The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 239 Tier 7 Starship (please subscribe)

Under the shroud of the innate spiritual treasure ‘Zhoutian Star Formation’, the Star Alliance occupies absolute momentum and superiority.

The same is true in Yinghai City.

When these evil cultivators are exposed, no matter how many methods, preparations, and arrangements they have, they will be crushed to pieces by the Star Lord forces in Yinghai City, and they will not even be able to cause much damage or harm.

Unless these evil cultivators have been hiding in the dark without being discovered, they may be able to cause some damage and threaten the Star Alliance and the Star Lord forces at critical moments.

But at this time, those evil cultivators who rushed into Yinghai City were killed without even a splash.

Liang Ji was actually the last one to suppress the intruders.

Seeing that they had killed the demon cultivators here, a small team flew out from the inspection team of Yinghai City that was surrounded in the distance to meet them at the scene. The rest of the inspection team continued to inspect various parts of the city to eliminate potential potential demon cultivators. Enemies, stabilize people's hearts and order.

On the side of Liang Ji and others, Senior Chen Zhao directly handed over the coordination matters to Senior Ge Yuanchao. The gentle and gentle Senior Ge was indeed good at handling and communicating with these matters, and by virtue of their status as students of Kunlun Star Palace, they were able to inspect the team. There wasn’t much fuss.

Soon, Liang Ji and others' speed car continued to set off. Apart from tighter security and inspections along the way, there were no other changes.

When they arrived at Liang Ji's residence, Senior Chen Zhao said: "Yinghai City has begun to eliminate potential threats. It seems that the depths of the black hole should have erupted, and fighting and fighting have begun."

"Junior Liang, if you have anything to pack, I'll take you to see something nice."

Liang Ji was a little curious when he heard this and immediately agreed.

In fact, although he has lived here for more than two years, he doesn't have much to pack.

The foundation of the Star Lord's practice is on the natal stars. Basically, all his useful and precious things are placed in the natal stars.

So it was quickly completed.

Then, Senior Chen Zhao took them straight to Yinghai City Airport.

This place had just been attacked, at the time when the ban was at its most stringent.

However, after Liang Ji and others showed their identification marks from Kunlun Star Palace, they were allowed to pass through.

Soon, they arrived at the airport and found that half of the area had been reduced to ruins, which was obviously caused by the previous siege and killing of those evil cultivators.

Although Yinghai City is strong enough to easily kill these exposed evil cultivators, as the starting point of the battle, where those evil cultivators launch attacks and resist most suddenly and directly, it will still inevitably cause some damage and damage. .

At this time, on top of those ruins, there were some monks, family members, and even many automatically operating magic weapons, quickly repairing formations, restrictions, and rebuilding the buildings in the airport.

Senior Chen Zhao took them, quickly went through the formalities, boarded an airship in the intact area of ​​the airport, flew directly out of Yinghai City, and flew towards the outer void and black hole field.

To be honest, this is the first time Liang Ji has viewed Yinghai City from the perspective of space outside Yinghai City in more than two years since he came to Yinghai City.

The huge Yinghai City is surrounded by seven star-like acropolis, or 'satellites'.

They are not only the defensive force of Yinghai City, but also part of Yinghai City's power to suppress the black hole.

At this time, these seven 'satellite' cities were very busy, with various battleship teams coming in and out. A small part flew to the outer area of ​​the black hole, but most of them flew towards the depth of the black hole.

At this time, Senior Chen Zhao took them on an airship and flew towards one of the 'satellite' cities, and a huge starship also flew out of the 'satellite' city.

The huge starship looked like it was carved out of red jade. The formations and restricted operations on it gathered together to form a huge red vertical eye above the starship, from which a red jade light shot out.

"Whoever comes, please accept verification!"

There was a sound coming from the huge starship.

Senior Chen Zhao said at this time: "This is the starship sent by the instructor, a seventh-level starship."

"Everyone will take out the student orders given by the instructor and accept verification by the starship."

As he spoke, he took out a red jade token and threw it into the red light emitted from the red vertical eye above the starship.

When Liang Ji saw this, he also took out a red jade token and threw it out.

This was given to me by my mentor Akadama when I first met him.

The red light scanned the jade tokens of the four people and successfully passed the verification.

"Verification passed, Chen Zhao, Ge Yuanchao, Liang Ji, Liu Xu, Chiyue III Type 08 starship, welcome to land."

A welcome sound came from the starship, and the red light led the airship with several people directly into the starship.

Entering the starship, a red jade light appeared in front of everyone, manifesting a light curtain of the command platform. A red light flew out from it and fell on Chen Zhao's hand. The voice continued: "According to the order of the red jade star master, Chen Zhao is the deputy commander of this starship operation."

"Captain Chen Zhao, please give the order."

The red light fell on Chen Zhao's hand and turned into a red jade talisman. Senior Chen Zhao seemed to be familiar with this. He directly refined the red jade talisman and then ordered:

"The starship is activated, targeting the seventh-level demon zone of the Yinghai Black Hole!"

A voice came from the control light curtain: "Confirmation of command, target Yinghai Black Hole Seventh Level Demon Zone."


Chen Zhao confirmed the order.

"Copy that! Set sail now!"

A voice came from the light curtain.

Then, the starship flew directly away from the 'satellite' city of Yinghai City and flew directly towards the depths of the black hole.

Senior Chen Zhao said to Liang Ji and the others: "This starship was specially sent by Master Chiyu. The purpose is to allow us to take advantage of the black hole explosion in the Yinghai Sea to go deep into the black hole and see something. The real battlefield between the Fan Star Alliance and the Void Monster Clan.”

As he spoke, he led a few people towards the top of the starship. As he walked, he said, "Junior Liang, I have been hunting the Void Demon Clan here in the Yinghai Black Cave for more than two years. What do you think of those Void Demon Clan?"

Hearing this, Liang Ji pondered: "Although I have been here for more than two years, I have basically come into contact with first- and second-order void demon clans, all of which are low-level void demon clans. Although there are many in number, I feel that their combat power is limited."

Senior Chen Zhao nodded slightly when he heard this and said: "It seems that your understanding is quite clear. Next, I will take you to see the methods of the intermediate and high-level Void Monster Clan."

"Let you understand why in high school, your teacher told you that the Void Monster Tribe is one of the biggest enemies of our Star Lord."

"Originally, Master Akadama should have led you to do this."

"Senior Bian and I, as well as several seniors and seniors who have graduated in the past, have also followed their mentors and experienced deep black holes."

"It's just that now, Master Akadema's cultivation practice is at a critical stage, so I will be the one to lead the team this time."

While they were talking, several people had arrived on the top floor of the mentor's seventh-tier starship. There was a cabin here. Liang Ji and the others were in the cabin and could clearly see the scene outside the starship.

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