The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 221 Two duels (please subscribe)

In the arena, a battle was going on. It was not a duel between Yu Henghai and Xue Yuntao, but a battle between a human-immortal monk and an indigenous alien race that looked like a bear-man.

This fight was the warm-up battle for the clan duel between Yu Henghai and Xue Yuntao.

According to Yu Henghai's introduction, the company behind the 'Arena' captured the alien race of bears from the spiritual stars that were explored and discovered in the sea of ​​​​stars outside the Star Alliance.

Although the Star Alliance is very powerful and is practiced by almost everyone, in fact, more than 70% of the people cannot leave the main star where they were born; of the remaining 30%, more than 20% cannot leave the star field of their birth; the remaining 10% Among them, there are less than one percent who can step out of the Star Alliance and see the vast star fields and alien customs outside the Star Alliance.

It can be said that more than 99% of the people in the Star Alliance have been trapped under the "Zhoutian Star Formation" their entire lives, protected and restricted by it.

Therefore, there will be some companies, arenas, etc., that either organize their own forces or cooperate with others to explore the star sea outside the Star Alliance, search for life stars, capture aliens and bring them back, or even directly purchase aliens from outside the Star Alliance and bring them back.

Let these extraterrestrial alien races engage in gladiatorial combat or fight with the Covenant monks, thereby attracting a large number of Covenant monks to watch.

For many monks who will never be able to leave the Star Alliance, see the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, and the alien races outside the territory, this will undoubtedly greatly satisfy their curiosity, vanity, etc.

Therefore, this has always been a popular business in the ‘Arena’.

At this time, in the arena, the alien bear man was kneeling on the ground, seemingly praying; while the human immortal monks participating in the gladiatorial fight raised their hands high, accepting the cheers of many spectators in the arena.

This human immortal monk has a sixth-level cultivation of mind. He is tall, strong, and masculine. He is also very popular among the audience. Many people chant his name, cheer and cheer for him.

According to Yu Henghai, the human immortal monk who participated in gladiatorial combat was also a well-known ‘gladiator star’ in athletics and competition circles. His cultivation was almost achieved through gladiatorial combat, and he was quite popular.

This arena was able to invite him to come for this gladiatorial battle, and it also cost a lot of spiritual stones.

The gladiatorial fight soon began. The bear-human alien race did not know what existence it was praying to, but it was obviously impossible to get a response among the Star Alliance and the innate spiritual treasure "Zhoutian Star Formation".

In the gladiatorial fight, it can be clearly seen that the performance of the bear-men alien race is restricted in every way, and their combat power is limited.

On the contrary, the human immortal cultivator who was fighting with him performed extremely well and smoothly, using only a pair of fists to hit the bear-human alien with hard punches, which also pushed the cheers and enthusiasm of the audience to the peak.

The whole gladiatorial battle was like a personal exhibition match by the human immortal monk.

In the midst of the fighting and cheering, Liang Ji could sense that various powers were radiating from all over the arena and converging into the air.

Looking up, although he couldn't see it, he knew that there was an 'arena spiritual seed' nurturing and growing there.

Liang Ji was refined into the natal stars, and the 'Arena', a training place for the family members to compete and hone their combat power, was refined and cultivated by companies such as these 'Arena', 'Gladiator Arena', and 'Challenge Tournament' of spiritual seed.

Soon, the battle on the field entered the final and climax stage.

The alien race of bearmen had been completely crushed, and the human immortal monks who participated in the gladiatorial fight became more and more excited and powerful amid the cheers of the audience. Their fighting spirit was high and their combat skills became more and more powerful. Finally, with a set of With fancy combos, the alien alien race was killed on the spot.

The cheers and warm atmosphere of the audience reached their peak in an instant.

Countless cheers, praises, and adoration rushed towards the immortal monk in the arena.

For a moment, Liang Ji had the illusion that he saw his family members cheering, praising and worshiping the Emperor of Heaven during a sacrificial ceremony among the natal stars.

Liang Ji suddenly realized in his heart that these competitive stars, even if they did not practice the immortal Taoism, probably had a lot of faith and power in them.

If given the opportunity, transforming these beliefs and the power of belief will definitely bring about a considerable increase in their cultivation and combat power.

Soon, the human immortal monk walked off the field amidst cheers and praises. He activated the formation in the arena and quickly cleaned up the venue. The bodies of the bear-human aliens were directly taken away by the formation. I don’t know what will be done with them. .

After this warm-up fight, what will happen next is today's official competition, which is the fight between Yu Henghai and Xue Yuntao.

Yu Henghai did not tell Liang Ji what grudges Yu and Xue had, or rather between the two families, obviously not wanting to drag him into the grudges between the two families.

At this time, Yu Henghai also said goodbye to Liang Ji and went to prepare for the next fight.

In the arena, formations and restrictions were activated, quickly changing the environment in the arena from a separate arena environment to a vast sea.

It can be seen that the formations arranged in this arena are extremely comprehensive and high-end, and can even expand the space in the arena.

And such a sea environment, Yu Henghai and Xue Yuntao requested, is the most suitable environment for their families to fight and fight.

Soon after, the duel begins.

There were two star gates, opened on both sides of the sea, and their families' teams each fought out of the star gates.

Yu Henghai's whale people clan, Xue Yuntao's clan is a kind of flying shark clan, which can stir up waves in the sea and fly into the air to launch attacks.

The two of them each sent one hundred thousand second-level dependents, and they were engaged in fierce and brutal fighting in the sea that was transformed into an arena.

The cheers and warm atmosphere of the audience immediately reached a new peak.

The fight between the human immortal monks and the alien natives from outside the territory made them excited and cheering, but the fight between the two star master monks undoubtedly made them even more excited and shouting.

However, Liang Ji remained calm, not affected by the atmosphere of the scene, and did not cheer, as if he was independent from the place.

Whether it was the previous battle between the human immortal monks and the foreign natives, or the current battle and killing between the two Star Lords' families.

In his opinion, it was not even as good as the battles and duels of the warriors of the clan in the ‘arena’ of the spiritual land above his own natal star.

Not to mention, compared with his battle to hunt down the Void Monsters in the Void Star Sea.

He became more and more aware of the reason why Xing Gong and its students looked down upon these competitions and competitions within the Star Alliance.

Once upon a time, it was difficult to overcome the vast ocean!

Their gaze should be in the vast sea of ​​stars, not in this small arena.

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