The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 232: You can pick the stars with your hands (please subscribe)

Spiritual fire and ice crystals merge!

This is obviously the place where ice and fire collided when the 'Totem Spirit' and the 'Starry Sky Falling Object' were fighting. After they fell down and were frozen for who knows how many years, they gradually merged together to form this weird and mysterious A mysterious fusion of ice and fire.

And this is undoubtedly what Peng Yue told him, a treasure that can reconcile and integrate the power of different elements.

In particular, it is a treasure with two harmonious powers of ice and fire, which is perfectly consistent with Peng Yue's current power as a two-tailed snake.

On Peng Yue's side, he had already ordered his twin-tailed snake family members to attack the ice. The collision and explosion of ice and fire kept bombarding the ice.

But the effect is not ideal. There is a fusion of 'fire and ice crystals' frozen there, and it is most unafraid of these two powers.

Moreover, Peng Yue's family members must be careful in attacking, fearing that the power of ice and fire from bombardment and explosion will break the balance and mystery of the blending of ice and fire in the ice.

Liang Ji immediately asked his family members to come up to help and launch an attack.

The 'Giant Spirit Hammer' struck down by the Half-Dragon Familia sparkled with a dark yellow light that broke the law, the giant shields of the Baxia Familia crashed down like mountains, the sword energy of the Yajue Familia slashed like a tide, and the Bijuan Familia struck with thunder in their hands.

With the help of Liang Ji, the piece of ice was quickly blasted away, and Peng Yue successfully pocketed the fusion of 'fire and ice crystals' frozen and wrapped in the ice.

At this time, several people's family members also took action, blasting down the 'spiritual fire seeds' and 'ice crystals' frozen in the surrounding ice and dividing them among themselves.

Whether it is a few mysterious 'spiritual fire seeds' that have not been extinguished for countless years, or the weird 'ice crystals', they are undoubtedly precious and rare treasures, even surpassing other star resources and treasures harvested in the passage.

This also greatly increased the interest of Liang Ji and the others, and they continued to order the family members to attack the surrounding ice walls, hoping to find more gains.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this time, violent roars and vibrations came from the depths of the stars again, and the surrounding ice walls were rapidly shaking and cracking.

There is even a flood of starlight, broken ice, cold air, and star resources spurting out from the depths of the channel, with a speed and quantity far greater than before.

However, Liang Ji and others' expressions changed slightly when they saw it.

This undoubtedly means that more and more terrifying cold air and icy power are erupting from the depths of this passage.

They must retreat.

The other star masters who had already penetrated deep into the passage rushed up with their families, shouting to retreat.

Although the surrounding cracked ice walls revealed many traces of the collision and battle between the 'Totem Spirit' and the 'Starry Sky Falling Object', many of the smashed spiritual fires, ice crystals and other treasures remained.

But they had to give up and immediately chose to retreat, rushing out of the passage with their family members.

And when they led the family members out of the passage at the highest peak, they found that many third-order void demon clans had gathered on this frozen star, and warships stationed in the surrounding void had landed, bombarding them. Kill those void demon tides.

On the frozen stars, a large number of Star Lords have retreated, leaving only third-level or higher Star Lords.

In the surrounding void, there are more battleships flying down.

At the same time, Liang Ji and others discovered that not far from the highest peak, there was a team of third-level star masters coming with a large number of third-level dependents, and their target was also the highest peak.

Apparently, they have also discovered the secret of this star and want to explore the 'treasure' that fell into the highest peak.

When these people saw Liang Ji and others rushing out from the highest peak, they were also stunned.

"Let's go!"

"The cold is breaking out!"

Liang Ji and others had already led the team to retreat, and at the same time they raised their voices and shouted to several third-order star masters.

They have clearly seen that the cold air and ice that erupted in the highest peak passage are extremely powerful. They cannot resist it at the second level, and it is also not something that the third level can resist.

"What's in there?"

"Have you discovered the treasure that fell from the stars?"

"It's just the cold air. You guys at the second level can't resist it. Could it be that we at the third level..."

Several third-level star masters were asking and talking when they suddenly saw a powerful cold air on the highest peak that was like a volcanic eruption. It had the potential to freeze the stars again wherever it passed, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"I really can't resist it!"


Several third-level star masters also stopped talking nonsense and quickly evacuated the highest peak with their families.

And Liang Ji and others kept evacuating and running away. Along the way, they saw many battles between the third-order Void Demon Clan and the third-order Star Lord Familia. Many of them contained pressure and destructive power that impacted the soul. Even the aftermath affected their second-order people. The Familia caused huge oppression and harm.

This frozen star is no longer a battlefield they can intervene in. They must evacuate.

At the moment, everyone was looking for a safe place, opened the star gate, and allowed the family members to retreat to their natal stars. At the same time, they began to contact the warships stationed around them, reported the situation in the stars, and prepared to board the warship to see the frozen stars again. Scenes of fragmentation and destruction.

At this time, a starship flew out from the battleships of the garrison, landed on top of Liang Ji and others, and picked them up on the battleship.

A middle-aged man with a resolute face appeared in front of them, but it was an "old acquaintance" Colonel Wang Huaihua!

When he saw Liang Ji and others, Colonel Wang didn't waste any time and said directly: "You reported the news that the stars under the ice are spiritual stars. Do you have any evidence?"

After Liang Ji and others heard this, they immediately took some frozen spirit stone mines and treasures from the 'root of spiritual veins' to prove what they said.

"Where is the passage you mentioned?"

Captain Wang asked again.

"At the highest peak!"

Liang Ji and others immediately pointed in the direction of the highest peak.

Colonel Wang immediately ordered the 'starship' to fly over the highest peak. At this time, the terrifying cold air was still erupting in the passage, sealing everything in ice.

However, the spiritual light of formations and restrictions on Captain Wang's starship circulated, blasting out a bolt of lightning, which immediately dispersed the terrifying cold air, revealing the passage within.

A shuttle flew out of the starship and rushed into the passage to explore.

boom! boom! Rumble...

More intense roars and vibrations came from the passage. It was unknown whether it was the shaking and cracking of the stars, or the attacks and fighting movements of the shuttles in the passage.

After a while, the shuttle flew out of the passage. It was already half covered with ice, and there were even many broken spots.

Colonel Wang checked some supplies and information brought back by the shuttle, and immediately raised his hand to send a starlight message back to the garrisoned starship team.

"Let's go." At this time, he turned to Liang Ji and others and said: "The Star Alliance must recover this star, and cannot let it be broken or destroyed here."

"Recycle?" Liang Ji and others looked surprised, and someone couldn't help but ask: "Captain Wang, how did the Star Alliance recycle this star? What did they do after recycling it?"

"After recycling, see if we can reactivate the spiritual veins and save the star."

"If you can't be saved, then you will be sent to the 'Star Tomb'!"

Star Tomb!

Some of Liang Ji and others were confused, while others were thoughtful.

Captain Wang did not explain, but continued: "As for how to recycle it, you will see it soon."

He said, looking up into the void.

When Liang Ji and others saw this, they couldn't help but look up. However, they saw a little starlight emerging in the void, and then rapidly growing and expanding, turning into a huge starlight that seemed to cover the sky and the earth in the blink of an eye. giant.

Among the frozen stars, all the star masters, battleships, etc. had also received orders at this time and evacuated one after another.

When everyone had withdrawn from the Frozen Star, the starlight giant stretched out a starlight giant hand and grabbed the Frozen Star directly.

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