The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 238 The natal magic weapon shows its power (please subscribe)

The demonic fire quickly devoured all flesh and blood, completely engulfing the soul of the evil cultivator, turning it into a ferocious demonic soul.

The demon soul roared miserably and suddenly rushed toward Liang Ji and the others.

Senior Chen did not take action at this time, but said: "Xuedi Liang, this time you take action, don't use your family members, just take action yourself, let me see your methods."

Liang Ji did not refuse when he heard this, and said: "Then please give me more advice, senior."

As he spoke, his natal magical weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower', had been sacrificed, floating on the top, and a large piece of black and yellow light hung down to protect him first.

Senior Chen Zhao looked at him and nodded slightly.

Then, the pagoda rotated, and the black and yellow light came out of it, directly towards the ferocious demon soul that was rushing towards it.

The black-yellow light emitted by Liang Ji's natal magical weapon also has the power to break spells. Even after the mutation of the dragon soul bloodline, the black-yellow light's spell-breaking effect is even better than that of the 'xuanyu' inherited from the 'Yu Zi Lineage' The general spell-breaking effect of Nine Transformations is several points stronger.

That demon soul was originally transformed by the soul of a seventh-grade ghost cultivator. After being demonized, it would be even more powerful. That is to say, the heavy damage caused by Senior Chen Zhao's attack had to be dealt with first. Otherwise, the demon soul generated by such demonization would not be able to directly break through the seventh-grade, Reached the sixth level.

Although it has not broken through the realm at this time, this demon soul definitely has the ultimate seventh-level combat power.

And Liang Ji is now only at the eighth level of cultivation, which is one level lower than the Demon Soul.

But Star Lord monks are always invincible against monks from other sects of the same level, and can fight across levels.

The black and yellow light brushed on the demon soul, immediately destroying the demonic energy and burning demonic fire wrapped around it. Like a hot knife cutting through butter, it cut into the demon soul, severely injuring it and knocking it back. It almost didn't cut into pieces on the spot. .

However, the Demonic Cultivators of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace have been able to develop to this day despite being constantly wanted and hunted by the Star Alliance. In addition to their inextricable connections with the Ghost Cultivating Tradition, they naturally also have certain means and strength of their own.

The demon soul was severely injured by the black and yellow light, and was almost cut in half. However, the demon fire burned in the severely injured demon soul, and the severely injured demon soul was repaired strangely and quickly. The huge wound split by the black and yellow light It was healed in a blink of an eye.

The demon soul, which had recovered from the demonic fire, roared ferociously again and flew toward Liang Ji.

Liang Ji couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly as he watched. The suspended magic weapon 'Xuanhuang Pagoda' on the top was spinning, and another large piece of Xuanhuang light came out, brushing towards the demon soul.

Only this time, facing the incoming mysterious and yellow light, a large amount of demonic energy and demonic fire suddenly burst out from the demon soul, and it actively collided with the approaching incoming mysterious and yellow light.

Although these bursts of demonic energy and demonic fire were all wiped out by the black and yellow light in the blink of an eye.

But under their cover, the demon soul seemed to flicker and move, rushing across a large distance in an instant, directly impacting in front of Liang Ji, and hitting the large piece of black and yellow light hanging down from the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower'.


The demon soul roared and roared, and its body was burning with demonic fire. It had burned most of itself, leaving only a small part of its body.

Obviously, the opponent's teleportation-like impact speed was not free, but was obtained by burning most of himself.

But at this time, the demon soul was still burning itself fiercely, burning the remaining half of the body, only to turn into the strongest attack, blasting through the protection of the 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower', and attacking Liang Ji.

On the top of Liang Ji, the natal magical weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' was rotating, and suddenly large pieces of thunder and fire, ice, astral wind, golden sword energy, etc. struck down, immediately drowning the burning demon soul.

These are his dependents. The bloodline magical powers and magical powers mastered by the Nine Sons' bloodline. In the process of worshiping and refining the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda' day and night, their bloodline powers, magical powers, etc. are gradually integrated into the pagoda. middle.

At this time, under Liang Ji's urging, the various attacks that broke out were no less powerful than the magical power of the bloodline of the Familia.

The burning demonic fire and demonic soul were quickly destroyed and annihilated under the bombardment of the black-yellow light and various bloodline magical powers.

Just when the last bit of demon fire and demon soul were about to be annihilated, they suddenly collapsed inward, and a jet-black ray burst out from it, which actually broke through the engulfment of the bloodline magical power and penetrated the black-yellow light hanging down from the pagoda. Shoot directly at Liang Ji.

Due to the sudden change, senior Chen Zhao immediately intervened to stop him.

But at this moment, Liang Ji's figure suddenly shrank rapidly and he directly avoided the jet-black ray.

Then it quickly returned to its original size.

Bloodline magical power, big and small!

When Liang Ji completed the first-level star master ninth-grade body training, after the tenth time of marrow cleansing and blood exchange, he was influenced by the bloodline of the family and mastered the power of this bloodline magical power.

However, he has always relied on his family members to fight and fight, but he rarely has the opportunity to take action. Naturally, the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi" is rarely used.

Dang Liang Ji never relaxed his practice and mastery of this bloodline magical power. After all, it was not only a powerful means of fighting, but also a powerful means of evasion and life-saving.

Senior Chen Zhao had already extinguished the jet-black ray. He looked at Liang Ji and nodded slightly, saying: "The magical weapon is good, and the magical power is also good!"

"It seems that you have trained your family well."

"It's just that your own combat experience is still lacking."

Senior Chen Zhao said in a deep voice: "Although our star masters have dependents who can help fight and fight, basically all battles can be carried out by the dependents without having to take action ourselves."

"But what I want to tell you is that in the Star Alliance, there is a 'Zhoutian Star Array' to protect and help you, so there is no problem for you to do this."

"But when you step out of the Star Alliance, step out of the envelope and protection range of the 'Celestial Star Array', and enter the outer sea of ​​stars to explore and fight."

"You yourself are often the biggest weakness of the Familia."

"In the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, the enemy will try their best to attack you. As long as they kill you, they will naturally be able to break the siege of the Familia."

"Every year, in the outer star sea, there are star master monks who are defeated and killed by the enemy, resulting in failure or even death."

"Therefore, the Star Alliance has always required two paths to go hand in hand in the cultivation of star masters. One is the cultivation and development of the natal stars and dependents, from level one to level nine."

"The other one is the cultivation of the star master's own body, from ninth-level body refining to first-level heavenly immortal."

"The purpose is to leave no weaknesses."

Senior Chen said, then turned to Liang Ji and said: "You obviously have insufficient combat experience now. This is also a problem for many Star Lords in the Star Alliance. You can find ways to improve your combat experience in the future."

"It doesn't matter how strong your own combat power is. At least you must have enough experience in self-protection and life-saving. Don't let yourself become the weakness of the family members."

Liang Ji listened thoughtfully, nodded and said, "Yes, thank you, senior, for your guidance."

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