The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 234 The senior arrives (please subscribe)

In Yinghai City, Liang Ji was driving a speed car in the city, and he could already clearly feel the difference in the atmosphere.

The people walking around the city and the speeding cars seemed to be more hurried than before, and everyone's faces looked more dignified.

Some of the shops, companies, etc. on some streets are taking the opportunity to purchase various materials, resources, and treasures, while others are selling goods in a big way, preparing to close their shops and run away.

Inspection teams and even garrison teams began to appear on important streets, intersections, and key locations in the city, guarding these places and monitoring the passing of people and speeding cars.

In the sky of the city, stars appeared from time to time and intertwined into a network, looming in the sky.

Several starship teams flew into the air and cruised in the sky of Yinghai City, monitoring the inside and outside of the city.

At the same time, in the direction of the Yinghai Academy in the city, in the direction of the central government of the Star Territory, and in the locations of some large corporate organizations such as the Yinghai Chamber of Commerce, starlight emerged, forming formations and bans, suppressing them everywhere in the city. Monitoring the inside and outside of the city.

The entire Yinghai City is like a huge war machine and fairy weapon, which is being fully activated at this time.

A tense war atmosphere has begun to spread quickly inside and outside the city.

For Yinghai City and the Yinghai Star Region, the black hole's outbreak period is a fierce war that must be taken seriously.

Soon, Liang Ji's flying car arrived at the airport in the city.

The entrance and exit of Yinghai City is managed here. Whether they are people arriving or leaving by starship, or people teleported to and from the 'Star Gate', they all meet and enter and leave here.

When Liang Ji came here, he obviously saw that the flow of people here had increased tenfold compared to the past.

This increased flow of people is not only because a large number of people in Yinghai City choose to leave at this time, but also because many people choose to come to Yinghai City and enter Yinghai City at this time.

Those who chose to leave were basically speculators who were attracted by the active period of the Yinghai black hole in the early stage. They wanted to make a fortune while the black hole was active. Now that the black hole has entered the explosive period early, these speculators have chosen to leave.

And those who came at this time were undoubtedly coming for the black hole explosion period in Yinghai.

They are willing to contribute to the war to suppress the outbreak of the Yinghai black hole, and although the black hole outbreak period is more dangerous, the harvest can also be greater and more.

In the black hole during the explosion period, there are more broken and destroyed stars, and more void monsters that can be killed. There are even some special products and resources during the black hole explosion period, which are very precious and will also attract some people who are confident enough and want to. A powerful mid-level or even high-level monk who wants to seize more resources and wealth.

Therefore, there are also many people who choose to come to Yinghai City at this time.

The flow of people has increased significantly, but the various inspections in the airport have become more stringent and cumbersome.

After all, this is also the time when evil organizations and cultivators are more likely to sneak in, create chaos and attack.

Liang Ji came to the airport in a flying car at this time, not to prepare to leave, but to pick up people.

After they left Captain Wang Huaihua's starship and returned mentally and consciously, Liang Ji was still thinking about several plans proposed by Captain Wang Huaihua and considering his options.

However, he received a spiritual message from senior Ge Yuanchao. He, senior Chen Zhao, and junior Liu Xu were preparing to come to Yinghai City to join him.

Therefore, Liang Ji came to the airport to greet Senior Ge and the others.

After waiting for a moment, he saw Ge Yuanchao and three others walking out of the airport.

Senior Ge Yuanchao, junior Liu Xu, and Liang Ji have all met in person, so they naturally know each other.

Accompanying the two of them was a tall, muscular man, none other than Senior Chen Zhao.

Senior Chen Zhao and another senior Bian Yujiao had been exploring and developing stars in star fields outside the Star Alliance, and were not part of the Star Alliance.

Liang Ji only communicated with them in the mentor's spiritual message group. This was the first time he actually met Senior Chen Zhao.

He immediately went up to them and greeted the three of them: "Senior Chen, Senior Ge, and Junior Liu."

When they saw Liang Ji, the three of them also came up to him and greeted each other.

Senior Ge Yuanchao still had a soothing smile and said: "Junior Liang, you have made Yinghai City your home in the past two years. I have never seen you return to Kunlun Star Palace even though you have been here."

"I usually want to hang out with you but can't find anyone."

Liang Ji immediately replied with a smile: "Senior Ge, don't be surprised. You already told me that I will take charge of Yinghai City. As a half-landowner, I will naturally entertain you well when you come. We will definitely have a good gathering this time!"

Ge Yuanchao smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

Senior Chen Zhao on the side said with a smile: "It has been more than three years since Junior Liang joined the tutor. I have been busy working in the field and have not been able to come back."

"This time we finally meet offline."

As he spoke, he took out a jade box and handed it over, saying, "I can finally make up for this meeting gift."

Liang Ji didn't refuse when he saw this. He took the jade box without opening it and looked at it. He put it away and said with a smile: "Thank you, Senior Chen. Please take care of Senior Chen in the future."

Chen Zhao also smiled and said: "Everyone takes care of each other."

Finally, Junior Liu Xu stood aside. He still had no intention of calling Senior Liang Ji, but he asked curiously: "Liang Ji, how was your time at the Yinghai Black Cave? It was fun to hunt down the Void Demon Clan and harvest the broken and destroyed stars. Is there much gain? "

After saying that, he sighed: "It's a pity that my second-order dependents have just been cultivated. I am planning to come here to play in two months to see what the black hole is like during its active period."

"But I didn't expect that this Yinghai black hole suddenly entered the explosive stage from the active stage!"

Liu Xu is different from Liang Ji. He is an exchange student between the Kunlun Star Palace and the Wanxiang Star Palace. It is the Red Jade Instructor and his mother who want to combine the strengths of the two families to cultivate a stronger family development plan.

Therefore, Liang Ji decided on the development direction of the second-level family members early on and cultivated the bloodline of the Nine Dragon Sons. The second-level family members had already taken shape, and now most of their development has been completed.

However, Liu Xu's development direction and training model for the second-order family members have been under experimentation and research by Instructor Akama and his mother, and it seems that they were only initially finalized more than a year ago.

Therefore, Liu Xu's second-level family training was much later than Liang Ji's.

Liang Ji listened to the other party's words and said with a smile: "It's not bad. I gained a lot, especially I made some friends."

"Although Senior Brother Liu has not caught up with the active period of the Yinghai Black Hole, hasn't he caught up with this explosive period? I believe that with Senior Brother Liu's strength, he will gain a lot."

Several people got on the flying car while talking, drove away from the airport area, and flew towards the restaurant that Liang Ji had arranged in the city.

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