The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 227 Relics of Life (Please subscribe)

Above the frozen stars, Liang Ji's family team joined those of Peng Yue, Yun Lai and others.

The special environment of this star, coupled with the fact that it is in the first-order demon clan area of ​​the black hole field, the demon clan gathered on the star at this time are only the first-order demon clan, so the main thing that everyone's family members are dealing with at this time is In the cracked ice earth, violent cold air emerged from time to time.

While resisting the power of freezing ice, he was harvesting starlight merits, star resources, and treasures.

Similarly, among the frozen stars, the star resources and treasures produced by fragmentation and destruction are mostly of ice nature.

Special black ice spiritual seeds, strange spiritual water containing extremely cold power, cold spiritual seeds that can freeze all things, etc.

These ice attribute spiritual seeds, when refined into the natal stars, can create some special ice places in the stars, increase the diversity of the environment in the stars, and also promote various elements in the stars. The balance and movement of energy are beneficial to the development of stars and the growth of Tao fruits.

Of course, for Star Masters like Peng Yue and Liang Ji, who have ice-attribute dependents, these rare ice-attribute spiritual species are even more precious.

It will be of great benefit to the cultivation and development of their Bingso Snake people and Jiao Tu family members.

However, for some star owners, such a frozen environment is not very friendly.

Just like Lan Yingying's Tide Snake Man, who is accustomed to the power of water, here she is greatly restrained by the power of ice. Even her four-armed Snake Man Familia has already used the magic weapon held on its four arms at this time. , have all been replaced with magical weapons that can resist and restrain the power of ice, but they are still restricted everywhere. They only rely on the care of their surrounding companions to not fall out of the team.

Even so, the starlight energy she harvested, the star resources and treasures she collected were far less than others.

Liang Ji's family members arrived at this time. Seeing this situation, they asked the Pulao family members to use their bloodline magical power to 'relieve disaster', and a green light rain fell on the blue four-armed snake-man family members.

Wherever the green light fell, it immediately drove away the power of ice from their bodies. Those four-armed snake-men were even able to briefly attack the water-defying drum waves on top of the frozen stars.


Lan Yingying, who had been frowning, couldn't help but cheer, turned to Liang Ji and said:

"Liang Ji, what kind of spell is this? Give me more! I'm relying on you this time."

At the same time, in the team operating together, there were several members of the water or fire attribute. Most of them were restrained by the frozen environment and their combat power was limited. Seeing this, they also raised their voices to say hello.

"Liang Ji, give some to my family members too!"

"Classmate Liang, help!"

Liang Ji did not refuse at this time. The Pulao family members used the power of their bloodline to 'relieve disaster' and shed patches of green light, rescuing the star master's family members from the frozen distress.

Immediately, the movement and harvesting speed of everyone's family members greatly increased, and they quickly crisscrossed the frozen stars, chasing starlight and harvesting star resources and treasures.

The speed and efficiency are far superior to those of Star and many other Star Master teams.

boom! Click! Rumble...

A roaring and cracking sound came from the front, the frozen earth cracked, and a huge ice abyss quickly tore open, and a large amount of ice-cold air erupted from it, sweeping many large and small ice blocks. Blocks are often frozen and contain some precious star resources and treasures.

Of course, a large amount of starlight energy erupted from the torn ice abyss and escaped in all directions.



The roar of dragons and lions sounded, mocking the Wind Familia's 'calling wind'. The wind roared like a dragon's roar, charging up in the air. On the earth, the Suanni Familia raised their heads and roared like a lion's roar, with a large number of blazing, high-temperature red-gold flames. They were sprayed out, gathered together, and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

However, although these flames are powerful, they are still constantly weakened and suppressed in the extremely cold environment of the frozen stars.

At this time, the strong wind blown by the Mocking Wind Familia gathered together with these seas of fire. The wind and fire interacted with each other and broke into the cold air erupting from the abyss.

The cold air is so cold that it can even freeze the invisible wind and changing fire. The wind and fire impact and open up paths in the extremely cold air, and the frozen wind and fire continue to fall along the way.

After the Chaofeng Familia, it was the Jiaotu Familia who acted as the main force and attacked on the front line for the first time. They used the magical power of the bloodline of 'Ice Soul' to gather, absorb and control the surrounding ice power, sort out and guide it. , suppressing the burst of ice energy.

The rest of the family members, Baxia, Half-Dragon, Biuan, Jiazui, etc. followed closely behind, breaking through the cold air and collecting the starlight energy, star resources, and treasures swept within.

From time to time, the Pulao Familia shed a green light rain to relieve the family members from the ice and maintain their fighting power; the Prison Niu Familia also shed a green light rain from time to time, rescuing the family members who were hit hard by the power of ice.

Not only did they deal with Liang Ji's Familia, they also shed a rain of light from time to time on the other Star Lord Familia who were traveling around them, rescuing the other Familia teams of their companions.

In this way, Liang Ji and his companions quickly harvested the starlight erupting from the ice abyss, the resources and treasures in the ice.


At this time, one of the Star Lords who was traveling with him suddenly sounded surprised, raised the ice cube he had just grabbed, and said in a loud voice:

"Look, there is a corpse frozen in this piece of ice."

Liang Ji and others looked over after hearing this, and sure enough they saw a snake-like corpse sealed in the ice. It was still lifelike, but it was unknown how many years it had been dead.

"Li Tong, are you kidding me? Is this really what you got here?"

Some star owners couldn't help but wonder.

Star Lord Li Tong, who discovered the frozen corpse, glared at him and said, "Why am I joking like this when I have nothing to do?"

"You looked at the snake's body. It was well preserved in the ice and lifelike, indicating that it was probably alive before it was frozen."

"This shows that this frozen star, before being frozen and swallowed into the black hole field, was probably a life star or a spiritual star!"

Listening to Li Tong's words, the eyes of everyone present couldn't help but light up.

"So, under these frozen ices, there are probably some relics of life, even relics of civilization, and there may even be treasures such as spiritual veins!"

Some people couldn't help but speculate.

As he spoke, everyone's eyes couldn't help but cast towards the icy abyss in front of them.

The frozen stars were still shaking violently, loud roars were still coming from under the frozen earth, and the ice abyss in front of them was still tearing and expanding, getting bigger and bigger. The deeper.

There are also more ice fragments bursting out from it along with the cold air and starlight energy.

Several Star Lords also found complete or broken corpses of various creatures in the ice fragments that erupted, which further verified their speculations.

This star used to be a life star, maybe even a spiritual pulse star!

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