The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 231 Ice and Fire (please subscribe)

The fact that middle-grade spiritual stones can be produced in the spiritual veins means that this star is at least fourth-order or above. It is better than the third-order star they had previously speculated and is already an intermediate-grade star.

And in this way, stars that are at least intermediate level will still be directly frozen and destroyed by things falling from the starry sky. This shows the danger of falling objects that penetrate the spiritual veins and shoot into the depths of the stars.

Liang Ji and others no longer expect to be able to find the falling object. Even if they can find it, with their current second-level strength, it may be difficult for them to even get close or contact it.

However, the rich starlight, mid-grade spiritual stones, higher-level star resources, treasures, spiritual roots, etc. in this passage have already allowed them to harvest a lot, which is far more than the previous broken stars. The above gains totaled.

Liang Ji and others used the 'Star Mirror' projection to collect the 'Starlight Silk Ribbon' with all their strength, and their dependents also hurriedly searched for these resources and treasures.

The vibrations of the stars are getting more and more violent, the roaring in the ground is getting stronger and stronger, and stronger cold air and destructive power may burst out from the ground at any time. They don't have much time.

"There is something in here!" Suddenly, Su Yuezhang's star-shaped figure reached out and touched a huge ice block that was mostly broken in the passage.

A small part of this ice block is still connected to the ice wall of the channel, and has not been completely broken or cracked.

Generally speaking, Liang Ji and others are trying their best to collect the ice blocks that have been cracked, broken and fallen off, and contain resources and treasures. They will not waste time attacking or destroying the surrounding ice walls that have not been broken or fallen off yet. of ice cubes.

After all, time is limited. Instead of wasting time attacking and destroying the ice blocks on the ice wall, which may not be able to break through in the end, it is better to move downwards further and collect more frozen resources and treasures that are shattered and fallen off.

But at this time, Su Yuezhang seemed to have found something of interest in the ice cubes on the ice wall. While asking his family members to attack the ice cubes with all their strength, he raised his voice:

"Liang Ji, Wu Dongyang, Yun Lai, Peng Yue, and Lu Qing, I'll give each of you 500 meritorious deeds. Please help me knock down this ice block."

Everyone has worked together many times and has a good understanding of each other's family members' combat prowess and expertise.

The five people Su Yuezhang invited at this time all had their own means and were able to unleash the strongest attack in this frozen environment, and they were also the most likely to help her knock down this piece of ice.

After hearing Su Yuezhang's request, Liang Ji and others did not refuse even though it was a busy time to harvest starlight merits, star resources, spirit stone mines, and spiritual vein roots.

After all, they are all companions who are already familiar with each other and have cooperated many times. There may be more cooperation in the future. The mutual friendship at this time is much more valuable than those middle and low-level resources, treasures, and starlight energy.

What's more, the other party also said that each person had five hundred meritorious deeds.

However, when taking action, Wu Dongyang still asked: "Su Yuezhang, is there anything in this ice cube?"

Su Yuezhang did not hide anything and said directly: "It should be the spirit of the fallen totem. This will be very helpful for me to study totem civilization."

At this time, several members of the family members had taken action at the same time. Wind and fire, thunder and thunder, ice and fire explosions, and yin and yang struck together on the ice wall.

Amidst the loud roar, the ice wall that had been cracked was suddenly completely blasted, and the piece of ice that Su Yuezhang wanted was also blasted down.

Liang Ji and others also saw that there was indeed half a corpse frozen in the ice, which looked like the totem they had seen before.

"Sure enough, it is the totem spirit!" Su Yuezhang looked happy and deduced: "It seems that when the starry sky falling object that froze and destroyed the star blasted into this spiritual vein, this 'totem spirit' I already realized something was wrong and rushed over to stop the falling object."

"It's a pity that the starry sky falling object is too powerful. I'm afraid its level exceeds the level of this star."

"So, the 'Totem Spirit''s obstruction directly resulted in death. It was bombarded by falling objects from the stars, leaving half a corpse frozen here."

When Su Yuezhang said this, he looked up at the surrounding ice walls and said: "This should be the place where the 'Totem Spirit' collided and fought with the falling starry sky. There may be leftovers from their collision and fight in the surrounding ice walls. Traces, treasures.”

As she spoke, she looked at Liang Ji and the others and said, "Are you interested in breaking open the ice walls around here and taking a look? Maybe you can find some rare treasures, or even solve the mystery of the starry sky falling objects."

"Of course, if I find other fragments of the 'Totem Spirit', I am willing to use my merits to buy them."

Liang Ji and others' eyes lit up slightly when they heard this. It can be said that they were all a little curious about the 'Starry Sky Falling Object'. Now that they are unable to go underground to check the situation of the 'Starry Sky Falling Object', then where the 'Starry Sky Falling Object' and On the battlefield where the 'Totem Spirits' collide, there may be some gains.

At the moment, several people divided the family team into two teams. One team continued to go deep into the passage to harvest resources and treasures, while the other team stayed behind to attack the surrounding ice walls with all their strength.

Sure enough, it was quickly discovered that in the surrounding ice walls, there were many traces of collisions and fights between the 'Totem Spirit' and the 'Starry Sky Falling Object'.

It can be seen that the 'Totem Spirit' discovered the terrifying power of ice contained in the 'Starry Sky Falling Object', so it chose to use the power of fire to fight against it.

The many traces of battles left in the surrounding ice were mostly caused by the collision and explosion of flames and ice.

And although the combat power of the 'Totem Spirit' is far less powerful than that of the 'Starry Sky Falling Object', its final burst of exerting all its strength, even extracting the power of the star spiritual veins, is still very powerful and somewhat effective.

Liang Ji and others successively discovered several remaining spiritual fires and some broken ice crystals in the ice walls blasted around them.

The spiritual fire is obviously the remnant of the explosive power of the 'Totem Spirit'. It has gathered the last resistance of the star. Even after being frozen until now, there are still remnants that have not been extinguished. Not only are they of a high level, but they also contain the power of the star. The origin and essence of the avenue among them.

It is undoubtedly extremely rare and precious.

However, what caught the attention of several people more was the broken ice crystals.

Although it is an ice crystal, it is extremely eye-catching and even a bit out of place among the surrounding ice.

Because these small, broken ice crystals are extremely pure and contain mysterious power. Even when Liang Ji and others looked at these ice crystals through the figures condensed by starlight, there was a terrifying cold power hitting their bodies and The feeling of being eroded by the soul.

There is no doubt that these 'ice crystals' are probably some fragments left over from the 'falling objects in the starry sky', which were knocked down by the 'totem spirit' after desperately resisting.

"This feeling is a bit like the 'divine crystal', but it seems a little different. It seems to be purer than the 'divine crystal'!"

Liang Ji looked at these scattered 'ice crystals' and thought of the broken 'divine crystal' in his hand.

boom! Click...

At this time, there was another roar and vibration in the ground, the stars shook, and the ice walls that had been blasted around them cracked and collapsed again, and suddenly another piece of ice was revealed, which actually contained a spiritual fire and an ice crystal. It was strange and mysterious. fused together.

Instantly attracted the attention of Liang Ji and Peng Yue.

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