The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 233 Black hole that explodes in advance (please subscribe)

The starlight giant manifested and stretched out a starlight giant hand to grasp the frozen stars.

Amidst the loud roar, the frozen star suddenly shook violently, and the speed of fragmentation and destruction suddenly accelerated. It was like a black hole competing with the starlight giant for the star, suddenly increasing its devouring power, and trying to swallow the star completely. In the black hole.

A large amount of starlight suddenly shot out from the giant hand of starlight, covering the frozen stars and immediately stabilizing them. The shock, fragmentation, and destruction began to slow down rapidly, resisting the devouring of the black hole.

Then, the giant hand of starlight grabbed the frozen star, completely suppressed its shaking and shattering, and plucked it out of the black hole.


In an instant, there seemed to be a loud buzzing sound coming from the depths of the black hole, and the devouring power in the black hole greatly increased. The giant hand of starlight holding the frozen stars paused for an instant, and a large piece of starlight fell from the giant hand like crumbs. Fall off and fall into the black hole.

The warships garrisoned all around were also shining with various formations and restraints at this time, resisting the soaring devouring power in the black hole.

Some stars, large and small, that could be seen in the distance began to break and decompose under the increasing devouring power of the black hole, dissipating large amounts of starlight energy, exploding many star resources and treasures, and falling into the black hole.

A large number of void monsters began to surge from the depths of the black hole, turning into a steady stream of void monsters and attacking the giant hand of starlight.

Everything looks like the black hole has consciousness and is competing with the starlight giant for the frozen stars to prevent it from picking them out of the black hole.


At this time, the starlight giant who picked the stars snorted coldly, and flicked out a finger from the giant starlight hand that grabbed the frozen stars. In an instant, bright starlight swept down like a curtain, and the surging demon tides melted in the place where it passed. The powder dissipates.

And the speed at which the starlight giant hand picked up the stars suddenly accelerated.


Deep in the black hole, the loud buzzing has turned into roaring thunder. The starry figures of Liang Ji and others are standing on Captain Wang's starship, looking through the formations and restrictions that operate and protect around the starship. The void and black hole field outside.

It seems that the void is shaking, the black hole field is distorting, and the terrifying devouring power is almost visible to the naked eye.

Colonel Wang Huaihua was also standing on the starship deck at this time, frowning slightly as he looked into the depths of the black hole.

And as the starlight giant grabbed the frozen stars and continued to move out of the black hole field, the devouring power visible to the naked eye became stronger and stronger, and the roaring and loud noises deep in the black hole became louder and louder.

From time to time, there are flashes of broken and destroyed stars appearing in the distance. They are all stars destroyed by the increased devouring power.

What made Liang Ji and others look at it with greedy eyes was that every shining spot represented a destroyed star, which represented a large number of starlight achievements, a large number of star resources, treasures, etc.

But at this time, they could only watch, unable to take action at all, unable to lead the family team to harvest these merits, resources, and wealth.

Not to mention that the soaring devouring power in the black hole field at this time, which was almost visible to the naked eye, was not something that their families could resist, nor could they deal with the rioting and sweeping void demon tide all around.

And when this visible devouring and distorting power and surging void demon tide reaches a limit.


There was another loud sound, like a bell coming from the central area of ​​the black hole.

The next moment, Liang Ji and others suddenly saw that in the extremely distant central area of ​​the black hole, there was a large area of ​​starlight emerging, criss-crossing as if it had turned into a large array, and also seemed to turn into a huge fairy weapon or spiritual treasure.

In the roaring sound like a bell, the starlight, which was like a great array, fairy weapons and spiritual treasures, finally converged into one, turning into a bright and dazzling starlight beam that directly blasted into the center and depth of the black hole.

It was like a divine needle inserted into the turbulent and swaying black hole of the deep sea.

In an instant, the surrounding vibrating void, the twisted black hole field, and the surging void demon tide were all blasted away and suppressed.

The huge devouring power that erupted in the black hole dissipated, and the Starlight Giant successfully picked out the frozen stars from the black hole field.

"That's...the direction of Yinghai City!"

"It was Yinghai City who did it!"

On the starship, a star master exclaimed.

Liang Ji was also slightly moved when he heard this. Yinghai City was built and suppressed in the central area of ​​Yinghai Black Hole. It is not only the political, economic, cultural, military, etc. center of the Yinghai Star Region, but it also undoubtedly bears the greatest responsibility for suppressing Yinghai Black Hole.

Not only Yinghai City, but also Penglai City, Manggu City, etc. that he had seen. There are thirty-three central cities in the Star Alliance's thirty-three star regions, which are the key to suppressing the black holes in each star region. Dinghai Shenzhen.

These cities are not so much cities as they are a grand formation, an immortal weapon and a treasure, and a frontline battlefield.

At this time, faced with the explosion of the Yinghai Black Hole, Yinghai City took action directly to suppress it and help the starlight giant take away the frozen stars.

Everything seems to be going well, powerful and shocking.

But at this time, Captain Wang Huaihua on the starship turned to them with a slightly condensed expression and said: "The active period of the Yinghai black hole has entered the explosive period ahead of schedule!"

"The black hole field will become more dangerous in the future, and the first-order and second-order areas will no longer be safe."

"In fact, the entire Yinghai City and Yinghai Star Region will usher in a period of turmoil."

"There will be waves of void demons in black holes and star fields, and there will even be some evil organizations and evil cultivators with ulterior motives who will take the opportunity to stir up the muddy waters, and even attack and kill the star master!"

"Especially you, the low-level Star Lord monks who are from the Star Palace, are the key targets of some evil cultivators."

Lieutenant Wang said in a deep voice: "So, you'd better act cautiously next. You can choose to leave the Yinghai Star Territory first to avoid the turmoil and chaos during the full black hole explosion period."

"You can also choose to stay in Yinghai City, but you need to accept the management of our garrison team, act in accordance with our requirements, and accept our protection."

"Of course, if a team from your Star Palace comes to participate in suppressing the black hole explosion, you can also follow the team from the Star Palace."

Listening to Colonel Wang's words, Liang Ji and others looked surprised.

"Didn't the black hole's explosion be suppressed by Yinghai Town just now?"

Some people couldn't help but wonder.

The starlight that hit Yinghai City just now was like the divine needle that fixed the sea, suppressing the explosion of the black hole, scattering and suppressing the shaking void and the greatly increased devouring power.

They saw it all with their own eyes.

Captain Wang shook his head slightly and said: "It is precisely because of Yinghai City's action that it means that the city has detected that the black hole has completely entered the eruption period."

"Otherwise, if we just capture a frozen star, there is no need for Yinghai City to take action!"

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