giving up on harvesting starlight merits, star resources, treasures, etc., Xue Yuntao and others did not continue to entangle and left quickly.

Liang Ji thanked Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Sheng Hong and others for their help.

But at this time, Zhang Liangpu frowned slightly and said: "I always feel that there is something wrong with these chaos and fights."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but reach out and touch his eyebrows.

Zhang Liangpu's family is a snake-like person with three eyes and mysterious powers. After he completed the ninth level of body training and performed the tenth marrow cleansing and blood exchange, he was affected by the power of his family's bloodline. Now, the center of his eyebrows There is also a faint vertical line, which seems to be the third eye that is about to be generated and opened. It also has some mysterious power of induction.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Yun Lai and other old classmates are already familiar with him, and they also know Zhang Liangpu's situation.

Seeing him say this, they couldn't help but frown and look in all directions.

Although the other Lu Qing, Sheng Hong, Su Yuezhang and others had known Zhang Liangpu for a short time, their faces were slightly condensed when they saw the behavior of Liang Ji and others.

"Speaking of which, the attacks and battles of these Void Demon Clan seem to have become more crazy and powerful."

At this time, Su Yuezhang, who was born in the Creation Star Palace, also frowned slightly, looked at the Void Monster Clan attacking from all directions, and said in a deep voice.

"It's just that because more and more Star Lord Families are gathering here, they quickly surround and kill the attacking Void Demon Clan, so we can't see it for the time being."

"But if you look closely, you can still see that those Void Monsters are becoming more violent and warlike, and their combat power has greatly increased. Although everyone's family members are still surrounding and killing the Void Monsters, the casualties are also increasing rapidly. The growth is much higher than usual!”

Hearing what she said, everyone looked at the battlefield and gradually saw that the Void Monsters were becoming more and more violent and warlike, and their combat effectiveness was greatly increased.

Even their families began to feel the pressure gradually when resisting the impact of the demon tide and surrounding the Void Demon Clan, and had to send more families and exert greater efforts. Even so, the casualties were gradually increasing.

But other than that, it's hard for everyone to find anything.

Among the burning stars, tearing, shattering, and destruction are accelerating. More and more starlight energy is bursting out, and treasures such as spiritual fire, thunder, and storm are constantly emerging. They cannot just because of a little unfounded suspicion. Retreat or delay.

At the moment, Lu Qing said directly: "Everyone continues to act, but be careful to prevent any accidents."

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and continued to harvest starlight merits, star resources, and treasures without any further entanglement.

And among the burning stars, the chaotic fighting and contention continued, and the scope of the influence was getting wider and wider, and more and more families and star owners were involved.

More and more Star Lord Familia did not die in the battle with the Void Demon Clan, nor did they die under the burning and explosion of the stars. Instead, they died in the chaos of the Star Lord Familia fighting each other and fighting.

Finally, when this chaotic battle was about to reach another peak and sweep across the burning stars, in the distant void, a team of starships chased and intercepted another wave of void monsters.

That is the starship stationed in the Yinghai Black Hole.

When the starship team sailed near the burning and broken stars, on the largest starship in the lead, suddenly there were formations and forbidden lights flowing and converging, turning into a bright thunder light, which directly bombarded the burning star. In the void beside the stars.

The void was shattered by the lightning, and the next moment a scream came from it, and a broken black shadow flashed away in the broken void.

The lightning spread rapidly, spreading and bombarding the void and the burning stars. Wherever it passed, black rays of light emerged and were destroyed by the spreading thunder.

I don't know when these black lines appeared, laid down, spread and intertwined, and actually formed a big net, covering most of the burning stars.

"Hmph!" At this time, on the leading starship, starlight condensed into a giant figure, snorting coldly: "The demon shadow of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

"Sure enough, when the black hole reaches its active period, all kinds of monsters and monsters will come over."

Above the burning stars, the star masters from all sides were shocked when they saw this scene in the void, and the chaotic battle quickly stopped.

"There is indeed something wrong! My judgment was correct!"

When Zhang Liangpu saw that his judgment was confirmed, his eyes suddenly lit up and he raised his voice.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Lu Qing and others also looked shocked. Although they realized that there was something wrong with the chaos, they did not expect that there were actually demon cultivators from the Ten Thousand Demons Palace hiding behind them, plotting their methods secretly.

Demonic cultivators are the degenerates and developed from the ghost cultivators. Although these Daoist cultivators are not rivals of Star Lord Daoist cultivators at the same level, if there are middle-level or even high-level immortal demons, they will not be able to deal with low-level cultivators like them. There is no doubt that they will not be able to detect the Star Master's attack.

The demonic figure escaped directly into the void, making it difficult for Liang Ji and other low-level star masters to detect it, and they could not even detect the other party's secret methods.

I fell into the trap without realizing it.

Liang Ji discovered that the Yinghai black hole had entered an active period and was becoming more and more active. It seemed to be turning into a huge whirlpool, attracting and swallowing more and more beings and forces.

All kinds of void monsters wandering in the star sea, star masters from all star regions, and even the demon cultivators from the Ten Thousand Demons Palace are now attracted.

What about the people from the Pantheon and the Pantheon who also belong to evil organizations?

Have they all been attracted, hiding in this black hole of Yinghai, wondering what is brewing and preparing?

He discovered that the Yinghai Black Hole in the active stage was not only a place that could harvest a large amount of starlight merits, star resources, treasures, demon elixirs, demon materials and other resources, but also allowed low-level star masters like them to quickly develop their natal stars and enhance the wealth of their families. land.

At the same time, it is becoming a powder keg, waiting to explode when the Yinghai black hole reaches its peak. It is not known how many problems the explosion will cause.

At this time, the giant figure made of starlight on the leading starship turned to the star masters on the burning star and raised his voice: "After you go back, each of you can apply to the Star Alliance for some 'Rain of Starlight' Among the natal stars, perform a baptism for the stars and the dependents, so as not to fall into the evil cultivator’s scheme.”

"Anyway, you are all lacking in this meritorious service now."

"And the resources, treasures, etc. that you harvest in this star also need to be cleaned before they can be used."

"Otherwise, if the devil's plan goes wrong and something goes wrong, you are too stupid. Don't blame others."

Thanks to book friend ‘Fengye Chuixue’ for your reward and support!

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