The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 218 Bloodline Magical Power: Driving Thunder and Electricity (Please subscribe)

In the reception room of Liang Ji's residence, Liang Ji served spiritual tea and snacks to entertain the visiting Yun Lai.

Although he and Yunlai have known each other for a long time, they don't have much contact with each other.

However, the Yun family has a high status in Snake Xiu City and seems to be connected with the Wanxiang Star Palace. Liang Ji only found out later that every time a new member of the Yun family becomes a star master, they will basically be specially recruited by the Wanxiang Star Palace. go.

Just like Yunlai, even if he did not perform well in the college entrance examination, he would be specially recruited by Wanxiang Xinggong and become a student of Wanxiang Xinggong.

Liang Ji and his parents were well cared for by the Yun family in Xiu She City.

Therefore, Liang Ji also warmly received Yunlai's visit.

After the two drank the spirit tea, Yunlai didn't go around in circles and went straight to the point. He smiled and said, "I took the liberty of visiting this time because I want to make a deal with you, Liang Ji."

"Oh?" Liang Ji was slightly surprised and asked, "What deal?"

"I heard that you harvested some thunder water of creation and destruction from the gaseous stars that were destroyed before. I wonder if you still have extra stock?"

"If there are any extra, I'd like to buy some."

"To tell you the truth, these thunder waters are very beneficial to the training of my family members."

Yunlai did not hide anything and said it very sincerely.

And Liang Ji also remembered that the Yun Family's 'Yun Ting Snake Man' would awaken and master the power of thunder after advancing to the second level.

He still remembered that in the previous battles with the opponent's second-order dependents, they had indeed used lightning to control electricity, and used various thunder spells and thunder weapons, which were astonishingly powerful.

In this way, it is not unusual for the thunder and water of creation and destruction to emerge when the gaseous stars are destroyed.

And after he created the 'Thunder Magnetic Layer' on his natal star, there was indeed still some thunder water of creation and destruction left.

However, he can also continue to use this thunder water to refine it in the 'Thunder Magnetic Layer' to enhance and enhance the power of the 'Thunder Magnetic Layer'.

Therefore, he couldn't help but ponder whether he should exchange it or not.

Looking at his performance, Yunlai knew that he must still have 'Thunder Water', so he immediately made a bid and said with a smile: "I know, you are collecting broken bloodline magical seeds."

"It just so happens that I obtained a broken bloodline psychic seed not long ago. Do you want to see if it is suitable for you?"

As he spoke, he took out a broken purple jade bead, and could see faint thunder patterns appearing and flickering in it.

This is a broken spirit seed with thunder attribute bloodline magical power!

Liang Ji's eyes couldn't help but light up as he looked at it, and asked, "What kind of bloodline magical power is this?"

Seeing this, Yunlai smiled and said: "This is the broken spiritual seed of the bloodline magical power 'Driving Thunder and Controlling Lightning'."

"Driving thunder and lightning!" Liang Ji's eyes became brighter and brighter. There was no doubt that this broken spiritual seed with magical bloodline power was very suitable for his Dragon Son Biyan Bloodline Familia.

He couldn't help but say: "Thunder Water, there is indeed some left, but I don't know if it is enough for what you need."

When Yun Lai heard this, his eyes brightened slightly, and he asked with a smile: "Do you have thirty drops?"

Liang Ji couldn't help but nodded.

"Then I can use this spiritual seed to exchange for thirty drops of thunder water with you, is that okay?"

Yun Lai said, pushing the broken spiritual seed that 'driving thunder and lightning' in front of Liang Ji.

Liang Ji pondered for a moment, then nodded, took out a jade bottle, dispensed thirty drops of 'Thunder Water' and handed it over, saying: "Deal."

Yunlai took the jade bottle and checked the 'Thunder Water' in it, the smile on his face became stronger.

He couldn't help but look at the remaining 'Thunder Water' in the jade bottle in Liang Ji's hand, and asked in a deep voice: "What other bloodline magical seeds do you need?"

"I can try to look for it."

Hearing this, Liang Ji's heart moved slightly and said, "There are still a few things missing, one is the ice-attributed bloodline magical power, and the other is the poison-attributed bloodline magical power."

"There are also physical or spell-breaking bloodline magical powers!"

Liang Ji's family members have advanced to the second level. Not only the Nine Sons of the Dragon bloodline family members can refining and awakening their bloodline magical powers, but also the second-level half-dragon family members as the main body can naturally refine and awaken a new one. Bloodline magical power.

However, this bloodline magical power has higher requirements. It must be consistent with the half-dragon's original bloodline magical power, "Big and Small Ruyi", and there must be no conflict, otherwise it will damage the combat power of the half-dragon family members.

Therefore, this bloodline supernatural spiritual species suitable for the second-level half-dragon family is more difficult to find.

When Yun Lai heard this, he nodded slightly and said, "I remember the ice, poison, flesh, and broken hair types. I can help you look for them when I get back."

"When the time comes, I'll find you to continue trading."

Liang Ji also showed joy on his face, saluted to the other party, and said, "Thank you very much."

Yun Lai waved his hand with a smile and said, "We are all old classmates, we are just helping each other."

After the transaction was over, Yunlai didn't stay long and hurried back to refine the 'Thunder Water' to improve the stars and the dependents.

And Liang Ji here, after checking the bloodline magical spiritual seed of 'driving thunder and lightning', also put the broken spiritual seed into the natal star.


The dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and roared, swallowing and refining the broken spiritual seed, and then refined it into the Biyan bloodline family above the star.

Time passed slowly, and Liang Ji continued to refine the second-level void whale demon elixir in his natal star, as well as the mother mineral, resource spiritual seed, spiritual water, spiritual fire spiritual seed, thunder storm, spiritual root, spiritual beast bloodline spiritual seed, etc.

The strength of the spiritual veins in the natal stars continues to increase, the stars continue to grow, enlarge, and develop, and the number of dependents of each bloodline continues to increase.

New villages and new cities gradually rise on the natal stars.

The villages of the Bi'an clan are also developing rapidly, and they have gradually advanced from villages to cities, which are called Bi'an cities.

At this time, in the second-level training spiritual ground 'Arena' in the Bi'an city, two Bi'an clansmen swelled to more than thirty feet, holding 'Thunder Halberds' and offering 'Yun Lei Beads' on top. Surrounded by thunder, he manipulates thunder and electricity, as if two thunder gods are constantly colliding, fighting, and killing each other.

They have all awakened the bloodline magical power of 'driving thunder and controlling lightning', and are currently vying for the position of warrior leader of the Biuan Familia clan.

And around the 'Arena', there are more Biuan Familia who have awakened the magical power of 'Driving Thunder and Controlling Lightning' bloodline. They are shouting and reveling, and a large amount of thunder power gathers above the 'Arena'. It circulates and turns into a thundercloud.

It also forms induction and interaction with the ‘thunder magnetosphere’ in the sky.

boom! Click!

Thunder fell from the "Thunder Magnetic Layer" in the sky, and was manipulated and controlled by the Biyuan Familia who competed and fought in the "Arena", blasting towards each other, colliding and fighting.

The Biuan Familia clan first awakened and mastered the magical power of the bloodline of 'driving thunder and lightning', which showed extremely strong and powerful combat effectiveness.

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