The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 222 Yu Henghai’s gratitude (please subscribe)

In the arena, the duel and fighting between the two Star Lord Familia continued.

It can be seen that the two of them are also old rivals, and they know each other's family members' combat prowess and fighting methods very well.

Xue Yuntao's Flying Shark Familia swept through the waves in the sea and launched various water-based spells and combat skills attacks, which were not as good as the Henghai Whalemen's battle in the sea.

However, his Flying Shark Familia can fly into the air, attack and fight from the air, causing considerable damage and restraint to the Whaleman Familia across the sea.

And Yu Henghai had already prepared and responded to this. He prepared magical weapons specifically for dealing with aerial combat, and even set off huge waves, constantly crashing into the Flying Shark Familia flying in the air.

In this duel and fighting, the casualties of the two families increased rapidly. Injuries were exchanged for injuries and lives were exchanged. The sea that the arena turned into was gradually dyed red with the blood of the two families.

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, the corpses of the two families continued to sink into the sea.

This is a lose-lose battle and a fight.

But the audience around him cheered more and more, and the atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic.

Finally, the duel came to an end, and Yu Henghai won the final victory with an extremely slim advantage.

The 100,000 family members sent by Xue Yuntao were all killed in the duel. However, of the 100,000 family members sent by Yu Henghai, less than a thousand remained in the end, and most of them were seriously injured.

Liang Ji looked at it in amazement. There was no spoils in such a battle, but it damaged one hundred thousand second-level dependents. He didn't know how much time it would take to re-cultivate these one hundred thousand second-level dependents in the natal stars. , resources, energy.

"Is it worth doing this?"

After the duel, Liang Ji couldn't help but ask Yu Henghai.

"Of course it's worth it!" Yu Henghai nodded without hesitation and said, "Not to mention, defeating that boy Xue Yuntao this time made me sigh a lot!"

"For example, do you know how much is the profit from this duel?"

Yu Henghai looked at him and asked.

"How much?" Liang Ji couldn't help but ask.

"I am the winner of this duel. My personal profit alone will not be less than three million low-grade spiritual stones."

"This is more than what I earned from hunting whale monsters for a month in the Void Star Sea."

"What's more, there are other long-term influences and benefits such as fame, prestige, fans, etc., which are even more."

Yu Henghai said, looked at Liang Ji, shook his head and said: "We, the students of the academy, are different from you, the pride of the star palace."

"You have enough strength to hunt directly among the Void Demons and snatch starlight merits, star resources, treasures, etc. from the Void Demons. Often, the harvest from one hunt can exceed our harvest from a month of hard hunting. .”

"And, more importantly, Star Palace is your biggest business card. As a student of Star Palace, within the Star Alliance, no matter where you go, you will receive the best treatment and attention."

"After you graduate from Star Palace, if you want to seek positions and development within the Star Alliance, you can easily get higher and better positions, greater rights, and more resources by virtue of your status as Star Palace students. etc."

"But we can't!"

Yu Henghai said in a deep voice:

"The business card of Yinghai Academy is of some use only in the Yinghai Star Territory. If it is placed in the entire Star Alliance, the effect of this business card will be greatly reduced."

"Moreover, even in the Yinghai Star Territory, competition is very fierce."

“If we, the students of the academy, want to have a good development after graduation and not worry about developing our natal stars and cultivating the spiritual stones and resources of our dependents, we must be able to manage ourselves, make a name for ourselves, accumulate fame, reputation, etc. "

"So, even if we ourselves are tired of duels, competitions, etc., and even if we sacrifice a large number of family members, we still have to participate sometimes."

"Everything is for better development and practice."

Liang Ji couldn't help but be silent as he listened.

In his position, he will do his best.

He stood alone in the arena and among the cheering crowd, lamenting that the students of Xing Gong looked down on these internal competitions and competitions.

Unexpectedly, in the eyes of many academy students, even academy students, and even monks from many other orthodox traditions, these competitions and competitions are often the key to their development and progress.

It was like he was standing on the top of the mountain and lamenting that people standing on the mountainside could not see the scenery in the distance.

And this may be an important reason why the Star Alliance adopts an attitude of recognition and even support for many competitions and competitions.

At this time, Yu Henghai smiled again and said: "Of course, there is another reason."

As he spoke, he pointed to the arena in front of him and said: "This arena belongs to the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce, and both our Yu family and the Xue family where Xue Yuntao was born have shares and businesses in the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce. .”

"So, the duels and fights we have here are also conducive to the development of this arena. What we gain is the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce, and our Liang family will not lose."

Liang Ji couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and all the emotions and thoughts in his heart disappeared in an instant.

Why do these 'young masters' who come from big families with rich assets and wide connections need to worry about him, a young Star Lord monk with an ordinary background?

No matter how low their achievements are in the future, with family support, they will never be far behind.

He might as well think about the development of his natal stars, the cultivation of his dependents, the problems of his spiritual path, etc.

At this time, Yu Henghai also changed the topic and said: "This time, the Yinghai Black Hole has entered an active period, attracting many monks from all parties and sects in the Star Alliance to come, hoping to make a fortune during the active period of the black hole."

"Today, the number of monks and population gathered in Yinghai City has more than doubled compared to before, and it is even continuing to grow."

"So, our Yinghai Chamber of Commerce took this opportunity to hold many trade fairs, auctions, internal trade fairs, etc. in the city."

"Moreover, there will be more trade fairs held later."

Yu Henghai said, taking out a stack of jade invitations and handing them over: "These invitations will regularly update the time and place of these trade fairs, auctions, and internal trade fairs, as well as product information."

"At the same time, they are also certificates for participating in trade fairs, auctions, etc."

"With these invitations, you can enjoy a 30% discount at trade fairs and auctions."

Yu Henghai said: "Last time, thank you and your friends for your help, my family members were not hunted down by Xue Yuntao and others."

"Please help me send these invitations to your friends. It can be considered as a small thank you from me."

"These trade fairs and auctions organized by the Chamber of Commerce are all conducted offline and on-site. There are many resources and treasures, but they are difficult to buy online on the Star Network."

"This..." Liang Ji hesitated.

Yu Henghai smiled again and said: "Of course, this is also an invitation to you to take care of our Yinghai Chamber of Commerce's business."

Seeing this, Liang Ji didn't refuse anymore. He took the stack of jade invitations and said, "Then I will thank you on their behalf."

Yu Henghai smiled and said, "I should be the one thanking them."

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