The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 228 Under the Abyss (Please subscribe)

As the ice abyss continues to tear and expand in front of them, more and more corpses of various creatures are found in the large amounts of ice erupted by the cold air. Liang Ji and others have been able to determine that this frozen star has been around for a long time. In the past, it should have been a life star.

The relics, resources, treasures, etc. of the Life Star are naturally incomparable to those of the previous broken and destroyed Death Stars.

Looking at the icy abyss that was still expanding in front of them, everyone was excited.

At that moment, someone raised his voice and suggested: "Is anyone interested in sending your family members into the abyss to have a look?"

Everyone had this idea in mind, and when they heard this, they immediately agreed and agreed.

However, it is not easy to enter this icy abyss and look deep into the bottom of the abyss.

The extremely cold air that erupts is the biggest obstacle and threat, and the further toward the bottom of the abyss, the stronger the ice air and ice-sealing power will undoubtedly be.

Many of the family members present were barely able to move and fight on the surface of the frozen stars, let alone go deep into the icy abyss.

If they enter by force, they may be frozen to death halfway before reaching the bottom of the abyss.

Therefore, although everyone is determined to go into the abyss to check it out, they can only choose a few suitable Star Lord family members to form a team to check it out.

There is no doubt that Liang Ji's Jiaotu family, Pulao family, and Peng Yue's twin-tailed snake family were all selected to join the exploration team.

Both the Jiaotu Familia and the Two-tailed Snake Familia can master the power of ice and can better protect themselves and exert their combat power in the ice abyss.

As for the Pulao Familia, it goes without saying that the magical power of blood to 'relieve disaster' is indispensable when they may be frozen and trapped at any time.

The several Star Lords who formed the Familia's exploration team unanimously requested that his Pulao Familia join the exploration team.

Although it is said that the dependents of these Star Lords basically control the power of ice, they should not be afraid of the cold air and ice power in the abyss.

However, the Pulao family members can undoubtedly provide more protection.

After Liang Ji saw the configuration of the exploration team, he sent a team of half-dragon family members to join them.

He found that most of the Familia in this exploration team were good at controlling ice and fighting with ice, but there were no strong Familia and strength that could charge forward and carry out strong attacks.

Therefore, he joined a team of half-dragon family members.

The hegemonic body, black and yellow body, and law-breaking power of the half-dragon family can also resist and break the cold air and ice-blocking power in the abyss very well.

Therefore, it will not hinder the exploration team, but will enhance the combat effectiveness of the exploration team.

Soon, the exploration team was organized and began to enter the ice abyss, heading towards the depths of the abyss against the cold air erupting in it.

The initial stage was okay. After all, the Familia who formed the exploration team basically had the power of ice or were not afraid of it. Although the cold air erupting in the abyss was strong, it did not pose much of a threat to them.

As the team of people descended all the way down, they could occasionally find some frozen resources and treasures on the surrounding ice abyss cliffs; they could also find various cracks on the cliffs, and then in the stars. The abyss is either growing larger or collapsing as it trembles and expands.

Liang Ji and others' dependents ignored these resources and treasures. Even if there were resources and treasures that fell off and flew past them, no one's dependents would take action to collect them.

They just carefully walked around the cracks on the cliffs, trying their best to avoid interference, and headed towards the bottom of the ice abyss as quickly as possible.

However, as we continued to go deeper, the surrounding environment became colder and colder, and the burst of cold air became more and more powerful. The members of the expedition team also had to use various methods to resist these powerful cold air and icy powers.

Some people sacrificed special ice magic weapons, some activated ice spells, some activated special bloodline power, and some began to take pills, absorbing, guiding, and resisting the cold air and cold power around them.

Liang Ji's family members and the Jiaotu family members have also activated the magical power of the 'Ice Soul' bloodline. Not only can they protect themselves and resist the power of ice, they can even protect the Pulao family members, allowing the Pulao family members to save money. Bloodline power, there is no need to use the bloodline magical power of 'Relieve Disaster' to fight against the ice power now.

The ice abyss is still bottomless, and it is best to save the magical power of the Pulao clan's bloodline to "relieve the disaster" until later to be effective at critical moments.

As for the half-dragon family members, their bodies are now surrounded by black and yellow light, which has activated the power of the hegemonic body and the black and yellow body. The magic resistance of the hegemonic body and the magic breaking power of the black and yellow body are in this ice abyss. Incisively and vividly.

At least, the current ice power in the abyss has not exceeded the intensity of the ice power that the half-dragon family members have practiced and fought against in the "Ice Abyss", the spiritual place of cultivation in the natal star, and they are completely able to deal with it.

On the other side, Peng Yue's twin-tailed snake family members had their twin tails intertwined behind each other. The two opposing forces of ice and fire were operating and transforming between the two snake tails in a special process. It also greatly increases their power to control and resist the ice, allowing them to move forward without any worries.

In this way, everyone in the family members used their own methods and went deeper for an unknown period of time. Finally, everyone saw the bottom of the ice abyss and saw a beautiful scene.

"That's...a mountain forest?"

"It's a frozen mountain forest!"

Some people exclaimed and admired.

Just as Liang Ji and others judged, the star under the ice was indeed a star of life.

At this time, they saw a "vibrant" mountain forest under the ice abyss.

The mountains, forests, grass and trees, as well as the various birds and beasts living in them, are all clearly visible at this time, and they are all frozen by the power of ice, like a beautiful and extremely delicate ice sculpture world.

But at this time, due to the vibration, shattering, and destruction of the stars, this frozen world of ice sculptures has been broken. The mountains collapsed, the forests were broken, and the ice blocks that sealed the lives of various birds and beasts shattered. As the stars shook, they collapsed everywhere. Some were swept up by the burst of cold air and rushed to the ice abyss.

At this time, Liang Ji and others also discovered that these bursts of ice energy erupted from the depths of the collapsed mountain and cracked earth.

"Look, there is a city on the mountainside!"

Someone made a bigger discovery and raised his voice.

Liang Ji and others looked and saw a corner of the city on the mountainside. The reason why it was a corner was because most of the city had been submerged by the collapsed mountains.

However, the existence of a city shows that this star is not only a life star, but also a spiritual star that can nurture intelligent life and have civilization.

Perhaps, they can find some clues about the history and origin of this star from the ruins of the city.

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