The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 217 Casting the Nine Heavens (Please subscribe)

Outside the burning stars, in the void, on top of a warship stationed by the troops.

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Sheng Hong and others watched the final explosion and destruction of this huge gaseous star. It was a process that was different from the shattering and destruction of the previous solid stars and liquid stars.

Landslides, volcanic eruptions, star disintegration, and shattering among solid stars; floods, boiling, gasification, and explosions among liquid stars; flames, thunder, storms, collapse, and explosions among gaseous stars.

Of course, in the end, it was as if a great sun erupted among the stars. Endless light and heat enveloped the entire stars, destroying and annihilating them.

Liang Ji still couldn't see clearly the 'sun' in the endless light and heat, nor could he clearly see the final changes in the destruction of the stars.

But every time he witnessed such a scene of star destruction, it always brought him new shocks and new insights.

For people like Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Zhang Liangpu, Cao Chanyue and others, seeing such a scene of star destruction for the first time, the impact and shock they received was naturally more and greater.

Therefore, after returning to Yinghai City from here, no one continued to hunt the Void Monster Clan for a while, but instead entered seclusion one after another to practice and gain enlightenment.

Liang Ji has no intention of continuing to hunt the void demon group. Now he has no shortage of demon pills, spiritual stones, and resources. On the burning stars, he has also grabbed enough spiritual fire seeds, including even There is no shortage of second-level extreme fire.

He can definitely use it for a while to further improve his natal stars and dependents.

The chaotic battle on the burning and destroyed gaseous stars, as well as the appearance of the demonic shadow of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, made Liang Ji realize that the current black hole in the Yinghai Sea was becoming increasingly chaotic and dangerous.

Moreover, as black holes become more and more active, attracting ghosts and monsters from all sides, this chaos and danger may continue to intensify.

Under such circumstances, he naturally first raised his natal stars and dependents to the limit. The higher the combat power, the better.

Therefore, Liang Ji also chose to practice in seclusion for a period of time. Unless the stars are broken and destroyed again in the first and second level demon clan areas of the black hole field, he will take action again to collect starlight merits, star resources, and treasures. .

On top of Liang Ji's natal star, the sacrificial leader 'Xi Fifty' led the various bloodline clansmen in a grand sacrificial ceremony.

Bury the Familia who died in the burning stars into the cemetery, and pray that their heroic spirits will be immortal in the underworld of the Emperor of Heaven; at the same time, celebrate the return of other Familia with victory, honor, and trophies.

When the sacrificial ceremony reached its peak, the day stars appeared in the sky, and large pieces of 'starlight rain' fell down, falling on the natal stars and on the dependents.

It is not only a cleansing of the dependents and the natal stars, but also the origin of the natal stars and the improvement of the bloodline of the dependents.

According to the officer stationed in the team, their natal stars and dependents may be affected by the demonic shadow, so it is best for them to apply for a baptism of 'starlight rain'.

Liang Ji didn't waste any time. When he came back, he used his meritorious service to apply for this "Rain of Starlight", and it rained down when the dependents were holding sacrificial ceremonies, as a "reward from the Emperor of Heaven" to enhance the belief and respect of these dependents for the Emperor of Heaven.

However, the 'Rain of Starlight' was scattered everywhere, but Liang Ji did not find any abnormalities in his natal stars and his family members.

He doesn't know if the demonic shadow's methods have not affected him yet, or because his natal star is guarded by a dragon soul, which blocks the demonic shadow's methods?

Regardless of the reason, Liang Ji naturally felt relieved that his natal star and his family were fine.

At this time, he carefully observed the falling 'Rain of Starlight', and gradually gained some new feelings and discoveries.

When he was in the third year of high school, his natal stars and dependents were also baptized and rewarded by the 'Rain of Starlight'. At that time, he did not see what this 'Rain of Starlight' was; but now when he looked back, he found these' The "Rain of Starlight" clearly contains the "Starlight Silk Ribbon", which is the power of the source of starlight.

He seemed to understand the reason why the Star Alliance encouraged them to collect the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' in exchange for merit.

After a 'Rain of Starlight' ended, the spiritual energy and vitality in the natal stars seemed to have become much more intense; and under the baptism of the 'Rain of Starlight', many dependents recovered from their injuries, their origins, and their bloodline became stronger. Increase, the rate of awakening and advancement increases greatly.

Liang Ji watched the 'Rain of Starlight' end and began to invest in new resources and spiritual seeds.

On the burning star, the storm spirit seeds harvested were thrown into the natal star, swallowed by the dragon soul entangled in the star, refined, and then planted into the star.

These storm spirit seeds are gradually refined in the atmosphere high above the stars, turning into various kinds of strong winds that sweep and spread, gradually covering the atmosphere of the stars, and forming a 'strong wind layer' in the sky.

In addition, the thunder spirit seeds, thunder water spirit seeds, etc. he harvested on the burning star were also thrown into his natal star one after another. After being refined by the dragon soul, he planted them into the atmosphere of the star, digested and nourished them, and turned into many thunderbolts. Birth and death, thunderclouds spread, filling the atmosphere of stars, and gradually forming a 'thunder magnetosphere' in the sky.

Under these 'Gangfeng Layer' and 'Thunder Magnetic Layer', there is also the 'Cloud Water Layer' formed by the evaporation and rotation of water clouds in the stars.

Liang Ji continued to sow and refine the spiritual fire seeds harvested in Burning Stars. Some of these powerful fire seeds were planted into the "Valley of Fire", the spiritual training ground everywhere, enhancing the combat power of the Familia, especially the Suan Ni Familia. The power of spitting flames' bloodline magical power.

But there are also some spiritual fire seeds, but their power is no longer as powerful as the power in the "Valley of Flames", the spiritual land of cultivation, and it is useless to plant them in the "Valley of Flames"; therefore, they are also planted into the atmosphere, above the thunder and magnetosphere. It gradually cultivates and forms a 'flame layer'.

The division and formation of these 'cloud water layer', 'gangfeng layer', 'thunder magnet layer' and 'flame layer' in the atmosphere are not only conducive to the flow and balance of various attribute energies within the stars, but are also beneficial to the origin of the stars. The growth and development; at the same time, several layers of defense are added to his natal star, which is greatly beneficial to the protection of his natal star.

And later, as he refines more types of spiritual creatures, resources, etc., the atmosphere of the stars will continue to be divided and formed into different 'layers of sky', constantly improving the sky of stars.

This process, during the cultivation and development of the natal stars, is also called ‘casting the nine heavens’.

In other words, at least the nine heavens must be divided and created in the atmosphere above the sky of the natal stars.

The ‘Four Heavens’ have just been created now, and they are only in their infancy. More ‘layers of Heaven’ need to be created later, and they will be continuously upgraded and perfected.

And just when Liang Ji was refining various resources and spiritual seeds, developing and perfecting his natal stars, he suddenly received a visit from Yun Lai.

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