The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 224 The City-State Era (please subscribe)

Peng Yue's first-level clan is the Ice Soul Snake, a clan cultivated by her family. Her grandmother is a developed Ice Soul Snake clan and has long awakened the power of bloodline supernatural powers.

Peng Yue said that there are some ice-blooded psychic species in her family, which should be true.

Just like Yun Lai's family, the Yun Family, inherited the thunder attribute Yun Ting Snake Man Familia, the other party can also use the broken spirit seed of the thunder attribute bloodline magical power of 'driving thunder and lightning'.

However, just now, Liang Ji was still sighing at Yu Henghai that the broken bloodline magical seeds that he could not find before were now coming one after another.

But now, facing the broken spiritual seed of the 'Ice Soul' bloodline magical power that Peng Yue took out, this feeling is undoubtedly more real, and the feeling in my heart becomes more and more lamentable.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Liang Ji didn't speak, Peng Yue said, "Your ice-type dependents already have the power of bloodline magic?"

"Are you saying that the magical power of the 'Ice Soul' bloodline is not suitable for your ice-bloodline dependents?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji shook his head and said, "That's not true. This 'Bing Soul' bloodline psychic seed comes just in time."

"How many spiritual stones are there? Let me buy it."

Peng Yue shook his head and said: "Forget it, one or two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones are completely unnecessary for us now."

"You can just take it and use it." She said and added: "In the future, if you come across any resources or treasures that are suitable for me to use, just remember to help me get them."

Hearing this, Liang Ji couldn't help but ask: "Do you need any special resources or treasures for the development of your family?"

Peng Yue nodded and said: "The 'nine-tailed snake inheritance' practiced by my family members can be divided into nine tails to control the power of nine elements."

"Although we already have a complete inheritance and path, it is not easy to reconcile and possess the power of nine elements at the same time in a family, and there are also some conflicting and restrained powers."

"I often need to find some treasures and resources that can reconcile and integrate the power of these different elements, and refine them into the natal stars and dependents to reconcile and stabilize the inheritance and power of the 'Nine-tailed Snake'."

"If you encounter or find such resources or treasures, just help me get them if you can."

Liang Ji nodded slightly when he heard the words, indicating that he understood: "I have remembered the treasure that can combine the power of different elements, and will help you pay attention to it."

As he spoke, he did not reject the broken spiritual seed of the 'Bing Soul' and put it away.

Afterwards, Yu Henghai took out the invitation card and handed it to the other party, saying: "This is a thank you from my friend who we saved on the burning and broken stars last time."

"His name is Yu Henghai. His family has shares and business in the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce. This is an invitation from the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce. The Yinghai Chamber of Commerce has recently held many trade fairs, auctions, etc. in the city."

"If you are interested, you can go and take a look. You may be able to encounter the resources and treasures you need."

Seeing this, Peng Yue did not refuse. He accepted the invitation and said, "I just happen to be a little restless in retreat recently. It would be good to take a tour of Yinghai City."

Afterwards, Liang Ji did not stay with Peng Yue for long, and went to other friends one after another, sent invitations, and expressed Yu Henghai's gratitude on his behalf.

Most of the dozen or so people who acted together at the beginning are still in Yinghai City, but a few people have left because of business, and Liang Ji also contacted them in the spiritual message.

After dealing with these matters, Liang Ji returned to his residence and planted the two newly obtained broken bloodline supernatural spiritual seeds, 'Jie'e' and 'Bingso', into his natal stars and refined them into the corresponding bloodline of the dependent clan.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed, and thousands of years have passed in Liang Ji's natal stars.

The Pulao Familia and the Jiaotu Familia also successfully awakened and mastered the magical power of the bloodline of 'Relief of Disaster' and 'Ice Soul'.

At this point, on Liang Ji's natal star, the ten bloodline clans and the nine dragon bloodline clans have all awakened and mastered the appropriate power of bloodline magical powers.

The 'Rejuvenation' of the Qiu Niu Family, the 'Swallowing Sword' of the Yaju Family, the 'Hufeng' of the Chaofeng Family, the 'Relief of Disaster' of the Pulao Family, the 'Danshan' of the Baxia Family, and the 'Burning Flame' of the Suanyi Family , the Biuan Familia's 'Driving Thunder and Electricity', the Jiao Tu Familia's 'Ice Soul', and the Chiki Familia's 'Calling Rain'.

The Nine Sons Bloodline, nine extremely compatible bloodline supernatural powers, including offensive, defensive, and auxiliary powers, can be said to be extremely comprehensive, allowing Liang Ji's family members to form a team with comprehensive, powerful, and adaptable combat capabilities. Powerful teams for various battlefields.

Of the ten bloodline families, only the half-dragon family members are left as the main branch, and they can refine another suitable bloodline magical power.

However, Liang Ji was extremely cautious in his choice regarding the magical power of the bloodline of the second-order half-dragon family members in the main branch.

After all, today's second-level half-dragon dependents have been able to exert extremely strong fighting power by relying on the magical power of the bloodline of 'Big and Small Ruyi', as well as the black and yellow body and the power of breaking magic.

He has no urgent need for the new bloodline magical power of the second-level half-dragon family members.

Don't be in a hurry, naturally you have to slowly choose the most suitable and most suitable bloodline magical spiritual species that can best exert and enhance the second-level half-dragon's combat power.

At this time, among Liang Ji's natal stars, there was a place where the Pulao family members lived together.

The Pulao family members led the Pulao family members to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony.

This grand sacrificial ceremony is not only to thank the Emperor of Heaven for his gift, but also for allowing them to awaken and master the magical power of blood to "relieve disaster".

At the same time, it is also to celebrate the successful promotion of Pulao Village from a village to a city and become Pulao City.

The Pulao City of the Pulao Family is also the last city among the ten bloodline families on Liang Ji's natal star to advance.

So far, ten clans have built ten cities, including Dragon Soul City, Qiuniu City, Yaizhen City, Chaofeng City, Pulao City, Basia City, Suanni City, Biuan City, Jiaotu City, and Chiqi City.

Dragon Soul City is not only the center and core place of the Half-Dragon Familia clan, but also the center and core place of the ten clans as a whole. The sacrificial leader 'Xi', the political leader 'Wang', and the economic leader 'Nong' lead the entire clan. , the warrior leader Chi, all live in Dragon Soul City, and preside over and handle various family affairs in Dragon Soul City.

Dragon Soul City is also the largest and most complete among the ten cities. It has the most advanced Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, the 'Dragon Soul Academy' that controls the education and inheritance of the entire clan, the division of labor and inheritance of all seventy-two lines, and the most prosperous place. economy, culture, and the largest and most powerful combat power.

These all represent unparalleled dominance over the other nine cities and nine bloodline families.

At the same time, the other nine cities of the Nine Sons Bloodline Families were under the rule of Dragon Soul City, and each controlled the power and rule of their respective bloodline families.

In each city, there are sacrificial leaders, political leaders, economic leaders, and warrior leaders of their respective bloodline clans. They accept the leadership of 'Xi', 'King', 'Nong', and 'Chi', but among their own bloodline groups, holds power and rule.

Liang Ji's family entered a more complex city-state era.

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