The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 223: Relief from disaster and ice soul (please subscribe)

"These invitations are my thanks to your friends." Yu Henghai said with a smile: "Liang Ji, I also have another thank you gift for you."

Hearing this, Liang Ji waved his hands and said, "These invitations are enough, and I can't help much."

At this time, Yu Henghai took out a dozen broken jade beads and placed them in front of Liang Ji.

Liang Ji naturally recognized them at a glance. These were all broken bloodline magical species.

"Liang Ji, I know you are collecting broken bloodline spiritual seeds, so I went through the warehouse of Yinghai Chamber of Commerce and found these spiritual seeds."

"You can take whatever you like, as a thank you gift from me."

Looking at these broken bloodline magical seeds, Liang Ji couldn't help but sigh in his heart. When he first entered the second level, he wanted to find broken bloodline magical seeds, but he couldn't find them for more than half a year. He even tried to find them on the black market. .

But now, I don’t know whether it’s because he is stronger, more knowledgeable, and has a wider network of contacts, or because he is just lucky. In just a few months, all kinds of broken bloodline magical species have come one after another. .

From 'breathing flames', to 'driving thunder and lightning', and now, Yu Henghai directly placed more than a dozen broken bloodline magical seeds in front of him for him to choose.

Liang Ji's eyes soon fell on one of the broken spiritual seeds. It was a blue-green spiritual seed, with a reassuring and comfortable power flowing in it.

Yu Henghai followed his gaze and said with a smile: "This is the spiritual species with the bloodline magical power to 'relieve disaster'. It has a very wide range of applications, including Yang, Yin, Water, Wood, Poison, and Thunder bloodlines. It can be refined, and the effect is very good, and it can relieve various negative conditions."

Liang Ji looked at such a broken magical power to 'relieve trouble', but he thought of the Pulao Familia in his own family. Undoubtedly, this broken spiritual seed to 'relieve trouble' was very suitable for the Pulao Familia.

The Pulao Familia have poison-type bloodline power, and poison-type bloodline magical powers are rare, and among his various bloodline families, there are already a lot of bloodline magical powers used in combat.

Calling wind, summoning rain, swallowing knives, spitting flames, driving thunder and lightning, etc., which one is not a bloodline magical power used in fighting and killing.

Therefore, adding another poison-type fighting and killing bloodline magical power will only increase the combat power of the clan to a limited extent.

On the contrary, it is an auxiliary bloodline magical power. Now there is a "rejuvenation" magical power of the Prisoner Niu Familia. It has performed very well in healing and saving lives in previous battles. It has saved the lives of many second-level family members and preserved enough fighting skills. force.

Now if such an auxiliary bloodline magical power to 'relieve disaster' is added, it may be more helpful to the battle of the Familia.

After a thought in his mind, Liang Ji also had a choice. He picked up the broken spiritual seed with the bloodline magical power to 'relieve disaster' and said: "This spiritual seed is indeed useful to me. How about I buy it with the spiritual stone."

Yu Henghai said immediately: "You are slapping me in the face by saying this. A broken bloodline psychic seed can only cost two to three hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones at most. The cultivation cost of my dependents you saved is more than two hundred thousand." Three million spirit stones!”

As he spoke, he pushed the remaining dozen or so broken spiritual seeds toward Liang Ji and said, "Otherwise, you can take all these spiritual seeds, and you don't need to give them away or sell them. "

Seeing this, Liang Ji waved his hands and said, "In that case, take this 'Eliminating Disaster' magical seed. I don't have any use for the others, so just take it back."

The two of them gave in to each other, and in the end Liang Ji only took the broken spiritual seed of 'Jie E', and let the other side take back the rest.

Later, Yu Henghai hosted a banquet for him in one of the most luxurious restaurants near the arena. After the banquet, he also attended an auction on the top floor of the restaurant.

According to what he said, this luxurious restaurant and the auction on the top floor are the properties of their Yinghai Chamber of Commerce.

Liang Ji also found out about the auction from the jade invitation sent by the other party.

Unfortunately, the materials and treasures sold in the auction are basically all kinds of star resources and treasures. It seems that they are harvested from several times when the stars were broken and destroyed.

There may also be hunters who snatch some spiritual objects, resources, treasures, etc. from the demon groups while hunting them.

Basically, whatever Liang Ji can use, he can take his family members to hunt, seize, and harvest it without having to spend a higher price to auction it here.

However, although he was not interested, he could see that these star resources, treasures, etc. were very popular in the auction house. Not only was the auction house full, but the quotes came one after another, pushing up the prices of each star resource and treasure. One peak after another.

It also made Liang Ji quite amazed. It turned out that the star resources and treasures that he usually used to plant into the natal stars to develop and balance the various materials, elements, and powers of the natal stars were so valuable!

And when he thought about it, he already understood the reason. These star resources and treasures cultivated in the black hole field and the broken stars were affected by the special environment. Whether it was quality, effectiveness, etc., they were far beyond the In the outer star field, there are many similar spiritual species artificially cultivated and created.

Just like the spiritual gold ore mother spirit seeds produced by the broken stars that Liang Ji refined into his natal stars, the spiritual gold that was nurtured in the natal stars is of higher quality and harder, and the magical weapons used by the dependents to make them are also more powerful. Stronger, stronger, and more powerful in combat.

So naturally it is more popular.

In particular, most of the star master monks who participated in the auction did not have enough combat power to hunt down the void demon group and seize and harvest these star resources and treasures from the void demon group.

They want to make their natal stars develop better and make their families more powerful. Naturally, they can only spend a lot of spiritual stones to auction and buy these better star resources and treasures.

Liang Ji looked at the lively auction and the star resources and treasures whose prices were pushed to one peak after another. He couldn't help but wonder, had he been living too comfortably recently?

Perhaps, he should continue to hunt down the void demon group, seize and harvest star resources, treasures, etc. from the demon group. If they are sent here for auction, he will definitely make a lot of money.

With thoughts swirling in his mind, he actually asked Yu Henghai. The process of collecting goods and auctioning goods at auctions may not be useful, but it is always good to learn more about it.

Yu Henghai also explained the process to him in detail, and at the same time guessed some of his thoughts, saying that as long as Liang Ji and his friends sent the star resources and treasures for auction, they would only charge the lowest fee.

Liang Ji thanked the other party.

When the auction ended, he said goodbye to Yu Henghai and left. Instead of returning to his residence, he first sent the invitations sent by Yu Henghai to the friends who had acted together.

Then, at Peng Yue's residence, before Liang Ji took out the invitation, he saw the other party take out an ice jade-colored broken spirit seed and put it in front of him.

"I remember that your family can refine the broken bloodline magical seeds and awaken the power of bloodline magical powers."

"Furthermore, I see that one of your dependents is of ice bloodline, and it seems that they have not yet mastered the magical power of bloodline."

"It just so happens that I don't dare to say anything about other attributes, but our family has some ice attributes."

"This is a broken spiritual seed of the ice-attributed bloodline magical power 'Ice Soul'. It should be suitable for your ice-attributed bloodline dependents."

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